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0 Views · 9 months ago

Africa Business Weekly on CNBC Africa brings you the most impactful business stories across sub-Saharan Africa every week. From the capital markets to economic news affecting the regions from East, West ad Southern Africa, we will speak to the major newsmakers from across the sub-Saharan Africa region to get exciting and unique angles to the stories shaping the continent.

0 Views · 9 months ago

William Moseley, an Africanist professor at Macalester College, discusses China’s Green Revolution in relation to African agricultural initiatives in the present day. He debunks the myth of the Chinese Green Revolution and describes the ways that this purported success has been used as a political tool to argue for a China-style transformation of African agricultural systems.

1. (0:00) Preliminary Remarks

2. (0:52) Introduction to the topic

3. (5:46) The Chinese Green Revolution narrative (1m 26s in the edited version)
The Great Famine of 1958-61 (5:58) (1m 37s in the edited version)
Response (6:37) (1m 51s in the edited version)
The opening up of China (7:26) (2m 40s in the edited version)
The exchange of Green Revolution technology with the West (7:46) (3m 4s in the edited version)
Becoming the world’s largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizers (8:03) (3m 22s in the edited version)
Reform of China’s agricultural sector (8:37) (3m 49s in the edited version)
Firing from the bottom strategy (11:06) (6m 19s in the edited version)
Poverty reduction (12:01) (7m 12s in the edited version)
The Chinese Example (12:25) (7m 35s in the edited version)

4. (13:10) The Counter-Narrative (8m 20s in the edited version)
Joshua Muldavin’s perspective (13:26) (8m 35s in the edited version)
The surge in production has a different root (14:20) (9m 47s in the edited version)
Overuse of chemical fertilizers and soil acidification (15:48) (10m 26s in the edited version)

5. (16:51) Deploying the China Narrative in an African context (11m 56s in the edited version)
Post-global food crisis (17:06) (12m 8s in the edited version)
Synergy with Chinese interests (18:19) (13m 16s in the edited version)
Chinese aid over the past fifty years (20:12)
United States aid (28:03)
The 2008 global food crisis (29:57) (14m 57s in the edited version)
The impact on the urban poor (31:22) (16m 16s in the edited version)
Effects of the food crisis (31:46) (16m 40s in the edited version)

6. (33:12) The situation in Mali (18m 6s in the edited version)
Ban on grain exports (33:54) (18m 45s in the edited version)
Removal of import tariffs (34:20) (19m 12s in the edited version)
NERICA rice initiative (34:46) (19m 29s in the edited version)
The Malibya Project in the Office du Niger (40:11) (24m 46s in the edited version)
A brief history of the imperial projects in the region (40:31)
Where China comes in (42:22)
How this project has been sold to the Malian people (47:05)

7. (48:02) Conclusion (30m 56s in the edited version)
Does the Chinese green revolution narrative work for Africa? (48:10)
Parallels with structural adjustment (48:23) (31m 8s in the edited version)
Benefits to outsiders (49:25) (32m 10s in the edited version)
What not to do (50:16) (32m 58s in the edited version)

8. (51:08) Why doesn’t China grow its own food?
“Pretty tapped out” (52:22)
Increasing trends toward industrialization (53:06)

9. (53:23) Does urbanization affect agricultural demand?
Increase in food demand is directly tied to urbanization (54:23)
A big force driving these concerns (54:49)
Feeding animals (55:04)
Alarm bells (55:42)

10. (56:01) How urbanized is Mali?
Bamako is one of the fastest urbanizing cities on Earth (56:05)
The push factors behind this urbanization are stronger than the pull factors (56:28)
70% of Mali’s population is rural (57:06)

11. (57:28) What is the role of labor in current development?
Labor-intensive development projects (58:25)
A shift towards having skilled labor imported from China (59:12)

12. (1:00:10) What coming conflicts do you see over water in Mali?
The geographical positioning of Bamako (1:01:23)
Primary reasons for constructing dams (1:01:42)
Energy needs are a bigger issue (1:01:55)

13. (1:02:30) Could you elaborate on the biointensive route? (33m 44s in the edited version)
Concerns with the new Green Revolution approach (1:02:56) (33m 44s in the edited version)
Biointensive agriculture (1:04:26) (33m 46s in the edited version)
Issues of production (1:05:23) (34m 43s in the edited version)
A need for governmental and scientific support (1:05:51) (35m 8s in the edited version)

14. (1:06:42) Do we show the government the error of their ways or educate the local people to empower them for change? (38m 8s in the edited version)
“A nuanced, hybrid approach” (1:07:47) (38m 10s in the edited version)
The problem (1:08:07) (38m 23s in the edited version)
The negative narrative (1:08:26) (38m 40s in the edited version)
A better way to operate (1:09:24) (39m 42s in the edited version)

15. (1:10:01) What can we learn from successful Green Revolutions? (36m 1s in the edited version)
The Green Revolution was problematic everywhere (1:10:41) (36m 4s in the edited version)
Replicating the flaws of the first Green Revolution (1:11:51) (37m 5s in the edited version)
Regarding the Zimbabwe Case (1:12:05) (37m 29s in the edited version)

16. (1:12:52) What about foreign-direct investment?

0 Views · 9 months ago

“We have an archaic idea of what family is,” says Brooks in a new episode of The Idea File. The nuclear family unit, Brooks argues, is a privilege of the wealthy. Across the world, 38 percent of people still live with extended family. And over the past half-century, the share of people living alone in America has doubled. The nuclear family is no longer the norm—and it should no longer be the ideal.

For more, read Brooks’s article, “The Nuclear Family Was a Mistake":

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0 Views · 9 months ago

We give an introductory overview of the Africa continent for UK exporters - a massive continent full of diverse cultures and markets.

Richard Zurba (Zurcom International) discusses growth in the region and gives a snapshot of the South Africa market.

Ian Gray (Egypt Britain Business Council) shares his insights into one of the UK's top markets on the continent in Egypt.

Manny Ajuwon (Oreed Group) discusses opportunities for UK businesses in West Africa.

Natalia Debzcak-Debski (Department for International Trade) also gave an overview of government support for UK businesses looking to sell into. However, we've been asked to edit out her presentation. We have included one of the slides from her presentation which gives a summary of the support available.

Open to Export webinars are powered by the Institute of Export & International Trade – the UK’s only professional body representing international trade, recognised by the World Trade Organisation and the International Chamber of Commerce as a ‘Small Business Champion’.

Catch up with all of our webinars at

0 Views · 9 months ago

In this video we travelled to see my mom in The Gambia after 5yrs in Netherlands.We miss her so so so much and I was so happy we saw each other again and she saw the girls too.

in The Gambia is where I am born and raised.I love it so so much and I was super excited we travelled in January 2023 to see my mom.

The Gambia is so beautiful,amazing and the people are so so friendly,nice,welcoming,entertaining and that’s why it’s called the smiling coast of West Africa.

The Gambia is surrounded by Senegal at three sides and The Gambia has a population of 2.8 million people.The Gambia has lots of hotels,shopping centre and supermarkets,fun parks etc etc.

The Gambia is one is one of the tourist holiday destination during winter time and to fly to The Gambia from The Netherlands or United Kingdom is only 6hrs by flight.

My mom cooked lunch for us the next day and it’s a typical Gambian food called Yassa(Grilled fish) and it was so so delicious.

We enjoyed and had fun at Djembe Hotel and it’s one of the most beautiful hotels in The Gambia.They have a nice pool and next to the hotel is a beach which is so amazing as well.

#travelvlog #traveltoTheGambia #holidayinTheGambia #holiday #vacay #gambia #gambiavlog #corendon

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2 Views · 9 months ago

#pte #pteinternationalseasons #universityofpécs #africa #migration
-scroll down for English-

Afrikai migrációs folyamatok, afrikai diaszpóra
Prof. Dr. Tarrósy István egyetemi tanár (PTE BTK); igazgató (PTE Nemzetközi Igazgatóság; PTE Afrika Kutatóközpont) előadása

Az előadás történeti kontextusban tekinti át az afrikai vándorlásokat és azok következményeit lokális, térségi és globális értelemben. A globalizáció egyik kitüntetett vizsgálódási terepeként szolgáló nemzetközi migrációs folyamatokban hosszú ideje az afrikaiak is természetesen részt vesznek, az afrikai területek és közösségek is érintettek. Az előadás a leegyszerűsítő nézetekkel és kijelentésekkel szemben kínál tényeken és terepi kutatások eredményein nyugvó higgadt elemzést az afrikai migráció sokszínű és összetett valóságáról. Hangsúlyosan foglalkozik az afrikai diaszpórával, különösen a posztkommunista térségekben élő afrikai közösségekkel.
Az előadás magyar nyelvű.

A borítókép Arushában (Tanzánia) készült 2017 novemberében.
A felvétel 2022. október 20-án készült Pécsett, a Művészetek és Irodalom Házában.

African migration processes, African diaspora
Hungarian lecture with English subtitle by Prof. Istvan Tarrosy (director, International Centre of the University of Pécs; director, Africa Research Centre of the University of Pécs)

The lecture examines African migrations in a historical context and their consequences in a local, regional and global sense. For a long time, Africans have been involved in the international migration processes, which serve as one of the distinguished study areas of globalization, and African territories and communities are also affected. In contrast to simplistic views and statements, the presentation offers a calm analysis of the diverse and complex reality of African migration, based on facts and the results of field research. The emphasis is placed on the African diaspora, particularly African communities in post-communist regions.
The lecture will be held in Hungarian.
The cover photo was made in Arusha (Tansania) in 2017

The lecture was held in 20 October 2022 in the House of Arts and Literature, in Pécs, Hungary.

0 Views · 9 months ago

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0 Views · 9 months ago

In South Africa, wildlife experts and the police are waging an ugly war against greedy rhino poaching syndicates. But many animal lovers who care deeply about protecting the rhino for future generations, say they are determined to fight poaching in a more positive fashion, through the arts.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

We discuss the "Cuties controversy," Edo State elections, a possible 3rd term for Alassane Ouattara, social media regulation in Uganda, and Akua Donkor. Join us for This Week, a program that discusses the week in news from popular culture to politics.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Pigeon Meting 🔥🕊🔥 || #shorts #pigeon #trending

0 Views · 9 months ago

A new online platform in South Africa is offering a digital market place for uniquely Africa products. Madunga provides crafters from across the continent entry to the online e-commerce market by promoting and selling the products to the global community. The platform is already gaining momentum in Cape Town where more than 30 vendors have signed up. CTGN's Travers Andrews has this report.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Launched in September 2021, the latest series of “Talking Africa-Europe” will broadcast live on a monthly basis with a strategic focus is on the centrality of cities and city leadership within a strengthened Africa-Europe partnership.


0:00 Introduction
4:50 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
10:58 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa Europe Foundation
11:42 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
15:00 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
17:30 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
21:22 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
21:36 Nadja El Fertasi, CEO/Founder Thrive with EQ and Emotional Intelligence Consultant
22:53 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation

23:51 Gaokgakala Sobatha, Mo Ibrahim Fellow 2021, Principal Urban Planner of Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development of Botswana, Lobatse Town Council
26:22 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
27:14 Giuseppe Mistretta, Director of Sub-Saharan Africa at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
30:32 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
31:14 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
37:44 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation

38:17 Sandra Kramer, Director of EU-AU relations, West and East Africa, European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)
42:45 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation

44:33 Nour Moman, Zero Waste Libya
46:16 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
47:26 Chantelle Boduel, EU Advocacy Officer at Global Health Advocates
48:00 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
49:15 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
55:50 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
56:30 Alieu Jallow, Founder of Young Entrepreneurs Association and Startup Incubator Gambia
58:33 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
59:15 Johannes Backhaus, Goethe Institute
1:00:19 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation

1:01:05 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
1:06:27 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
1:09:27 Sandra Kramer, Director of EU-AU relations, West and East Africa, European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO)
1:11:09 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation
1:11:45 Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE, Mayor of Freetown, Member of the Africa-Europe Foundation High-Level Group of Personalities and Vice-Chair of the C40 Cities Steering Committee
1:14:50 Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow at the Africa-Europe Foundation


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0 Views · 9 months ago

A diverse panel debates the root of colorism and its impact today. From public health to appropriation, from social media to skin bleaching, this across-the-aisle conversation will challenge the way you think about race.

Watch the full episode here:

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0 Views · 9 months ago

TIDI, with the support of the African Ambassadors in Ireland recently hosted its fifth annual celebration of Africa Day on Friday the 24th of May at Trinity College Dublin. This successful morning conference titled 'Africa Rising: New Paradigms of Development in Post 2015 Africa' highlighted successful case studies and movements coming out of Africa in the realm of health, economics, green economy and human rights. The event's success was ensured by the distinguished guest speakers and officials who provided insightful, thought provoking and engaging presentations in each of their fields.

Minister Joe Costello: Minister of State for Trade and Development
Prof. Adrian Hill: The Jenner Institute
Mr Adewale Soyingbe: Director, EMEA Trade, Citi Europe plc, Dublin
Mr. Dereje Agonafir Habtewold: Director, Environmental Units Program Directorate, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority
Prof. Martina Hennessy: Chair of TIDI, Consulting Physician, School of Medicine, TCD
Mr. Vinay Nair: Head of International Business Development, Acumen
Prof. Padraig Carmody: Department of Geography, TCD
Prof. Attracta Ingram: UCD School of politics & international relations
H.E. Paramente Phamotse: Ambassador of Lesotho to Ireland

0 Views · 9 months ago

Apart from certain countries such as South Africa, Africa has relatively low per-capita Covid-19 infection rates compared with other parts of the world. But the economic and health challenges are significant because of the continent’s relatively less developed economies and infrastructure.

As the pandemic continues to ravage the world, what policy responses should African governments take to secure livelihoods and economic recovery while containing the virus? Besides debt relief from the World Bank and other multilateral institutions, what else could be done to provide the fiscal space to help African countries survive and thrive in the post-pandemic world? How do geopolitics, particularly the US-China strategic competition, affect Africa’s fight against the pandemic?

Join AsiaGlobal Fellows Charity Amayaenvbo (Nigeria), George Lwanda (South Africa), Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu (Zimbabwe) and Kadidia Konare (Mali) as they offer on-the-ground insights on Africa’s Covid-19 responses.

All are welcome. The webinar will be conducted in English only.

Charity Amayaenvbo from Nigeria, 2019 AsiaGlobal Fellow, Executive Director, Income Tax, Edo State Internal Revenue Service, Nigeria
George Lwanda from South Africa, 2018 AsiaGlobal Fellow, Senior Strategist and Head of the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office in The Gambia
Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu from Zimbabwe, 2020/2021 AsiaGlobal Fellow, Technical Officer, Faculty of Humanities, Rhodes University

Kadidia Konare from Mali, 2020/2021 AsiaGlobal Fellow, Senior Investment Officer – Asia Infrastructure Department, IFC/World Bank Group

AGI x AGF webinar series:
An intellectual exchange platform for AsiaGlobal Fellows globally to interact with the leadership of the Asia Global Institute and the institute's network of experts on important global policy issues. All are welcome.

0 Views · 9 months ago

SVTV Africa The latest News, Social Issues, Entertainment And Sports from Across Africa Subscribe for more! Kindly Subscribe To Join The Family For More !!
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0 Views · 9 months ago

Lately, there has been a a rapid rise in crimes in The Gambia and a lot of people currently feel unsafe. Just last week, about 3 different organized crimes happened in the greater Banjul area alone. There was a broad day light armed robbery, the house on an Imam in Pipeline was burned down and the house of a top UK based Gambian business man was broken into. As a result, The Lutakh Gambia du dem show yesterday engaged David Kujabi, the Public Relations Officer of The Gambia Police Force on key issues affecting the country especially in the area of Security.

According to the Police P.R.O of The Gambia Police Force, "This thing needs to be looked at holistically. Let us not just sit back and say that there's a lot of crimes happening. Are we asking out the questions as to why are people engaging in crimes? Unless we sit back and answer these questions, saying that the police is not doing much or is not doing their nothing is not going to help anybody at all. "

He further cited the lack of unemployment as a potential cause for the increase in the crime rate in the country.

When questioned about whether there has been an increase in the crime rate in the country since January of 2017 when President Barrow took office till now or has it decreased or at the same level, Kujabi said
"Since I do not have the statistics, for now I can't say authoritatively but then even the lay man would notice that there has been some kind of a rise in crime. How much it has risen, I can't say for certain.
When further challenged as to why he does not have the statistics, Mr. Kujabi said "the question about whether there is a rise in crimes in The Gambia since December 2016 to now, like I said, I have answered either questions, I do have statistics that I can quote right now but from a lay man's point of view, there seems to be a rise in crimes. Isn't that answer enough for you?"

Mr Kujabi closed by saying : " I know that times are hard right now and some people will tend to despair, but if anything at all, this is the time when we should come together. The problems we are facing in The Gambia right now are not desirable. Crimes specially is not something we want in our country and if we want to have them stopped, we should come together and work as Gambia and not put it entirely in the hands of the police which is heavily under resourced." He concluded

0 Views · 9 months ago

On this episode of Fashion Insider, Jemima Osunde sits with Creative Director of Adire Lounge, Cynthia Tule - Okochu and they discuss the business of making Adire fabric in Nigeria. Enjoy.

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