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Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago - My Natural Bodybuilding Journey

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Kenyan Official Wants "Gay Lions" Isolated And Studied!

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

More on WATP here: Will And The People are incredible. This raw and beautiful rendition of Knocking is the latest release from their acoustic session with St Pauls Lifestyle. It's another awesome track. Will And The People are not only "LISTED" on St Pauls Lifestyle's OVERGROUND SOUND but are also on our exclusive "WATCH LIST" of 16 bands which we have "tipped for the top." Subscribe to be the first to know about more releases from St Pauls Lifestyle. For more sessions, interviews, festival cover and other awesome stuff with talented musicians and comedians, go to, subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us @stpaulslifestyl catch us on Tumblr., Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook and catch Rose Paul on Google+. Linked-In and Facebook. St Pauls Lifestyle supports striving artists for free. You can buy Studio Releases at the St Pauls Lifestyle SHOP on the site at 90% of music proceeds go to the artists who made the music.

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago Are you living a conscious lifestyle? Consciousness breeds an idea.

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago Really find a descriptive word to describe your life. Not "good" or "Bad"

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Kenyan Official Wants "Gay Lions" Isolated And Studied!

Amobi Anazodo
1 Views · 10 months ago

President Obama's Message to the People of Kenya

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

How our action of life has been changed with the change of time.

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago Choices are the foundation of a lifestyle. See more at Serving Life Chiropractic.

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago


Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

The Presidents of Kenya and Iran pledged to strengthen bilateral ties and sign a series of trade agreements as part of the Persian leader's tour of African countries. teleSUR

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Kenyan rescue workers and medical staff rush to treat the injured after blast tore through Nairobi's business district.<br/> <br />Doctors at Kenyatta National hospital say as many as as 28 people were injured with at least four of them reportedly in serious condition.<br/> <br />The lunch hour explosion blew clothing and shoes through the window of a local store.<br/> <br />It isn't clear what caused the blast.<br/> <br />SOUNDBITE: Kenyan Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere saying:<br/> <br />"From the preliminary investigations we can rule out a grenade or a bomb attack, most probably it is an electric fault; I am from the site and all indications point to that direction."<br/> <br />The blast in Nairobi came as Kenya experiences a surge in violence throughout the country much of which has been blamed on al Shabab militants linked to al Qaeda.<br/> <br />Deborah Gembara, Reuters

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago


Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Kenyan Official Wants "Gay Lions" Isolated And Studied!

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Four exceptionally brave villagers recently chased down two problematic and ultimately dangerous cheetahs on their own. <br /> <br />The cheetah is the world's fastest land animal and can reportedly run up to 64 miles per hour.<br /><br />In a remarkable story, four exceptionally brave Kenyan villagers recently chased down two dangerous cheetahs without any assistance.<br /><br />The caught Cheetahs were turned over to the authorities - the problem was that they were killing the villagers’ goats. One of the affected residents, Nur Hassan stated “I need compensation from them because the cheetahs killed most of my goats. These cheetahs killed 15 of my goats - they were coming to my house daily to kill my goats.” <br /><br />On the day of the chase, Hassan had been drinking a cup of tea, when he looked outside and witnessed the cheetahs killing another one of his goats. That’s when he made the decision to go after them.<br /><br />Hassan developed a plan and waited until the sun was high. He also called up some younger residents to assist him. The four men waited until the hottest part of the day and took off on the chase which lasted about 4 miles.

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

‘Softie,’ the Kenyan documentary on activism and corruption

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

Kenyan Official Wants "Gay Lions" Isolated And Studied!

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

‘Softie,’ the Kenyan documentary on activism and corruption

Amobi Anazodo
0 Views · 10 months ago

‘Softie,’ the Kenyan documentary on activism and corruption

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