November 26, 2023 “Lives at Stake”
Revelation 14, MEV
INTRODUCTION: Ever have person close to you do something
terrible…and wonder how any of us will make it to heaven?
MAIN IDEA: Live for eternity every day. How? By pursuing
these three goals.
I. First, seek intimacy with God (1-5, 12-13)
Mount Zion: God’s presence, His dwelling place, New Jerusalem
Explanation of 144,000: many/me… symbolic of faithful followers
from all times & places; some… the group of Jews from ch. 7
First fruits to God & to the Lamb: no one certain; me… those
saved prior to Great White Throne Judgment
A. to “know” Jesus
1. with God’s name on forehead (1)
2. and know the song (3)
B. by maintaining relationship, resulting in purity
1. redeemed…not perfect, forgiven (3)
2. as pure as virgins (without idolatry, 4)
Life Application Study Bible: To remain spiritually pure means
resisting the seductions and idolatries of the present world—power,
wealth, and sexual immorality.
● following Jesus wherever He goes ● telling no lies
● without blame: being right within & outwardly
C. and thus be empowered to endure even to death (12-13)
1. while obeying Him & keeping faith in Jesus
2. rewarded by rest for good deeds (in Christ)
II. Second, extend His mercy to others (6-8)
To unbelievers & to believers who may be tempted to deny Jesus
A. by sharing Good News (Jesus, cross, resurrection, 6-7),
even reminding struggling believers about their salvation
1. helping them fear Him & give Him glory (Judge)
2. modeling worship of Him (lifestyle, dying to self)
3. affirming for them He is their Creator
B. praying for their eyes to be opened to Babylon (8)
Fire Bible: Babylon represents the political, religious and
commercial/economic system of the whole world in the end time
● actual Babylon (Judah went into captivity) ● Rome
● future: a nation or world system
1. because it leads people into passionate immorality
(idolatry, rebelliousness against God)
2. because it will fall & those “of” it will be lost
ILLUSTRATION: cranky cashier or neighbor
III. Finally, resist judging others—it’s His job (9-11, 14-20)
A. condemnation of all who worship beast (accept his mark)
1. suffering eternal torment
2. having earned God’s wrath
3. many “worship” spirit of antichrist today
B. Jesus has been given all judgment (John 5:22)
NOTE: Sickles, fire from altar, grapes into winepress of God’s
wrath, stream of blood = God’s judgment of wicked
1. we cannot judge fairly nor justly
2. frees us to share good news & extend mercy
ILLUSTRATION: visiting jail to see 2 men accused of murder
CONCLUSION: Micah 6:8, NKJV: He has shown you, O man,
what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do
justly [resist judging] to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your
God [seek intimacy]?
How do we reach heaven? By walking closely with Jesus every day.
ALTAR: Salvation? Been lukewarm toward Jesus? Not showing
mercy (or been critical, judging)?
Seek prayer for ANYTHING