Non-profits & Activism

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0 Views · 11 months ago

Catholic Church Youth Organization , non profit, activism, signashirt specialties, fundraiser, fundraising, scouts, scouting, boy scouts, girl scouts, cub scouts, profits,

0 Views · 11 months ago<br /><br />Video 20 of a 30 Basketball fundraiser video suite provided courtesy of SIGnaShirt Specialties Promotional Fundraisers, where we create custom shirts, craft kits and fundraiser promotional with your Basketball fundraiser logo to explode your profits! <br /><br />View SIGnaShirt Promotional Fundraisers complimentary Basketball fundraiser “30 Video Suite” with Basketball branded custom shirts and craft kit promotionals you design online.<br /><br />WHOLESALE Basketball Fundraiser ‘Custom Branded’ Shirts, Craft Kits, Creativity Kits and promotional products… all with Your Basketball Logo, available only at:<br /><br />

0 Views · 11 months ago

This is entertainment video 9 of 30 videos for Adoption Charity fundraising and Adoption Charity fundraisers interested in promotional to increase their profits. Within our thirty video Adoption Charity suite, you will learn exactly how to increase your Adoption Charity fundraising profits with promotional and entertainment.<br /><br />For additional professional Adoption Charity fundraising success tips for Adoption Charity promotional fundraisers, guaranteed to increase your profits, visit us only at:<br /><br /><br />Learn how to hold a Adoption Charity fundraiser with SIGnaShirt Specialties promotional if you really want to explode your Adoption Charity fundraiser profits!<br />Only Available From US!

0 Views · 11 months ago

video de catch avec des heros des perdent et des.... regarder et vous verai

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0 Views · 11 months ago

non-profit organization Kars4Kids Official TV Commercial

0 Views · 11 months ago

Click Here<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Ebook Non Profits Made Easy Full Online<br />

0 Views · 11 months ago

Non-profit needs donation for Xmas Store

0 Views · 11 months ago

Unique Fundraising Ideas For Non-Profit Organizations

0 Views · 11 months ago

Scott Hodge on Taxes and Non-Profits

0 Views · 11 months ago<br /><br />We want to help you reach your fundraising goals! Follow the link above for the best fundraiser for you!

0 Views · 11 months ago

Fundraising idea Non Profits, Charity and Causes

0 Views · 11 months ago

Market America Non Profit Organization Program Presentation

0 Views · 11 months ago

ExtinctCulture = USA Google Search Pentagon Non Profit

0 Views · 11 months ago

AASK expanding facilities and programs to keep up.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Video Transcription: <br /> <br />The professional team at SunBug has stepped up to the challenge of implementing solar power for schools & non-profits by turning challenges into opportunities. To learn more about implementing solar power for schools & non-profits, visit or call 617-500-3932.

0 Views · 11 months ago

For Alex Matthiessen, resisting the temptation to micromanage keeps his Riverkeeper organization afloat.<br /><br />Question: What are the major challenges of running a nonprofit? <br />Alex Matthiessen: Well, I think my governing philosophy is as the head of Riverkeeper is very much modeled on John Adams, who founded and ran the Natural Resources Defense Council for many years, and that is the idea that you hire the best possible people you can and then you let them go, you let them kind of do their thing and use their talents to advance your mission, advance your cause. So that's very much what I've tried to do, you know, I inherited an organization that was still very much of a mom-and-pop shop and we've really turned it into a professional organization. We're very efficient, we're very lean, we have more than doubled our staff, we have quadrupled our budget. So through my leadership I've helped to kind of build our capacity and to allow us to confront more polluters in a larger geographic area, cover more of the Hudson to start to get involved in New York City in a way that we hadn't been before which is, you know, critical, you know, the more places we are, the more we can do our work. I've also very much emphasized the importance of getting citizens involved in the work that we do, you know, when we were 10 people, now that we're 25 people, even if we're 40 people, 50 people, you know, in terms of the size of our organization, we're never gonna have the bodies to cover all of the New York City watershed and the Hudson River watershed and to address all the problems that are out. We really need average citizens to be a part of our effort and then it means not just sending us checks but actually attending, you know, public hearings and going to community meetings and writing letters and running for office locally and helping us fight misguided, ill advised development projects in the watershed etc. They're a critical part of the work that we do. <br />In terms of challenges, you know, the challenge with a group of our size and especially one that's been growing as quickly as we have is that you can get very much mired down as the head of the organization in the day to day running of the organization and that can be very distracting, very time consuming, very energy intensive and frankly, not necessarily a good use of the president's time, you know, the person who's supposed to have the vision of where you're going and has the contacts and the ability to kind of sell the organization and to build our capacity and raise our profile and strengthen our stature among elected officials and other decision makers, you know, you've gotta be out and about and you've gotta be doing that work externally and it's easy in a small organization to get kind of caught up in the kind of day-to-day decisions that need to take place.

0 Views · 11 months ago

How to JumpStart Non-Profit Fundraising Campaign

0 Views · 11 months ago

Paul Petersen accused of smuggling pregnant Marshallese women into the country.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Punjabi Seva helping put food on the table for those in need.

Showing 34 out of 35