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0 Views · 9 months ago

Dayo Olopade, Journalist/Author “Bright Continent”

Dayo Olopade speaks, writes, and works on issues relating to Africa, technology, media and development. Dayo Olopade is a Nigerian-American journalist. She began her career at The New Republic, where she covered the 2008 presidential primaries and general election. She covered the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency as Washington correspondent for The Root, and the second year as a reporter for The Daily Beast. She has been a Fellow at the New America Foundation, a United Nations Foundation Journalism Fellow, and a visiting scholar with the Rockefeller Foundation. Her work has also appeared in print and online at The American Prospect, The Atlantic, Democracy, Foreign Policy, The Guardian, The Nation, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

In 2010, Dayo moved to Nairobi and over the next two years, traveled through 17 African countries in search of a new narrative for Africa. The end result was a book that asks the world to reimagine the region’s challenges as opportunities to innovate: The Bright Continent: Breaking Rules and Making Change in Modern Africa. Dayo has also helped to build a new mobile app for the New York Times: NYT Now. And co-founded Kanju Media, a company that empowers short form video creators across the African Diaspora. It supports individuals through strategic partnerships, skills development, and connects commercial companies to Africa’s mobile digital youth culture.

Dayo holds two degrees from Yale University: a BA in African Studies and a JD/MBA as a Knight Law and Media Scholar where she focused on technology policy and the information economy.


Recorded on May 9th, 2016 at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, CA, USA

0 Views · 9 months ago

The severity of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa could have been avoided had a global health security agenda been in place, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said at Georgetown.

0 Views · 9 months ago

In this webinar Becca Rowland, Partner, MIDAS Aviation is joined by John Grant, Chief Analyst, OAG with guest Ogaga Udjo, Managing Director, ZA Logics.

Can Airlines Navigate Their Way Out?

Quarantines, lockdowns, Covid-19 spikes and reluctant Government support is building a perfect storm for the airlines. Industry losses will exceed US$100 Billion, further fleet retirements are happening and thousands of jobs are at risk. Is there a way forward?

In this webinar we discuss:

- What measures are airlines taking to preserve cash?
- Should governments provide additional support?
- Can airlines and airports be planning ahead despite the current pain?
- What will characterise a resilient airline?
- Live Q&A

Recorded: 7 October 2020 (Afternoon)

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0 Views · 9 months ago

In 2014, as a newly trained physician, Soka Moses took on one of the toughest jobs in the world: treating highly contagious patients at the height of Liberia's Ebola outbreak. In this intense, emotional talk, he details what he saw on the frontlines of the crisis -- and reveals the challenges and stigma that thousands of survivors still face.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Acadiana Planning Commission (APC) hosted a virtual Opportunity Zone Asset Mapping Meeting for New Iberia, LA via Zoom on Thursday, August 6, 2020 from 12-1:30pm. We invited the community members of New Iberia to attend a brief presentation by APC and give their feedback about the assets of the community and what they would like to see in future economic development.

Utilizing a methodology called “Asset Mapping,” the specific goals are to:

- Establish the existing stock of the assets & capitals that constitute New Iberia’s current wealth.
- Determine the future desires of the community in terms of investment & development.
- Place the power of decision-making in the hands of the community members
- Discover the strength of individuals and their capacities in the community of New Iberia to create an action plan that local organizations and partnerships can use to spur action.
For information regarding the WealthWorks methodology, visit

This initiative is being led by Invest Acadiana, a partnership of One Acadiana, Acadiana Planning Commission, Lafayette Economic Development Authority, Downtown Development Authority, Lafayette Consolidated Government and Community Foundation of Acadiana with the common goal of advancing Acadiana’s opportunity zones. Feedback and information gathered during this meeting will be used to inform the New Iberia Opportunity Zone Prospectus being developed by APC.

More information regarding Opportunity Zones including examples of previously developed prospectuses in the Acadiana Region can be found at:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Anthony Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), focused on the Ebola outbreak at a National Press Club speaker luncheon on November 21, 2014. One of the world's leading experts in his field, Dr. Fauci has been swamped with requests by the media, medical community, and legislators for his views and guidance re the Ebola issue.

0 Views · 9 months ago

"Black Leadership in Advancing International Peace and Security:
How African Americans Have Impacted the Fields of Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding"

The formation of the United Nations. The crafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Responding to the Rwandan genocide. Advancing “cultural diplomacy” to thaw tensions during the Cold War. Defeating apartheid in South Africa. These are just a few of the transformative moments in history where Black voices were critically important. As we bridge from African American History Month in February to Women’s History Month in March, USIP shines a light on the life and legacy of Black men and women who have advanced international peace and security.

For generations African American men and women have been on the front lines of international conflict resolution efforts. While many of these contributions have been acknowledged, too many have been overlooked. In conversation with Ambassador Edward Perkins and Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield - two of America’s most prominent and accomplished African American foreign policy professionals - we take a look back at the historic contributions of African Americans like Ralph Bunche, Edith Sampson, and Dizzy Gillespie and how the legacy of their work continues to influence the strategies and approaches in diplomacy, foreign policy, and international peacebuilding today. We also take a look forward to how more African American men and women can pursue and thrive in the field of international conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Join us for this inspiring conversation live on Facebook.

For more information about this event, visit:


Daryn Cambridge, Moderator
Senior Program Officer, United States Institute of Peace

Ambassador Edward Perkins
Former Ambassador to Liberia (1985-1986), South Africa (1986-1989), the United Nations (1992-1993), Australia (1993-1996), Director General of the Foreign Service (1989-1992)

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield
Distinguished Resident Fellow in African Studies, Georgetown University, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (2013-2017), Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources (2012-2013), Former Ambassador to Liberia (2008-2012)

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The United States Institute of Peace works to prevent, mitigate, and resolve violent conflict around the world. USIP does this by engaging directly in conflict zones and by providing analysis, education, and resources to those working for peace. Created by Congress in 1984 as an independent, nonpartisan, federally funded organization, USIP’s more than 300 staff work at the Institute’s D.C. headquarters, and on the ground in the world’s most dangerous regions.

0 Views · 9 months ago

0:00 - Intro by Asha Mwilu (Citizen TV)
4:48 - Impressions on COVID stories in the region by Dayo Aiyetan (International Center for Investigative Reporting)
10:29 - Impressions on COVID coverage in South Africa by Mia Malan (Bhekisisa Centre of Health Journalism)
15:27 - Assessment on COVID coverage in the continent by Dr Peter Mwesige (African Center for Media Excellence)
19:20 - The most impactful stories on COVID by Joshua Olufemi (Dataphyte)
24:03 - Tips on how to cover COVID stories by Mia Malan (Bhekisisa Centre of Health Journalism)
42:40 - Data drive approach to covering COVID in Africa by Joshua Olufemi (Dataphyte)
1:00:10 - Ideas to get to the top layer of COVID stories by Dr Peter Mwesige (African Center for Media Excellence)
1:12:12 - Open source tools for reporting on COVID by Dayo Aiyetan (International Center for Investigative Reporting)
1:26:20 - Q&A with audience by Benon Herbert Oluka (GIJN)

GIJN's COVID-19 Resources:

Resources mentioned during the webinar:

Although the African continent so far has escaped the kind of death toll and sickness seen in Europe and the United States, in recent weeks infections have grown exponentially, raising concern that the region could become the world’s next pandemic epicenter, according to the World Health Organization. Experts warn that if not controlled, COVID-19’s impact could be devastating, overwhelming local health services and worsening regions already caught up in natural disasters and conflict.

Pandemic angles for Africa’s investigative journalists are plentiful, from medical readiness and response to crunching the data and following the money. But like their colleagues elsewhere, reporters there face extra challenges digging into the many issues affected by the pandemic: heavy-handed censorship, secretive officials, and threats of prosecution and even violence. Despite all this, some great COVID-19 stories and investigations are being published and broadcast on the continent.

In this latest of GIJN’s webinar series “Investigating the Pandemic: The Threat to Africa,“ experienced African journalists shared their assessment of the COVID-19 coverage to date, offered suggestions for future investigations, and shared their strategies, tips and tools to help journalists to investigate the most important pandemic stories on the continent.

Dayo Aiyetan is the Executive Director of the International Center for Investigative Reporting in Nigeria; Mia Malan, the Editor-in-Chief of the Bhekisisa Centre of Health Journalism in South Africa; Dr Peter Mwesige is the Executive Director of the African Centre for Media Excellence; and Joshua Olufemi is the founder of Nigeria-based Dataphyte.

The moderator of this webinar is Asha Mwilu, Special Projects Editor, Citizen TV, Kenya.

This one-hour webinar is free and designed for journalists interested in investigating the pandemic. It’s the eighth in a GIJN series, Investigating the Pandemic. Watch our Twitter feed @gijn and newsletter ( for future events.

The Global Investigative Journalism Network is an international association of journalism organizations that support the training and sharing of information among investigative and data journalists—with special attention to those from repressive regimes and marginalized communities.

Our key activities include:

Providing resources and networking services to investigative journalists worldwide;
Publishing in multiple languages and on multiple platforms the latest tools, techniques and opportunities for those in the field;
Helping organize and promote regional and international training conferences and workshops;
Assisting in the formation and sustainability of journalism organizations involved in investigative reporting and data journalism around the world;
Supporting and promoting best practices in investigative and data journalism;
Supporting and promoting efforts to ensure free access to public documents and data worldwide.

Find more information on our website:

Read more on the GIJN resource page, Investigative Journalism: Defining the Craft: .

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0 Views · 9 months ago

U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday night condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and rallied bipartisan support for the country; the South Africa Ambassador to the UN said S.Africa endorses the AU statement condemning the unfair treatment of Africans at the border of Ukraine; the UN said more than 500,000 refugees have left Ukraine.

Biden #Russia #Ukraine #SouthAfrica #UN

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Africa: Forging Ahead, Part 2

0 Views · 9 months ago

From 1948 through the 1990s, a single word dominated life in South Africa. Apartheid—Afrikaans for “apartness”—kept the country’s majority black population under the thumb of a small white minority. It would take decades of struggle to stop the policy, which affected every facet of life in a country locked in centuries-old patterns of discrimination and racism.

0 Views · 9 months ago


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0 Views · 9 months ago


Innovation isn’t just about having the best idea to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. Nor is it just about technology. It’s about being human. It’s about putting existing things together in new ways to create value. We need to redefine innovation—it’s an overused word whose meaning has been diluted, yet having an innovative mindset is one of the most important 21st-century skills.

In this fireside chat, Saleema Vellani will share:
• The most important leadership skills as we enter the Future of Work
• How to build more authentic relationships with those around us
• How to ignite an innovative mindset through tools to develop self-awareness, empathy and resilience

Saleema Vellani is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, a professor, and the author of Innovation Starts With “I”.

At the age of 21, Saleema co-founded and launched Brazil’s largest and #1 language school to finance an orphanage and social development programs, which has taught several thousands of students to date. Shortly after, she co-founded and ran a leading online translation agency in Italy to help companies expand their digital presence globally while generating hundreds of jobs in the gig economy. The business was acquired in 2012. For over 12 years, Saleema has led 100+ international organizations, nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies to their next stage of growth and innovation.

Currently, Saleema is the Founder and CEO of Ripple Impact, which educates, empowers, and connects entrepreneurs, innovators, and idealists who are seeking to increase their influence, build their platforms, and maximize their impact. She also teaches Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship at Johns Hopkins University and is a frequent guest lecturer at business schools. Saleema has been co-leading award-winning, groundbreaking research with the World Bank on solving food insecurity in conflict-affected countries through climate-smart technologies since 2016.

Saleema is the Chair for the Global Conference for the Association for Human Resources Management in International Organizations (AHRMIO) in Brussels, Belgium. She is an advisor to several startups and impact-driven organizations, including Net Impact, SXSW Pitch, Startup Africa, Wonder Women Tech, and the World Bank Youth-2-Youth Community.

Saleema holds a Bachelor's degree in International Development from McGill University and a Master's degree in International Economics and International Relations from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. She is fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. Born and raised in Canada, she is proud of her multicultural upbringing as a Toronto native with East African and Indian roots.

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Centred around the ASMALLWORLD social network, we operate a digital travel & lifestyle ecosystem which inspires our members to make new connections, travel better, and experience more.

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Members also meet in person at over 1'000 global ASMALLWORLD events every year, ranging from casual get-togethers in major cities around the world to flagship weekend experiences hosted in iconic destinations such as Saint-Tropez and Gstaad.


0 Views · 9 months ago

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Rebuilding Liberia, One Investment at a Time

Presentation about Liberia's Future
An introduction to the history and challenges facing Liberia, and a rich discussion with inspiring individuals who endeavor to address these challenges, highlighting opportunities for you to get involved.

Special Guests:

Mr. Kimmie Weeks, Child Rights Activist

Mr. Chid Liberty, Social Entrepreneur

Ms. Melinda McKay, Senior Business Advisor

Ms. Saran Kaba Jones, Social Entrepreneur

To learn about catalyzing capital in the developing world or to find out more information about The Eleos Foundation events visit To contact the Eleos Foundation or learn about the team visit

The Eleos Foundation
801 Ladera Lane
Santa Barbara, Ca 93108

0 Views · 9 months ago

Join our first Monthly Meeting of 2021! The purpose of this session is to raise awareness, and to provide resources regarding issues related to women’s mental health challenges experienced during this unprecedented period of COVID-19 restrictions. The discussion will focus on sharing insights on the disproportionate psychosocial health outcomes of the pandemic, and to provide strategies to better manage.

0 Views · 9 months ago

The 4th webinar in the series.

Dr. Seema Yasmin is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, poet, medical doctor and author. Disease does not spread alone – it spreads in tandem with health hoaxes, medical myths and pseudoscience. Information is contagious. The same mathematical models used to track the spread of a virus can be used to track the spread of information that goes viral. Dr. Seema Yasmin, a former Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer for the CDC and current director of the Stanford Health Communication Initiative, talks about misinfodemics in the age of COVID-19, including potential measures to stop misinformation contagion.

0 Views · 9 months ago


An overview of Untied States History - Part One

#Documentary #History #USA

0 Views · 9 months ago

Deputy Assistant Secretary Bisa Williams delivers remarks on U.S.-Africa Relations at a Foreign Policy Classroom at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC on October 22, 2014. A transcript is available at

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