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The business communities from Namibia and South Africa held their first-ever business forum with the aim of deepening their economic ties.

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0 Views · 11 months ago

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

- Secretary-general's travels
- African Union Summit
- Mali, Ethiopia
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Ukraine
- Myanmar
- Secretary-general /Afghanistan
- Security Council/ Libya
- Closure on Monday
- Press Briefing on Tuesday


The Secretary-General will be heading to Stockholm, Sweden, on Tuesday to attend the Stockholm+50 conference, which is being convened by the United Nations and co-hosted by the governments of Sweden and Kenya. The meeting will take place five decades after the 1972 landmark UN Conference on the Human Environment which led to the creation of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The meeting will also provide leaders with an opportunity to draw on 50 years of multilateral environmental action to secure a better future for a healthy planet.

The Secretary-General will urge countries to embrace the human right to a clean, healthy environment for all people, everywhere – especially poor communities, women and girls, indigenous people, young people and generations to come.

On the margins of the conference, he will meet with representatives of the Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force.

During his visit, he will also meet with Prime Minister of Sweden, Magdalena Andersson, as well as His Majesty, Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden, and Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess Victoria, and other high-level officials.

He will also meet with members of the UN High-level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism.


As we mentioned to you yesterday, the Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths, is in Malabo, in Equatorial Guinea, where today he spoke at the opening of the African Union Extraordinary Humanitarian Summit and Pledging Conference. Mr. Griffiths is representing the Secretary-General there.

In his address, Mr. Griffiths said that many of the struggles Africa faces are driven by forces far beyond the continent, including conflicts, climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the spiraling cost of commodities.

He noted that millions of people on the continent are being pushed to the edge of survival.

Tomorrow, also in Malabo, the head of the UN Counter-Terrorism Office, Vladimir Voronkov, will represent the Secretary-General at the opening session of the AU Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Changes of Government.

In his remarks, Mr. Voronkov is expected to say that terrorist groups, such as Al-Qaida and Da’esh, as well as their affiliates, have intensified attacks in Africa, killing and wounding innocent civilians and aggravating inter-communal tensions.

He will reiterate the UN’s commitment to continue to work with the African Union and African Member States to tackle the threat posed by terrorism and violent extremism, in compliance with human rights and the rule of law.

His full remarks will be posted tomorrow on the website of the Office of Counter-Terrorism.


Following his activities in Equatorial Guinea, the Emergency Relief Coordinator, Martin Griffiths will be in Mali starting tomorrow. He is expected to meet with Government officials and representatives of the humanitarian and donor communities. Mr. Griffiths will see humanitarian projects and meet with impacted communities in Mali.

As we have mentioned, the humanitarian situation in the country has significantly deteriorated as a result of conflict and intercommunal clashes.

Today, 7.5 million men, women and children – or one in four Malians – require humanitarian assistance. The level of needs is higher than at any point since the beginning of the crisis in 2012.

For example, 1.8 million people will need food assistance this year – that’s an increase of 51 per cent compared to last year.

Humanitarian funding has steadily decreased over the past years, even though the needs have increased. As of now, the revised requirement of $685.7 million sought to assist 5.3 million people this year and is only 11 per cent funded.

On 17 May, the UN Central Emergency Respond Fund (CERF) announced a Rapid Response allocation of $8 million targeting food security and nutrition.

Full Highlights:

0 Views · 11 months ago

Ensuring people in Africa have the right amounts and the right kinds of food to support healthy lifestyles is increasingly challenging. Climatic and population pressures will only exacerbate these challenges. But with proactive policies to support appropriate agricultural production and international food trade, future food and nutritional security should be attainable without compromising other sustainability goals.

Drawing on recent GCRF-AFRICAP research, Richard King (Chatham House) and Prof Jennie Macdiarmid (University of Aberdeen) consider some of the major challenges and potential nutritional outcomes associated with different mid-century climate and policy scenarios in Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Participants are invited to share their perspectives on what this means for food system and trade policy throughout the region. The event closes with a response from Prof Simba Sibanda (FANRPAN) and an audience Q&A, facilitated by the event co-chairs, Prof Caroline Orfila (University of Leeds) and Prof Yun Yun Gong (University of Leeds).

For more GCRF-AFRICAP seminars on food systems and climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa, visit the GCRF-AFRICAP website at https://africap.info.

0 Views · 11 months ago

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Email: africacdc@africa-union.org
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0 Views · 11 months ago

Society Talks is a public dialogue that brings together civil society, stakeholders + the general public to inform, engage and share experiences with the broader society.

The participants are:
= Nnimmo Bassey - Environmental Justice Advocate and Director at Health of Mother Earth Foundation
= Liepollo Lebohang Pheko - Senior Research Fellow at Trade Collective, political and feminist economist, public intellectual
= Nancy Kachingwe - Consultant specialising in women’s rights, public policy and advocacy strategy
= Masego Madzwamuse - CEO of Southern Africa Trust

0 Views · 11 months ago

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

- Africa Dialogue
- Myanmar
- Syria
- Yemen
- Sudan
- Mali
- Libya
- Migrants/Central Mediterranean Sea
- DRC – Mount Nyiragongo
- South Asia/Cyclone
- COVID-19/Indonesia
- Vesak Day
- UN Conference on Trade and Development
- Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Virtual Briefings Tomorrow
- Financial Contribution

Speaking at the Public Policy Forum of this year’s Africa Dialogue Series, on the theme of “Cultural identity and ownership”, the Secretary-General said it is a call for using the continent’s rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage as a catalyst for Africa’s growth and transformation.  
With spreading hatred and intolerance around the world, we must not only defend diversity but invest in it, he added.
But, for that to be possible, the Secretary-General called for solidarity with the African continent to recover from the pandemic. He renewed his appeal for vaccine equity, saying it is unacceptable that vaccines are not yet fully available on the African continent.
Mr. Guterres went on to reiterate the importance for Africa to receive the financial support needed to protect its citizens and to be able to relaunch the continent’s economies.     

In Myanmar, the UN Country Team continues to call upon the military to ensure the protection of civilians as widespread and systematic breaches of human rights continue, including extrajudicial killing, arbitrary detention, torture and ill treatment, as well as enforced disappearance.
UN colleagues on the ground say that, over the past 115 days, at least 824 civilians, many of them women and children, have been killed since the military seized control, while thousands more have been injured.
At the same time, 4,301 people remain in detention, including politicians, authors, human rights defenders, teachers, healthcare workers, civil servants, journalists, monks, celebrities and just ordinary citizens.

The Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, briefed the Security Council this morning by videoconference. He said that elections being held today in Syria are not part of the political process called for by Security Council resolution 2254. The UN is not involved in the election and has no mandate to be involved, he added.
He said that the broad contours of a political solution to the conflict are well understood by key stakeholders, yet none is willing to take the first step. If we continue like this, he warned, Syria will become another protracted conflict, lasting generations.
Despite the many catastrophes Syria faces, the Special Envoy added, it is relatively calmer on the ground than in previous years. And there is a shared sense that no one can dictate the conflict’s final outcome.
The Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, also briefed the Council, saying that the UN has not been able to deliver aid to Rukban since September 2019, nor have we been able to conduct any assessments. He noted that the Security Council authorization for UN cross-border assistance into the north-west expires in just over six weeks. A failure to extend it would immediately end direct cross-border deliveries by the UN.

Full Highlights: https://www.un.org/sg/en/conte....nt/noon-briefing-hig

0 Views · 11 months ago


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0 Views · 11 months ago

mirror : https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Gg6xJygc6np/

Big ty to the lads at https://riotarchive.com/ you can find all the footage on there.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Research fellow at Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, Dr Tola Ilesanmi, speaks about the resurgence of military coups in West Africa.

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0 Views · 11 months ago

Leaders within the African Ministers Water Council at the Stockholm Water Week have blamed a lack of funding for the lack of clean and safe water in many countries on the continent.They have called on Africa to look into other methods of sourcing water, which will also help produce energy.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Kenya continues to play host to a number of multinationals seeking a piece of the growing African consumer market. The latest of such entrants is technology firm Lenovo which says it is carrying out feasibility studies in Kenya on its plans to set up a computer assembly plant. Lenovo president Gianfranco Lanci spoke to KTN on their plans.

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0 Views · 11 months ago

The Government Employee Pension Fund is currently on track to meeting its goal of exporting 5 percent of its assets into non-listed assets on the African continent.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Over in South Africa and the country's electricity crisis came under the spotlight during president Jacob Zuma's state of the nation address last week. The president spoke about the ongoing nuclear program during his address, as part of the integrated resource plan to meet the country's requirements.[TAKE: Map] Angelo Coppola reports on another part of that plan

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