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0 Views · 8 months ago

Shops, school and offices are shut, and there's reports of ongoing looting and gunfire. <br /><br />The rebels say they want to hold democratic elections.<br /><br />Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal reports.

0 Views · 8 months ago

TV AND WEB RESTRICTIONS~*NEWS PROGRAMMING ONLY / NO RE-USE AFTER APRIL 25, 2013***~<br/> <br />Rebel fighters from the Seleka coalition move in to secure the presidential palace in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui on Monday.<br/> <br />Around 200 Seleka fighters arrived at the palace compound in a convoy.<br/> <br />The rebels have pledged to name a power-sharing government after seizing the capital on Sunday.<br/> <br />French troops were deployed there on Monday to secure the airport.<br/> <br />The latest in a series of coups and rebellions since the mineral-rich nation won independence from France in 1960 - was swiftly condemned by the United Nations and the African Union.<br/> <br />But in a sign of pragmatism, the United States, France and regional powerbroker Chad called on Seleka's leadership to respect the terms of a recent peace deal.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Dzanga Bai, Dzanga-Ndoki NP, Central African Republic

0 Views · 8 months ago

UNICEF correspondent Sarah Crowe reports on Goodwill Ambassador Mia Farrow's visit to conflict-afflicted areas of the Central African Republic.

0 Views · 8 months ago

CAR: Cameroon River crossing from Central African Republic

0 Views · 8 months ago

Central African Republic: People with Disabilities Left Behind

0 Views · 8 months ago

An upsurge in violence in the Central African Republic has seen hundreds flee the capital Bangui.<br /><br /> The increase in bloodletting has prompted Pope Francis to announce his visit to the country later this month is now in doubt. <br /><br /> The CAR has been in turmoil since the mainly Muslim Seleka rebels staged a coup) in 2013.<br />If #CARcrisis vote is held before militias r disarmed, fighting might resume: @ForeignPolicy— Birgit Schwarz (@BirgitMSchwarz) October 29, 2015<br /> <br />In response Christian militia known as anti-Balaka carried out bloody reprisals.<br /><br /> The country is now split into Christian and Muslim communities. Centrafrique : sept morts dans de nouvelles violences à Bangui— FRANCE 24 Afrique (@F24Afrique) October 27, 2015<br /> <br />Mob violence continues and the President Catherine Samba-Panza has denounced the role of UN peacekeepers saying they have failed to halt the killings. <br />Growing anger a

0 Views · 8 months ago

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0 Views · 8 months ago

UNHCR - Central African Republic refugees struggling to survive

0 Views · 8 months ago

<p>A French journalist has been found murdered in the Central African Republic amid ongoing sectarian violence in the crisis-torn nation. Meanwhile, neighbouring Chad has closed its border, fearing the unrest could spill over.</p><br /><br />Visit our website:<br /><br /><br />Like us on Facebook:<br /><br /><br />Follow us on Twitter:<br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

French troops patrolled the Central African Republic's tense capital on Saturday, as reinforcements crossed into the country as part of a UN-mandated effort to quell a wave of deadly sectarian violence.

0 Views · 8 months ago

At least 100 people were killed in ongoing violence in the Central African Republic, and the U.N. has passed a resolution to intervene in the country.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Stall holders in the capital of the Central African Republic have begun trading once again after pillaging took place earlier in the week. Many are calling on other residents to come back to the capital, saying that peace has returned to the city. Duration: 00:56

0 Views · 8 months ago

UNHCR- Central African Republic refugees struggling to survive

0 Views · 8 months ago

Central African Republic , Adopts Bitcoin As Legal Tender.<br />CNBC reports that the <br />country has become <br />the second in the <br />world to do so.<br />El Salvador was the first country to adopt <br />bitcoin as legal tender last year.<br />CNBC reports that the Central African Republic's parliament unanimously voted to legalize bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.<br />Obed Namsio, chief of staff to <br />President Faustin-Archange Touadera, .<br />said the move is "a decisive step toward opening up new opportunities for our country.".<br />According to the World Bank, the <br />Central African Republic is one of the poorest <br />and least-developed countries on the planet. .<br />While the move to adopt bitcoin in the country has been praised by many, the cryptocurrency remains volatile and is often seen as controversial. .<br />Some experts even fear Russia may attempt to evade sanctions by using cryptocurrencies.<br />CNBC reports that the Central African Republic <br />is a close ally of Russia.<br />CNBC reports that the Central African Republic <br />is a close ally of Russia.<br />Still, others see cryptocurrency as a way for small countries to reduce their dependence on the <br />American dollar when it comes to global trade.<br />The U.S. dollar has also been the global oil currency for over 70 years. .<br />Oil dependence is a major issue now, because of the Ukraine and the SWIFT banking ban, so global, unstoppable cryptocurrencies like bitcoin can really shine, Ransu Salovaara, CEO of crypto platform Likvidi, via CNBC

0 Views · 8 months ago

Central African Republic: No Choice But to Flee

0 Views · 8 months ago

STORY: Actress Mia Farrow met with the press at the United Nations on Tuesday (July 22) to share details from her recent trip to the Central African Republic.<br/> <br />This is the fourth trip for the activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador to the region and Farrow said the effects of violence of the people there is only getting worse.<br/> <br />Farrow spent most of her time in the town of Boda, and visited with displaced women and children.<br/> <br />"It is the children that you worry about most because when talking to the children in the town of Boda. I talked to both Muslim and Christian groups, not together. The Muslim were asking for Muslim teachers to be sent to them. They did not want Christian teachers. They had their Muslim children and they had big sticks that they were laying on the backs of their students when we walked in. And we asked them please, don't do that. But the fear in the faces in the women and in the children is something that you can never forget," she said during the noo

0 Views · 8 months ago

The Central African Republic had become the second nation in the world to adopt Bitcoin as its legal tender.

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