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0 Views · 9 months ago

Obenshain Family Great Issues Lecture
Pandemics: Looking Back to Look Forward
In Conversation with John Barry and Kendall Hoyt, moderated by Victoria Holt

What does the future hold? As we all eagerly look ahead to COVID receding in our rearview mirror, the time is now to start looking at the lessons learned from the pandemic. Two international experts in biosecurity and the global effects of disease take the stage to discuss the origins of COVID, analyze our preparedness, and suggest ways to prevent the next epidemic.

Join us in the conversation with John Barry, New York Times bestselling author of The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History, and Professor Kendall Hoyt, the Dickey Center’s new Faculty Director of the Pandemic Security Project, both advisers on the national Covid Commission Planning Group. They, along with moderator and Dickey Center Director, Tori Holt, seek to answer the question “Where do we go next?”

John M. Barry is a prize-winning and New York Times best-selling author whose books have won multiple awards. The National Academies of Sciences named his 2004 book The Great Influenza: The story of the deadliest pandemic in history, a study of the 1918 pandemic, the year's outstanding book on science or medicine. His earlier book Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America, won the Francis Parkman Prize of the Society of American Historians for the year's best book of American history and in 2005 the New York Public Library named it one of the 50 best books in the preceding 50 years, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. His books have also been embraced by experts in applicable fields: in 2006 he became the only non-scientist ever to give the National Academies Abel Wolman Distinguished Lecture, a lecture which honors contributions to water-related science, and he was the only non-scientist on a federal government Infectious Disease Board of Experts. He has served on numerous boards, including ones at M.I.T's Center for Engineering Systems Fundamentals, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and the Society of American Historians.

Kendall Hoyt is the new Faculty Director for the Dickey Global Health Initiative's Pandemic Security Project, an 18-month endeavor to explore and analyze the lessons surfaced during the global response to the pandemic. She also serves as an Assistant Professor at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and a Senior Lecturer at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College where she teaches courses on biosecurity, health systems, and technological innovation. Her research is focused on health security, innovation policy, and vaccine development. She serves on the US Covid Commission Planning Group. She has served as a consultant for the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She is the author of Long Shot: Vaccines for National Defense, Harvard University Press, 2012.

Sponsored by The John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding. Made possible by generous support from Penny and Bill Obenshain ’62.

Recorded April 28, 2022

0 Views · 9 months ago

A video made by beneficiaries of the DCR programme in Liberia about the literacy classes that enable them to learn how to read and write. Literacy is essential for further development, like trading at markets, participate in village savings and loan groups, etc.

1 Views · 9 months ago

John Gartrell is the director of the John Hope Franklin Research Center at Duke University Library.

John Hope Franklin: The Global Scholar reflects on the international influence and scholarship of Dr. John Hope Franklin. Beginning with his first international trip in 1951, Dr. Franklin visited over thirty countries in his life, as a teacher, lecturer and special guest of the US State Department. As an expert in the history of the American South, he was routinely called upon to provide context to the burgeoning Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s to global audiences. This multimedia presentation highlights how his presence made him one of the most influential scholars responsible for sharing the history of the United States and African Americans around the globe.

The discussion is presented by the John Hope Franklin Center and the Duke University Library.

0 Views · 9 months ago

In LSE Health's Annual Lecture, Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, will walk us through a dual track approach to health strategy and policy.

As we embark on the fourth year of COVID-19, it’s clear that governments and health partners need a new approach to strengthening health systems overall. Dr Kluge avers that a dual track approach to health strategy and policy must be our new normal. Countries must prepare for the health emergencies that lie ahead, arriving faster than ever before, while, at the same time, investing in essential, everyday health services. #LSEHealth

Dr Hans Kluge

Professor Alistair McGuire

Full details/attend:

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0 Views · 9 months ago

How GOLD is Moved Around the World | Gold Repatriation | How to Keep Gold Safe | Business Explainer Video

How does gold repatriation work? What are the best options to keep gold safe? In this video we look into how Germany repatriated 674 tons of gold between 2012 and 2017, moving the precious metal from Paris and New York to Frankfurt.

If you like this video, you probably also want to know more about the gold standard, the fiat money system and cryptocurrencies. Here:

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0 Views · 9 months ago

The benefits of prevention over cure are self-evident and yet we are reluctant to invest in staying healthy. Resolution of this age-old dilemma begins with a timeless truth: the benefits of good health come at a cost; prevention is not better than cure at any price. That logic leads to the testable hypothesis that prevention should be favoured when an imminent, high-risk, high-impact hazard can be averted at relatively low cost.

Application of this idea helps to explain why cigarette smoking is still common place, why the world was not ready for the COVID-19 pandemic, why billions still do not have access to safe sanitation, and why the response to climate change has been so slow.

Join Professor Chris Dye, author of The Great Health Dilemma, and Professor Salim Abdool Karim, Director of the Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), as they discuss ways to invest more money and effort in health promotion and prevention around the world today.

0 Views · 9 months ago

AERC-IDRC Liberia Finance In-Country dissemination Workshop May 30, 2023.

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Economy and Its Current Effects with Mr. Austin S. Fallah

0 Views · 9 months ago

Increasingly the world over, the concept of rehabilitation is winning ground over that of punishment when dealing with prisoners. Penitentiaries around the globe are striving to effect change by providing inmates with opportunities during their sentence, so that they can more easily be reintegrated into society and become, once again, active and fulfilled members of their communities.

International standards include the Nelson Mandela Rules, of which UNODC is the guardian, stipulating that imprisonment should not be limited to the deprivation of liberty, but that it should be a time for the re-education of prisoners. Rehabilitation includes a number of venues, but for UNODC’s Prisoner Rehabilitation initiative, resources and support have been developed in the three core areas of education, vocational training, and employment during prison years, with the goal of contributing to the prisoners’ employability after release, and thus reducing chances of recidivism.

An Ancillary Event at this week’s 14th Crime Congress in Kyoto was held by the Prisoner Rehabilitation initiative to discuss the promotion of rehabilitation programmes, and the post-release services to foster prisoners’ social reintegration. Joining UNODC experts were Ambassador Sultan bin Salmeen Al Mansouri, Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations in Vienna; Satoru Ohashi, Director-General of the Correction Bureau in the Ministry of Justice of Japan; Raphael Hamunyela, Commissioner General of the Namibian Correctional Service; Troy Jack Thevathasan, correctional rehabilitation specialist in Singapore; Reynhard Silitonga, Director General of Corrections, Ministry of Law and Human Rights in Indonesia; and Olivia Rope, Executive Director of Penal Reform International.

Catch the full session in the video below and follow all our reporting from the 14th Crime Congress on Twitter and by using #DohaToKyoto.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Liberian Music, Producers, Artists - Why DJs Are Not Playing More Liberian Songs

0 Views · 9 months ago

African countries have diversified their exports and trade partners over the last decade, but agricultural trade still lags behind its potential. The pandemic and recent implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) present a critical challenge and an unprecedented opportunity for Africa. The newly launched 2021 Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor (AATM) examines these recent events, as well as long-term structural issues, and offers recommendations for improving Africa’s competitiveness and increasing agricultural trade flows.

The AATM has become the essential annual African agricultural trade publication, highlighting trends, competitiveness of Africa’s local and global value chains, and regional market integration, along with key policies and opportunities for strengthening trade. This seminar will explore the 2021 findings, including the impact of COVID-19 and the AfCFTA, and this year’s special focus on regional integration in Northern Africa’s Arab Maghreb Union.

Opening Remarks

Antoine Bouet, Senior Research Fellow, CGIAR-IFPRI
Getaw Tadesse, Director, Operational Support, AKADEMIYA2063

Leila Baghdadi, Professor of Economics at ESSECT, University of Tunis
Leysa Maty Sall, Associate Scientist, AKADEMIYA2063
Abdoulaye Seck, Professor of Economics, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal

Johann Kirsten, Director, Bureau for Economic Research (BER), Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Doaa Abdel Motaal, Senior Counsellor, World Trade Organization (WTO)

Closing Remarks
Chahir Zaki, Associate Professor of Economics, Cairo University

Julie Kurtz, Research Analyst, CGIAR-IFPRI

0 Views · 9 months ago

University of Maryland President Darryll J. Pines invites Terps to attend a unique series of virtual Presidential Distinguished Forums featuring renowned experts working at the forefront of today’s most pressing issues. From the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change to voter access and the social unrest that has led to the Black Lives Matter movement, current national and world events present unprecedented challenges, but also provide a meaningful chance to investigate today’s issues together and explore new and better paths forward.

On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, President Pines was joined by Dr. Stephanie Evergreen, founder of Evergreen Data Academy, prolific author and highly sought-after speaker. Evergreen has revolutionized the way we communicate data and is best known for her research-based approach in helping organizations and researchers rethink data visualization in communicating their work. Her work also extends to confronting and remediating social and racial injustice.

Learn more about this series of Grand Challenges Presidential Distinguished Forums:


0 Views · 9 months ago

China’s signature Belt and Road Initiative is evolving in the pandemic. In this episode, witness how a Health Silk Road emerges to fight COVID-19. But it has to contend with misinformation, mistrust, and questions about the efficacy of Sinovac. As COVID-19 continues to spread, how can China contribute to the global fight against the pandemic?

WATCH MORE Silk Road 2.0
Digital Silk Road:
Green Silk Road:

About the show: Understand how China’s signature Belt and Road initiative is evolving as a result of the pandemic. In this series, we travel across the world to uncover the emergence of a Digital, Health and Green Silk Road.
#CNAInsider #SilkRoad2CNA #China #Sinovac #HealthSilkRoad


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0 Views · 9 months ago

This is the video recap of the first Bing Ads EMEA Travel Summit organised in Barcelona on April 18th 2017.

Several speakers from Microsoft Search Advertising and two guest speakers: Simon Calder, Travel Journalist and Broadcaster and Matt Vignieri, EMEA Managing Director of Kenshoo present.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, airlines have been forced to cut jobs in the face of a steep decline in passenger demand and companies have had to halt the production and delivery of orders.

However, prior to the crisis the industry was forecasting continued growth in global air traffic and looking to innovate air travel to simultaneously meet the demand for travel while reducing carbon emissions.

Could the pandemic present an opportunity to think innovatively to address the immediate crisis facing the industry and accelerate the switch to newer and greener technology?

Panelists discuss how the pandemic has impacted the industry and if it is possible to view this as an opportunity for reinventing air travel. How have border policies put in place to contain the pandemic impacted air travel and the wider industry? What can companies do to address the concerns of passengers underpinning the declining demand? Does the crisis present an opportunity to look at longer-term plans and investment strategies in green technology? What are some options being considered and which are the most viable? And what are the respective roles of organizations, governments and the international community in moving towards carbon-neutral air travel?

0 Views · 9 months ago

This video describes the economy of Sierra Leone and a brief history of the country.

Here's what's in this video:

 The current economic situation of Sierra Leone
 A brief history of the country
 Investment opportunities available to pursue

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0 Views · 9 months ago

December 3, 2018
00:10 Louis M. Weiss, M.D., M.P.H., the Co-director of Einstein’s Global Health Center, kicks off this two-day, comprehensive look at worldwide One Health operations, on December 3, 2018, 03:20 followed by a welcome from Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean of Albert Einstein College of Medicine. 06:37 Rounding out the introduction is William B. Karesh, D.V.M, of EcoHealth Alliance, the man who coined the term “one health,” to explain the necessity for thinking about human health in relation to the health of animals and the environment, and a quick overview of some of the current topics that will be discussed throughout the symposium.

0 Views · 9 months ago

“Current Affairs” is the most sought after discipline not only by students but also by various professionals. Learning Space tracks Current Affairs in a most comprehensive way week after week starting from 1st January 2015.
Every week in our videos, we discuss "the chronology of events with details" in a Lecture Format,
"in-depth analysis of important events" in a News Analysis & Features Format, "Advanced Events" in a Question and Answer Format, “General and Banking Awareness Events” in a Question and Answer Format and
“News at a Glance” with a brief explanation. Hence, every week Current Affairs will have five modules.

This video is the “Q&A (General & Banking)” for the period of 16th Nov to 22nd Nov of 2015.

0 Views · 9 months ago

#PrimeTimeSunday | Amb. George Patten, Sr.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Liberia From Crisis to Opportunity
Date: Monday, September 18, 2006 - 08:00PM
More video info at

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