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Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is confirmed the victor in a run-off poll boycotted by the opposition, and vows to reach out to her opponents and reconcile the divided nation.Duration:01:03

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Read Now<br /><br /><br />[PDF Download] African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis 1979-1999 (Political

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Download A Roadmap for Understanding African Politics: Leadership and Political Integration in Nigeria (African Studies) Free Books<br /><br />Read Ebook Now<br />

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0 Views · 9 months ago Video Interview with Ahmed A. Kashadah, Managing Director of Libya Africa Investment Portfolio (LAP), the largest bank in Libya, also available here <br /><br />According to Kashadah, LAP is totally independent now. "Previously LAP was involved in many politically motivated investments. We have reviewed everything in our portfolio, including the investments not only in Africa but also in Europe. We needed to make sure that all the investments were feasible and that they would generate returns either in the short term or the long term. We have been doing a lot of work evaluating all of these businesses and the business models that we have. We were able to identify the businesses that were based on political objectives and we decided to exit from these businesses if they were proven not to be feasible. However we did decide to continue with those investments started from political motives but found to be feasible, generating benefits and adding value for both nations, both Libya and the nation invested in. We make the harsh decision to exit from any other political investment that does not meet the objectives of LAP either by selling or liquidating, depending on each case," he says.

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Read Now [PDF Download] Canada and Africa in the New Millennium: The Politics of Consistent Inconsistency

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Vote counting is underway in Liberia where many people turned out on Tuesday to elect a new president and parliament. <br /><br />The elections, the third to be held since the end of a 14-year civil war in the West African nation, ended at 6pm local time on Tuesday. <br /><br />Twenty candidates are vying to replace Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Nobel Peace Prize winner who took power at the end of conflict in 2005.<br /><br />“Although all 20 of them hope to be the next leader of the country, the reality is that the race is among just about seven of them. Provisional results will be trickling in from across the country from now until the Electoral Commission finally declares the ultimate victor of these polls by October 25,” reported Euronews correspondent Nii Akrofi Smart-Abbey from Liberia. <br /><br />There’s no clear frontrunner in the race, which includes ex-footballer George Weah and current Vice-President Joseph Boakai.<br /><br />The election is seen as an important landmark in the West African nation that remains among the world’s poorest.<br /><br />The ballot passed off peacefully but the exercise was fraught with difficulties. Some have blamed the electoral commission for not explaining the voting process properly. <br /><br />One man told Euronews the queue was very long when polls opened, because people didn’t understand the identity card system determining where they should vote.<br /><br />Liberia’s economy has grown enormously since the civil war but many feel Johnson Sirleaf could have achieved more; the president has been accused of nepotism and failing to crack down on corruption.<br /><br />The country’s policy has been to prioritise reconcilation over justice, meaning that prominent figures behind violence that killed a quarter of a million people are still on the political scene.<br /><br />Many voters say they just want peace. A run-off between the top candidates is thought likely next month.<br />

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Read Book Now<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Book A Roadmap for Understanding African Politics: Leadership and Political Integration in

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<p>Nigeria's economic capital Lagos has shut down and quarantined a hospital where a patient suffering from the country’s first recorded case of Ebola recently died. The patient arrived in Nigeria after flying in from Liberia, which is struggling to contain the spread of the disease. Nigerian authorities say they're monitoring 59 people who came into contact with the deceased and have called for calm.</p><br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

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One of Liberia’s main opposition parties has called for a halt in announcing the result of “Tuesday’s presidential election”: citing irregularities in the vote.<br /><br />The Liberty Party’s candidate Charles Brumskine was considered one of the front-runners to take over from Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, but local media reports put former football star George Weah and Vice President Joseph Boakai in the lead.<br /><br />The National Elections Commission (NEC) was expected to release preliminary results on Thursday.<br /><br />“The Liberty Party is deeply troubled by the discovery of numerous incidents of irregularities and fraud that occurred during the elections,” Liberty Party national chairman Benjamin Sanvee said in a statement.<br /><br />“We are calling on NEC to immediately halt further announcements of election results. If NEC does not cooperate with our request, we will take the appropriate legal action,” he said.<br /><br />He did not give specific evidence of voter fraud, but there have been reports of ballot boxes arriving late in some locations and of people struggling to find their names on voter rolls.<br /><br />The electoral commission has apologised for the delays in some areas. It said it had quarantined materials from one precinct and would investigate reports of alleged compromised voting.<br /><br />Overall smooth process<br /><br />More than 2.1 million voters had registered to vote throughout Liberia, Africa’s oldest republic, founded by freed US slaves in the 19th century.<br /><br />The West African regional bloc ECOWAS said the vote went largely smoothly.<br /><br />“The mission believes thus far, up to this point, that with the environment and the lead up to the election, the voting day activities, sorting and counting of the ballots, Liberia is largely on track to achieve a credible poll,” said John Mahama, Ghana’s former president and the head of the ECOWAS observer mission.<br /><br />The United States called the election “an important step toward achieving Liberia’s first peaceful transfer of power from one democratically elected head of state to another in decades.”<br /><br />Liberia has been haunted by years of civil war and its last democratic power transfer dates back to 1943.<br /><br />Johnson Sirleaf became Africa’s first elected female president in 2005 following a post-war transition.<br /><br />She was re-elected in 2011 and led Liberia’s recovery from the deadly 2014-15 Ebola epidemic, but is barred from seeking a third term.<br /><br />Some 20 candidates were vying to replace her and a runoff election was widely expected.<br />

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