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0 Views · 7 months ago

We’re back, and it’s time to explore a bit more of mozambique!

After a incredible first week of uncovering and exploring the magnificent southern region of Mozambique with Bianca, we moved slightly up north to experience more of this tropical paradise.

We journeyed up into Morrungulo, kindly invited by Marine Mega Fauna, hosted by the one and only Peri Peri divers to experience this pristine untouched wonderland located slightly north of Inhambane where we last left off.

Despite being a tad unlucky with visibility during our trip, the thriving marine life more than made up for it, making every dive worth the adventure. We are immensely grateful to Marine Mega Fauna for extending their invitation to us and to the Peri Peri divers who hosted and gave us the opportunity to uncover this pristine slice of the Mozambican underwater world.

Have you ever explored this area of Mozambique ? Let me know below in the comments, or give me a few location recommendations we may have missed out on! Remember, don’t pack your bags just yet - were just getting started and have more to uncover throughout this epic adventure through tropical Africa.

Tim Hulme

1 Views · 7 months ago

Celebrating 60 years of impactful conservation is a significant achievement - congratulations Maputo Special Reserve!

This milestone was marked on 23 July with a ceremony led by His Excellency, President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, who called on all sectors of society to take collective responsibility for the protection of the environment.

Werner Myburgh, CEO of Peace Parks Foundation, offered a special message of congratulations: “We have been working with the Mozambique government to restore the country’s protected areas for almost two decades, and few things have made me so proud as what has been accomplished in Maputo Special Reserve. Its transformation is due to the culmination of committed conservationists, a dedicated government and the people of Mozambique who have taken ownership of this remarkable landscape. Witnessing this reserve and other protected areas in which we work thrive, has been one of the highlights of my career. Congratulations Mozambique - what has been achieved here is restoring a brighter tomorrow, not only for Africa but on a global scale, as humanity cannot survive without healthy and balanced ecosystems. May we continue together on this journey of restoration for many years to come.”

0 Views · 7 months ago

The following video footage was taken in the Spring 2019 during Deco Diver’s shark expedition to Ponta Do Ouro, Mozambique. These dives were led by celebrated shark experts Ahmed Mamdouh and Walter Bernardis. Both Walter and Ahmed have dedicated their diving careers to dispelling many of the myths regarding shark interactions and behaviors.
This video is a true testament to the misunderstandings surrounding these amazing animals. Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our marine ecosystem and our continued abuse towards them will have devastating effects on our ecosystem.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Diving Pinnacles reef at Ponta d'Ouro, Mozambique, with Scuba Addicts.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Our eagle eyes will find one of these on nearly every encounter

0 Views · 7 months ago

During this Mozambique Road Trip we are looking for the planets biggest fish species the whale shark. Join us on our adventure to Mozambique's best diving and snorkelling spots and Africas's most beautiful beach to view whale sharks, dolphins, turtles and lots of colourful fish. The Mozambique video has stunning drone and underwater shots that will make you want to go to Mozambique. The aerial drone shots where made using a DJI Mavic Air 2. Editing was done using Final Cut Pro.

During the trip we saw many amazing animals like whale sharks, dolphins, turtles and lots of colourful fish.

Places we visited are:

Morrongulo Beach (Paradise Beach)
Bazaruto Island

0 Views · 7 months ago

Mozambique Tilapia Holding Eggs (45 Gallon)
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0 Views · 7 months ago

Marius & Ren with puppy at Nyabanga Lodge, Bilene, Mozambique

0 Views · 7 months ago

What does it take to write, photograph and design stories for Modern Huntsman. This nine part series give you a behind the scenes look into a story in volume 8 while visiting Zambeze Delta Safaris. Filmed and directed by Byron Pace.

1 Views · 7 months ago

We recently welcomed Chicoa Fish Farms to our uMunthu portfolio, with a Series A investment of $1.5 million.
Read the full press release:

0 Views · 7 months ago

Hunting crocodile can be a challenging #safari due to their inherent wariness of people. One effective way to selectively hunt big #crocodiles is to build a blind near a bait site that has access to deep water.

Follow along as Chris pursues giant crocs with Safari Trails International in the Tete province of Mozambique along the #zambezi river.

Book your Crocodile Safari: Russell Lovemore Safari Trails International

0 Views · 7 months ago

Selection of animals that are rare around the world, that you have a good chance of seeing in Tofo Mozambique

0 Views · 7 months ago

In a series of 5 new vlogs we will share our adventure in Mozambique. We will be hunting in Africa spot and stalk for a series of antilopes like Nyala, Sable, Warthog and also Buffalo. Hunting with my dad, with bow but also rifle, a mixed adventure full of emotions and action.

In this second episode we go deep into the swamps of the Zambeze Delta in pursue of Buffalo. A couple exciting days getting close to one of the most amazing animals to hunt in Africa. Weather doesn't collaborate much, but we had a once in a lifetime experience, doubling with two great buffalo on the same day.

Hope you guys enjoy this honest journey!

Equipment used.
Bergara Limited Edition 375 H&H with Hornady Dangerous Game series 300gr DGX and Leupold 1-6 VX6-HD scope.

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Filmed by:
Brandon Winterton
Produced by
Victoria Albizuri

Supported by @kuiuultralight @LeupoldOptics @hornady @bergarainternational @BergaraOfficial @WildernessAthlete1

#huntingbuffalo #hunting #buffalohunting #huntingmozambique #huntingdangerousgame #africa #hunt #buffalo #dangerousgame #buffalocharge #africanhunting ​

0 Views · 7 months ago

Breeder group of Mozambique Tilapia

0 Views · 7 months ago

Witness the incredible story of the international relocation and release of thirteen African Wild Dogs in Karingani by a team of wildlife vets with Saving the Survivors.

0 Views · 7 months ago

Whale watching in the Bazaruto Archipelago with Mozambique Horse Safari

0 Views · 7 months ago

The African Wild Dog, African Painted Dog, or African Hunting Dog is one of the most rare and endangered animals in Africa. Travel Plug Adapter Set On my recent safari to Africa, we spotted this African Wild Dog on safari in Northern Mozambique. African Wild Dogs have only 4 toes, lacking dewclaws. African Wild Dogs are highly social, and live in packs. We only spotted this dog, relaxing in the long grass and dense forest. African Wild Dogs hunt antelope species in packs, chasing them to exhaustion. Long hated by farmers, the African Wild Dogs chase and tear apart their prey, able to bite and chase an animal for up to 2 kilometers. Researchers believe there are only 6,600 left in Africa, with only 1,400 mature adults in the population. Thank you Majune Safaris.



Rfid Travel Wallet
Hanging Toiletry Bag
Travel Plug Adapter Set
Travel First Aid Kit
Travel Clothesline
Travel Umbrella
Sewing Kit

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Panther Trackers FOREST CAT

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