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0 Views · 9 months ago

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0 Views · 9 months ago

A Song for Libya (for more songs:
Words and Music: John Yany

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Verse 1:
Jesus come and find
yourself a Libyan bride
Come and make her yours
dressed in gold and white
For this wedding feast
Call from north and south
“Libya shall be free.
Spirit end this drought!”

Prechorus 1:
Raise up the valleys
And bring low the pride
A pathway for Yahweh

To heal the wounds of war
To break the yoke, my Lord
You shed your blood and tears
For Simon of Cyrene
Libya shall be free

Verse 2:
I speak a mystery
The desert you now see
The word of God in power
Can change it to be green

And though this is land dry
I know and I believe
If we pray and sow in tears
We shall one day gladly reap

Prechorus 2:
Breakthrough is coming
This I believe
My friend though it tarry
We will wait and pray for Jesus to make a way

God of nations come
I know you gave the Son
For tribes, and peoples, tongues
My heart it prays and longs

I know you will not fail
Before your throne to make
A song of praise to rise
From every nation tribe
And after all these tears
I see Libya in the feast

Exhortation :
18 "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
20 The wild beasts will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches, for I give water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to my chosen people,
21 the people whom I formed for myself that they might declare my praise. - Isaiah 43:18-21

0 Views · 9 months ago

"Libya, Libya, Libya" (Arabic: ليبيا ليبيا ليبيا‎ Lībiyā, Lībiyā, Lībiyā), also known as "Ya Beladi" (English: "O my country!"), is the national anthem of Libya since 2011; it was previously the national anthem from 1955 to 1969. It was composed by Mohammed Abdel Wahab, in 1951, with the lyrics themselves being written by Al Bashir Al Arebi.

"Libya, Libya, Libya" was composed by Mohammed Abdel Wahab in 1951 and was originally the national anthem of the Kingdom of Libya, from its independence in 1951 until 1969 when King Idris I was overthrown by a bloodless coup d'état led by Muammar Gaddafi. The lyrics themselves were written by Al Bashir Al Arebi.

ลิเบีย ลิเบีย ลิเบีย (หรือในอีกชื่อ "ยา บิลาดี" หมายถึง "ประเทศของข้า") เป็นบทเพลงซึ่งประพันธ์ทำนองโดย โมฮัมเหม็ด อับเดล วาฮับ (Mohammed Abdel Wahab) บทร้องโดย อัล บะชีร์ อัล อะเรบี (Al Bashir Al Arebi) เดิมใช้เป็นเพลงชาติของราชอาณาจักรลิเบียนับตั้งแต่ได้รับเอกราชจากอิตาลีเมื่อ ค.ศ. 1951 จนถึง ค.ศ. 1969 เนื่องจากรัฐบาลของพระเจ้าอิดริสที่ 1 แห่งลิเบีย ได้ถูกรัฐประหารโดยคณะทหารภายใต้การนำของ พันเอก มูอัมมาร์ กัดดาฟี

يا بلادي أو ليبيا، ليبيا، ليبيا هو النشيد الرسمي للمملكة الليبية منذ عام 1955 (تاريخ فوز مؤلف النشيد الشاعر التونسي البشير العريبي بجائزة مسابقة النشيد الوطني الليبي) إلى انقلاب 1969 في ليبيا. وأُعيد استخدامه من قبل المعارضة في ليبيا في بدايات ثورة 17 فبراير عام 2011، وبالرغم من أن الإعلان الدستوري الذي صدر في 2011 لم ينص عليه إلا أن أجزاء من النشيد تستخدم حالياً من قبل عدة جهات في دولة ليبيا.

Discord : Major Colonel Park Namekun #1086
Facebook : Park Namekun

0 Views · 9 months ago


0 Views · 9 months ago

Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya anthem 1969-2011
الجماهيرية العربية الليبية الشعبية الإشتراكية العظمى for more information click below
al-Jamāhīriyyah al-'Arabiyyah al-Lībiyyah ash-Sha'biyyah al-Ishtirākiyyah al-'Uẓmá

libya national anthem النشيد الوطني الليبي HQ Nationalhymne Libyens Himno nacional de Libia
Allahu Akbar (God is Great) (Arabic: الله أكبر‎), is the title of the national anthem of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and before that the Libyan Arab Republic. It was originally an Egyptian marching song which became popular in Egypt and Syria during the Suez Canal War of 1956. It was adopted on September 1, 1969, by Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi as the official anthem of Libya, showing his hopes of uniting the Arab world. It replaced the previous national anthem Libya, Libya, Libya which had been used by the Kingdom of Libya since independence in 1951.
الله أكبر الله اكبر
والله أكبر فوق كيد المعتدي
الله للمظلوم خير مؤيد
أنا باليقين وبالسلاح سأفتدي
بلدي ونور الحق يسطع في يدي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله أكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
God is greatest! God is greatest!
And God is greatest above plots of the aggressors,
And God is the best helper of the oppressed.
With faith and with weapons I shall defend my country,
And the light of truth will shine in my hand.
Say with me! Say with me!
God, God, God is greatest!
God is above any attacker.

يا هذه الدنيا أطلي واسمعي
جيش الأعادي جاء يبغي مصرعي
بالحق سوف أرده وبمدفعي
فإذا فنيت فسوف أفنيه معي
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله اكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
Oh this world, watch and listen:
The enemy came coveting my position,
I shall fight with Truth and defences
And if I die, I'll take him with me!
Say it with me, say it with me:
God , God , God is greatest!
God is above any attacker!

الله أكبر الله اكبر
قولوا معي الويل للمستعمر
وﷲ فوق الغادر المتجبر
الله أكبر يا بلادي كبري
وخذي بناصية المغير ودمري
قولوا معي قولوا معي
الله الله الله أكبر
الله فوق المعتدي
God is Great God is Great
Say With Me Woe To The Enemy :
And God is Over The Invader Egotist,
God Greatest My Country Say with Me :
And Behold of Enemys Forelock and Destroy it
Say it with me, say it with me:
God , God , God is the Greatest
God is above any attacker!

0 Views · 9 months ago

Libya is the 6th richest country in Africa by GDP Per Capita, 2022

0 Views · 9 months ago

Here is a video of Brian Griffin performing his original song "10 to 1" live at the Shrunken Head in Columbus Ohio Wed 3-9-11. Dedicated to the rebels fighting in Libya

0 Views · 9 months ago

As life begins to take shape in Libya since the ousting of former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, dozens of residents in the Libyan capital recently gathered for a music concert on a beach in Tripoli.

The concert is considered a rare event in Tripoli where there are relatively few musical performances in public spaces.

Music Researcher Layla Tayyeb says, “I hope this concert and others like it will be held in the coming years. Few people know that there were such things in the past. People have wor…
READ MORE : http://[a][/a]

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Libya, officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest.Enjoy Libya's most incredible locations in 4K.

#4k #libya #libya4k

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Music: "It'll Be Alright" by R.LUM.R

0 Views · 9 months ago

tribute to the Libyan martyrs returned by Lebanon:
علي إبراهيم نويضة وخالد محمد المعلول وسعيد عريبي خليفة
Music by the legendry Fairouz

0 Views · 9 months ago

#Gaddafi #gadhafi #kadafi #kaddafi #kadhafi #qaddafi #qadhafi #gathafi #gadaffi #algaddafi #Jamahiriya #greenresistance #libyangreenresistance #Gaddafism #سياسة #socialism #green #libyanarabjamahiriya #directdemocracy #democracy #libya #africa #القذافي #الجماهيرية #الفاتح #ليبيا #ثورة_الفاتح #nato #terrorism #Каддафи

0 Views · 9 months ago

this video shows ronaldo dancing with libyan traditinal music

0 Views · 9 months ago

Good work by Ahmad Benali a Libyan artist who goes by the name of shab al-Leebie. A very talanted libyan individual

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