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0 Views · 9 months ago

<p>In Nigeria, the leader of Islamic extremist group Boko Haram is threatening to sell more than 300 teenage girls abducted from a school three weeks ago.Abu-bakar She-kau making the comments in a video message during which he also claimed responsibility for the first time for the kidnapping, which took place three weeks ago in the country's north east.</p><br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

0 Views · 9 months ago

<p>Nigeria reports its sixth death from the Ebola epidemic that has now killed over 1,500 people across West Africa. Also, Niger's leader of the opposition and parliamentary speaker Hama Amadou flees to Burkina Faso after parliamentary leaders approve his arrest in connection with a baby-trafficking investigation. And ravenous locusts descend onto Madagascar's capital. </p><br />Programme produced by Georja Calvin-Smith and Mary Colombel<br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

0 Views · 9 months ago

<p>At least 13 students were killed in a suicide bomb attack at a college in the northern Nigerian city of Kano on Wednesday. One blast went off in a lecture hall at the Federal College of Education and another just outside. Authorities have blamed Boko Haram islamist militants for the killings.</p><br />Produced by Georja Calvin-Smith and Célia Caracena<br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

0 Views · 9 months ago

सॅनिटरी नॅपकिनला टॅक्स फ्री करण्यासाठी ग्वालियरमधील महिलांनी एक अभियान सुरू केलं आहे. केंद्र सरकारने सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्सवर जीएसटी लावण्याबाबत घोषणा केल्यानंतर त्याला विरोध करण्यासाठी काही महिलांनी पुढाकार घेऊन अभियान राबवलं आहे. या अभियानाअंतर्गत १ हजार सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्सवर संदेश लिहून हे नॅपकिन्स पंतप्रधान मोदींना पाठवण्यात येणार आहेत.सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्सची किंमत ही सर्वसामान्य महिलांना न परवडणारी आहेत. सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्सचे दर अधिक असल्यानं अनेक गरीब महिला त्या विकत घेऊ शकत नाही. त्यातून जीएसटी लावल्यानंतर हे दर आणखी वाढतील त्यामुळे काही महिला त्या खरेदी करू शकत नाहीत असं अनेकांचं म्हणणं आहे. सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्स परवडणारे नसल्यानं अनेक महिलांना आरोग्याच्या समस्या निर्माण झाल्या आहेत. ४ जानेवारीपासून हे अभियान सुरू करण्यात आलं असून सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन्सची किंमत घटवावी या मागणीसाठी महिलांनी नॅपकिन्सवर संदेश लिहिले आहेत. <br /><br /><br /><br />आमच्या चैनल ला सब्सक्राइब करा

0 Views · 9 months ago

See over 100 pictures of latest iro and buba styles and fabrics, and colours, including the modern tulip and oleku styles, the classical buba styles and skirt and top iro styles worn by Nigerian and African women.
<br>This video is curated by . Visit our blog site for more videos on trendy Nigerian / African wedding fashion styles, as well as wedding planning tips. | **Disclaimer: No copyright is intended - photo credits are listed at the end of the video. All pictures are the copyright of the photographers and wedding vendors whose works are featured therein.

0 Views · 9 months ago

<p>Despite a ramped up offensive by the army, Boko Haram militants' seizure of northeastern territory has taken them to the gates of Maiduguri. South African track star Oscar Pistorius is cleared of murder charges but must wait another day to find out whether he's been found guilty of manslaughter. And media attention from the Pistorius case brings the issue of domestic violence into the spotlight.</p><br />Produced by Georja Calvin-Smith and Phoebe Lanzer Wood<br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

0 Views · 9 months ago

पेट्रोल आणि डीझेल च्या वाढलेल्या किमतींमुळे गेल्या काही दिवसांमध्ये सरकारवर मोठ्या प्रमाणात टीका करण्यात आली. त्यानंतर केंद्र सरकार ने एक्साईज ड्युटी दोन रुपयांनी तर राज्यसरकारने पेट्रोल वर 2 रुपये तर डीझेल वर 1 रुपया कर कमी केला. पेट्रोल, डीझेल जी.एस.टी. मध्ये आणलं तर दर 43 रुपयांपर्यंत खाली येतील अशी फडणविसांनी नवी कल्पना दिली. आकडेवारीनुसार सरकार 26.65 रुपयांना पेट्रोल खरेदी करते त्यावर डीलरला विक्री 30.13 रुपयांना ,डीलरचे कमिशन 3.24 रुपये, केंद्र सरकारची एक्साईज ड्युटी 19.48 रुपये तर राज्य सरकार तब्बल 47.64 टक्के कर लावते ज्यामुळे मुंबई आणि महाराष्ट्रात पेट्रोल 76.18 रुपयांना मिळते, तर डिझेलचा खर्च 23.86 रुपये डीलरला विक्री 27.63 रुपयांना व त्याचे कमिशन 1.65 रुपये .सगळे कर मिळून 60 रुपयांच्या पुढे जाते. आणि जर जी.एस.टी. 28% लावला तर अनुक्रमे पेट्रोल चा दर 43 रुपये तर डीझेलचा दर 41 रुपये होईल.<br /><br />आमच्या चैनल ला सब्सक्राइब करा

0 Views · 9 months ago

See over 100 pictures of latest iro and buba styles and fabrics, and colours, including the modern tulip and oleku styles, the classical buba styles and skirt and top iro styles worn by Nigerian and African women.
<br>This video is curated by . Visit our blog site for more videos on trendy Nigerian / African wedding fashion styles, as well as wedding planning tips. | **Disclaimer: No copyright is intended - photo credits are listed at the end of the video. All pictures are the copyright of the photographers and wedding vendors whose works are featured therein.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Watch hot and sizzling celebrity pictures at the grand premier of “Single, Married & Complicated” starring Yvonne Nelson & John Dumelo! For more updates on movies & music, visit the No. 1 online magazine for viewing Nigerian celebrity news and much more!

0 Views · 9 months ago

Leave me a comment telling me which outfit is your fave! Commet down below if you have any question.
<br>-- - - - - -- -- - -- - - - -
<br>Songs by :
<br>Zazi - Yes/No Ft. Banky W
<br>Flavour Nabania
<br>Listen here:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Enjoy the best of Regina Daniels,Mercy Johnson Okojie, Mama.G NollyNaijaTV. Your number one youtube platform for the best of 2017 latest nollywood movies.Watch Best of Nigerian actress, best

0 Views · 9 months ago

WAFCON 2022: Nigeria v South Africa

0 Views · 9 months ago

African Business Weekly: Nigeria

0 Views · 9 months ago

Miss University Africa Nigeria

0 Views · 9 months ago

Nigeria is going through a tough political transition. The president has been absent from office since November due to health problems, and the vice-president took over. But the interim leader is challenged by those who question the legality of his decisions.<br /><br />Nigeria continues to face political uncertainty due to the ongoing absence of President Umaru Yar'Adua from office. Yar'Adua has not formally transferred power to Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan, triggering debate over the legality of government decisions.<br /><br />[..]<br /><br />Yar'Adua has been in the Saudi Arabia port of Jeddah since November receiving treatment for a heart condition. On Wednesday, the government asked the president to give a formal notice on his health condition. And they also said that he was fit to return to his duties. <br /><br />According to the Nigerian constitution, if the president is unable to perform the duties or goes on vacation, then the vice-president takes over until the president returns. <br /><br />But the political allies of Yar’Adua are reluctant to have Jonathan in power, even temporarily. <br /><br />[Philip Obasi, Accountant]: (Male, English)<br />"It is just unfortunate that a country like Nigeria should be facing such a problem, simply because we don't have....we have a constitution but we don't have people who want the constitution to be upheld." <br /><br />Analysts also say too many of Nigeria's influential politicians are benefiting from the status quo. The cabinet consists largely of Yar'Adua appointees who may lose their jobs if he goes.<br /><br />The situation is complicated by an unwritten agreement among the political elite that power should rotate every two presidential terms between the Muslim north and predominantly Christian south.<br /><br />The country feared a military take-over during Yar’Adua’s absence. But the army reassured the people that it would maintain peace.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Watch hot and sizzling celebrity pictures at the grand premier of “Single, Married & Complicated” starring Yvonne Nelson & John Dumelo! For more updates on movies & music, visit the No. 1 online magazine for viewing Nigerian celebrity news and much more!

0 Views · 9 months ago

A 2017 Latest Nigerian African Nollywood Full English Movies. Anene (Cha Cha Eke) and Frank(Ken Erics) took a blood oath not to leave each other till death

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