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0 Views · 10 months ago

very latest international news !! Very latest american latest news!! Donald trump news

0 Views · 10 months ago <br /><br />THE Australian government has refused requests from Hong Kong to start negotiating a free trade agreement and a double taxation agreement. The refusal has angered Australian companies hoping to boost their business with and through Hong Kong, the primary gateway to China. <br />During a visit to Australia in 2011, Donald Tsang, who stepped down last year as Hong Kong's chief executive, approached Julia Gillard and then-foreign minister Kevin Rudd about an FTA and a DTA? Following a visit by Mr Rudd to Hong Kong and further talks, the Hong Kong government wrote formally to Canberra proposing talks towards an FTA. <br /><br />Watch here: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Related article: <br />

0 Views · 10 months ago click if you want to know the latest betting news and newest gambling odds.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Morning Edition with Yael Lavie - 02/12/2016

0 Views · 10 months ago

The wrap of the good, the bad & the funny on this week's news television.<br />From Bharat Nirman to the Gujarat campaign, and how the victim phenomenon is sometimes the best political PR tool. And how pictures and their placement equals loyalty in politics. All this and more on Clothesline.<br /><br />To watch this and many more videos, click on

0 Views · 10 months ago

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0 Views · 10 months ago

Morning Edition - 11/26/2015.

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