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0 Views · 8 months ago

UNICEF correspondent Sarah Crowe reports on Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow's visit to conflict-afflicted areas of the Central African Republic.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Dzanga Bai, Dzanga-Ndoki NP, Central African Republic

0 Views · 8 months ago

TV AND WEB RESTRICTIONS~*NEWS PROGRAMMING ONLY / NO RE-USE AFTER APRIL 25, 2013***~<br/> <br />Rebel fighters from the Seleka coalition move in to secure the presidential palace in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Monday.<br/> <br />Around 200 Seleka fighters arrived at the palace compound in a convoy.<br/> <br />The rebels have pledged to name a power-sharing government after seizing the capital on Sunday.<br/> <br />French troops were deployed there on Monday to secure the airport.<br/> <br />The latest in a series of coups and rebellions since the mineral-rich nation won independence from France in 1960 - was swiftly condemned by the United Nations and the African Union.<br/> <br />But in a sign of pragmatism, the United States, France and regional powerbroker Chad called on Seleka's leadership to respect the terms of a recent peace deal.

1 Views · 8 months ago

Christian militais are forming in the Central African Republic to defend villages as the contry is consumed by violence.<br/> <br />The country at the heart of Africa, has been gripped by violence since mainly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in the majority Christian country in March.<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE) (French) FARMER, MATTO SIMPLICE, SAYING:<br/> <br />"We are here to protect our village. The Seleka came to take their vengeance on the population and we were not the only ones defending our village. When they come to loot or they want to go into people's fields, and when they chase them into the bush, we retaliate and provide legitimate self-defense for our people."<br/> <br />Some never wanted to take up arms<br/> <br />(SOUNDBITE) (French) FARMER, MATTO SIMPLICE, SAYING:<br/> <br />"When we talk about revenge, we are farmers. Does that mean we have to go out there and take our revenge on the Muslim communities? We don't even have the means to do that."<br/> <br />With a 2,500-strong regional African force unab

0 Views · 8 months ago

Shops, school and offices are shut, and there's reports of ongoing looting and gunfire. <br /><br />The rebels say they want to hold democratic elections.<br /><br />Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal reports.

2 Views · 8 months ago

Burundi: Finding Our Place

1 Views · 8 months ago

0 Views · 8 months ago

Back to roots (Burundi)

1 Views · 8 months ago

Destination Francophonie #56 - Burundi

1 Views · 8 months ago

Burundi: ADC Ikibiri-Sécurité

3 Views · 8 months ago

Die ärmsten Länder der Welt landen nur bei großen Katastrophen in den Schlagzeilen, wie man jetzt bei Haiti sieht. Armut taugt nicht für die Titelseiten, dazu ist sie offensichtlich zu normal. Auch Burundi geht es so, dem ärmsten Land in Afrika. Umsomehr bedürfen die Menschen dort unserer Unterstützung.

1 Views · 8 months ago

1 Views · 8 months ago

Burundi’de son karışıklık Başkan Pierre Nkurunziza’nın üçüncü dönem için tekrar aday olduğunu açıklamasıyla patlak verdi.<br /><br /> Muhalifler, Nkurunziza’nın tekrar yarışmak istemesini, adaylığı iki ile sınırlandıran anayasaya aykırı olduğunu savunuyor.<br /><br /> #Burundi Hutular ve Tutsilerin Savaş‘ı bitmiyor, yetimler çoğalıyor,— ebrukk (@ebrukk) 15 Mai 2015<br /><br /> Başkan Nkurunziza ilk dönem parlamento tarafından seçildiği için adaylığının hukuki olduğunda ısrar ediyor. Burundi Anayasa Mahkemesi de Nkurunziza’ya destek çıktı. Ancak mahkeme başkan yardımcısı, karar öncesi yurtdışına kaçarak, hakimlerin ölüm tehditleri aldığını ve büyük baskı altında olduklarını iddia etti.<br /><br /> Afrika’da sıkışmış bu küçük ülke, 1962’de Belçika’dan bağımsızlığını kazandıktan sonra şiddet olayları, katliam ve askeri darbelerle bugüne geldi.<br /><br /> Geleneksel olarak politik gücü ve askeriyeyi elinde bulunduran azınlıktaki Tutsiler ile nüfusun yüzde 85’ini oluşturan Hutular arasında çıkan etnik çatışmala

1 Views · 8 months ago

<p>Des manifestations hostiles au président burundais, Pierre Nkurunziza, ont repris lundi 25 mai au matin dans plusieurs quartiers de Bujumbura, la capitale. A Cibitoke et à Mutakura, plusieurs centaines de jeunes défilaient en dansant et en chantant des slogans anti-Nkurunziza. Les routes principales étaient jonchées de grosses pierres, de barricades de fortune faites de troncs d'arbre, parfois calcinés et encore fumants.</p>

1 Views · 8 months ago

0 Views · 8 months ago

Safe Deliveries in Burundi

1 Views · 8 months ago

Confrontos entre a polícia e manifestantes deixaram um morto e dois feridos em Muyange, no Burundi. O protesto ocorreu um dia após o funeral do líder de um partido de oposição Zedi Feruzi, assassinado no sábado na capital do país.

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