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South Africa and Political Theatre

0 Views · 10 months ago

अनेक महिन्यांपासून गुलदस्त्यात असलेला प्रश्न कि नारायण राणे ह्याचं काय होईल? त्यांची होडी तीरावर लागेल का? आधी शिवसेनेतून कॉंग्रेस मध्ये, मग तळ्यात मळ्यात अवस्था निर्माण झाल्याने महाराष्ट्र स्वाभिमान नावाने नवीन पक्ष त्यांनी सुरु केला. गेले अनेक महिने भा.ज.पा. च्या संपर्कात असलेले नारायण राणे पक्षातून आणि मित्रपक्ष शिवसेनेतून विरोध होत असल्यामुळे भा.ज.पा. च्या वेशीवर येवून थांबले होते. अखेर महाराष्ट्रात सत्तारूढ असलेल्या भा.ज.पा. मंत्रिमंडळात लवकरच फेरबदल करणार आहे आणि माजी मुख्यमंत्री नारायण राणेंची त्यात मंत्री म्हणून वर्णी लागणार आहे. मुख्यमंत्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस ह्यांनी सांगितले कि हिवाळी अधिवेशनाआधीच नारायण राणे एन.डी.ए. मध्ये सहभागी होतील. आणि लवकरच नारायण राणेंचा परिचित आक्रमक पवित्रा महाराष्ट्राच्या जनतेला पाहायला मिळेल.<br /><br />आमच्या चैनल ला सब्सक्राइब करा

0 Views · 10 months ago

very latest International News !! very latest news of America!! very latest political news of america

0 Views · 10 months ago

Hindi cinema is buzzing with many political dramas out of which some succeeded while some tanked. Let’s have a look at the ones which fared well and were loved by the audience. Visit us at Look for the latest bollywood film reviews makings & trailers.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Africa, Religion and Politics

0 Views · 10 months ago

Many people begin their mornings with a morning newspaper and a cup of tea. These people keep themselves updated with the immediate happenings along with the national and international updates. Visit us today!

0 Views · 10 months ago

Join Julius Malema, charismatic leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), as he addresses the EFF Mpumalanga Provincial Ground Forces Forum. In this impactful speech, Malema delves into the crucial role of counting in the democratic process, emphasizing the significance of securing votes. As South Africa navigates its political landscape, Malema outlines the EFF's vision for a robust democracy and the importance of active citizen participation. Don't miss this powerful discussion on "Secure The Vote: Why Counting Matters More Than Ever" that goes beyond rhetoric, offering insights into the EFF's commitment to a vibrant and accountable political system.

0 Views · 10 months ago

In this exclusive Hardtalk interview, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni faces a barrage of tough questions from the German press. Watch as he navigates through the grilling, responding with sagacity and insight. Gain a unique perspective on Uganda's leadership and Museveni's diplomatic finesse as he tackles issues head-on. Don't miss this engaging dialogue that showcases a leader's resilience under scrutiny.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Title: "Julius Malema's Explosive Interview on Metro FM: EFF Exposes ANC Corruption Threat in Battle for Communities"

In this electrifying interview on Metro FM, the charismatic leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), Julius Malema, pulls no punches as he discusses the rampant corruption within the ANC and its dire consequences for South African communities. Malema and the EFF are at the forefront of the battle against corruption and for the betterment of our nation. They unveil the shocking truths, the challenges communities face, and their unwavering commitment to transparency and accountability. This is a must-watch conversation that exposes the harsh realities and ignites hope for a corruption-free South Africa. Join the discussion, get informed, and be part of the change.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Join the electrifying discourse as EFF Leader Julius Malema passionately addresses the Mpumalanga Provincial Ground Forces Forum. In a call for inclusive democracy, Malema emphasizes the importance of letting all parties campaign freely. Explore the powerful dialogue on preserving democratic values and the need to keep doors open to diverse political voices. Don't miss this crucial conversation on shaping the future of South African politics!

0 Views · 10 months ago

Join Julius Malema, leader of the EFF, as he addresses the Mpumalanga Provincial Ground Forces Forum, discussing revolutionary changes propelling South Africa into a manufacturing powerhouse. Explore his vision for economic transformation and inclusive growth. Discover how the EFF is advocating for a new era of industry, unlocking the nation's potential. Don't miss this crucial discussion on shaping South Africa's future through manufacturing. 🔧🏭🌍

0 Views · 10 months ago

We extend a warm welcome to The Africa News Network.
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0 Views · 10 months ago

We extend a warm welcome to The Africa News Network.
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0 Views · 10 months ago

Africa since gaining independence have had so many rulers and presidents but some were complete dictators to their countries and in this YouTube short we will see 4 of the most corrupt dictators of all time
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0 Views · 10 months ago

SUBSCRIBE to SSGTV South Sudan Global

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South Sudan President has now become the head of the East African Community (EAC). In Rusha, he gives a very chaotic speech which left South Sudanese wondering and pondering over President Kiir’s competency to continue being their President. It’s one of the speech in which he made errors that are supposed to avoid for instance referring to Tanzania’s President as President of the Republic of Rwanda etc. In Juba he was received by crowd What do you think?

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2023 | SSGTV South Sudan Global

0 Views · 10 months ago

Sierra Leone Amoury Attack: Authorities Ease Indefinite Curfew to Night-Time Restriction.

Following the Amoury attack, the Sierra Leonean government opted to ease the curfew, which had previously been enforced indefinitely. The curfew has been changed to a nighttime limitation rather than a 24-hour restriction.

This implies that while people can again carry out their regular activities during the day, curfews will be in effect at night. The authorities may have made this move strategically to strike a compromise between the necessity for people to return to their regular lives and security concerns.

Anchor: Dapo Adegboye

Guest: Thomas Dixon, Journalist

#news #newscentral #politics #africa #africafirst #sierraleone #attack

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