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0 Views · 8 months ago

couverture congos

0 Views · 8 months ago


0 Views · 8 months ago

Cosmic History Chronicles, Book of the Timespace by José Argüelles and Stephanie South<br /><br />Permit<br /><br />the publication of<br />"COSMIC HISTORY CHRONICLES"<br /><br />Dear.......<br /><br />I am writing today confirm that we, the Foundation for the Law of Time, authorize your usage of the Cosmic History Chronicles on All we ask is that you please give proper credit to the authors, Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan and Stephanie South/Red Queen - as well as the website<br /><br />We thank you for sharing this most important information with the world.<br /><br />Sincerely,<br /><br />Jacob Wyatt<br />Operations Manager<br />---------------------<br /><br />Foundation for the Law of Time<br />"Envisioning the Earth as a Work of Art!"<br /><br /><br />In lak'ech

0 Views · 8 months ago

musicien congolais chante sur le sida

0 Views · 8 months ago

0 Views · 8 months ago


0 Views · 8 months ago

A song made for the Election of Congo's beautiful to see the young and the old ones come together to enjoy themselves during the election...check it out!

0 Views · 8 months ago

congo justice - congo justice. <br /> <br />Millions of Congolese have lost their lives in a conflict that the United Nations describes as the deadliest in the world since World War Two. United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, invaded in 1996 the Congo (then Zaire) and again in 1998, which triggered the enormous loss of lives, systemic sexual violence and rape, and widespread looting of Congo’s spectacular natural wealth.

0 Views · 8 months ago

congo justice - congo justice. <br /> <br />Millions of Congolese have lost their lives in a conflict that the United Nations describes as the deadliest in the world since World War Two. United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, invaded in 1996 the Congo (then Zaire) and again in 1998, which triggered the enormous loss of lives, systemic sexual violence and rape, and widespread looting of Congo’s spectacular natural wealth.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Congo virus /Congo virus symptom's/Congo virus treatments/Congo virus Pakistan alert/diagnosis congo<br />#congovirus #virus #viralreels <br />pakistan high alert congo virus<br />alert congo virus<br />pakistan alert virus

0 Views · 8 months ago

B111- Congo Peafowl, Congo<br /><br />B111- Kongopfau, Congo,<br />

0 Views · 8 months ago

0 Views · 8 months ago

Hugues Ngouélondélé said that the nation will not be able to organise the continental tournament barely six months to commencement.

0 Views · 8 months ago

Heart of the Congos

0 Views · 8 months ago

Concernant J.Kabila, son personnage est entouré de mystères. Donc, jusqu'à la preuve du contraire, le peuple congolais fait face à un usurpateur.

0 Views · 8 months ago

La République démocratique du Congo est devenue un véritable champ de bataille où s'affrontent les armées de 7 pays différents. Les rebelles congolais qui se battent depuis 4 mois pour renverser KABILA ont voulu prendre à revers les troupes du Zimbabwe venues au secours de KABILA. Le Zimbabwe a répliqué par des bombardements dans la région de Moba. Le bilan est lourd. .<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#0086b0;">Retrouvez ce media sur</a>

0 Views · 8 months ago


0 Views · 8 months ago

This movie review first appeared on the "Top Hat And Buttered Popcorn" program that aired bi-monthly on the Fairfax County (VA) cable television station, Channel 10. it was hosted by John Savers. It is a "B-grade" adventure movie set mostly in Africa but with West Coast scientists at a university tossed in to give it a Sci-Fi patina. Villains appear as poachers and venders of wild game, including valuable parts.

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