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0 Views · 11 months ago

Church anniversary Programmes | Christian Dance by Teachers | Elshaddai EFGC Bangalore

0 Views · 11 months ago

Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: c. 1890-1980 From the arrival of the Pioneer Column to Independence. Part 1 of the history behind the flight of tens of thousands of Zimbabweans into South Africa in 2008. (2hr. 14mins.)
00:00:00 Questions
00:04:39 Conquest
00:48:25 Missionaries.
01:14:55 Commercial Farming and the Landless
01:37:11 Uprising
02:11:46 Credits

0 Views · 11 months ago

#Africa #Driving #Relaxing #Dakar #Senegal #Travel #Relaxing #Music #Work #Studying #HDR #UltraHD #Beautiful #City #Tour #Family #Friendly #Nature #Architecture #Sea #World #Business #News #Sightseeing #Memories
The city of Dakar is the capital of the Republic of Senegal and the Dakar region. It has 1,056,0091 inhabitants out of the 3,630,000 inhabitants (2018 estimate) of the entire Dakar region. It is one of the four historical communes of Senegal and the former capital of French West Africa (AOF).
Under the dual action of migration from the countryside and natural growth, the Dakar region has grown very rapidly. It has grown from 400,000 inhabitants in 1970 to 3.6 million in 2018, an increase of nearly 5% per year. A macrocephalic metropolis, it is home to half of the country's urban population.
Occupying only 0.28% of the national territory, the Dakar region covers an area of 550 km and accounts for 25% of the population and 80% of the country's economic activities.
From Wikipedia

#Afrique #Conduite #Relaxation #Dakar #Sénégal #Voyage #Relaxation #Musique #Travail #Étudier #HDR #UltraHD #Beautiful #Ville #Tour #Famille #Convivial #Nature #Architecture #Mer #Monde #Affaires #Actualités #Visite #Souvenirs
La ville de Dakar est la capitale de la République du Sénégal et de la région de Dakar. Elle compte 1 056 0091 habitants sur les 3 630 000 habitants (estimation 2018) de toute la région de Dakar. Elle est l'une des quatre communes historiques du Sénégal et l'ancienne capitale de l'Afrique Occidentale Française (AOF).
Sous la double action de la migration des campagnes et de l'accroissement naturel, la région de Dakar a connu une croissance très rapide. Elle est passée de 400 000 habitants en 1970 à 3,6 millions en 2018, soit une augmentation de près de 5% par an. Métropole macrocéphale, elle abrite la moitié de la population urbaine du pays.
Occupant seulement 0,28% du territoire national, la région de Dakar s'étend sur 550 km et concentre 25% de la population et 80% des activités économiques du pays.
De Wikipédia

#África #Conducir #Relajante #Dakar #Senegal #Viajes #Relajante # Música #Trabajo #Estudiar #HDR #UltraHD #Hermosa #Ciudad #Tour #Familia #Amigable #Naturaleza #Arquitectura #Mar #Mundo #Negocio #Noticias # Turismo #Recuerdos
La ciudad de Dakar es la capital de la República de Senegal y de la región de Dakar. Cuenta con 1.056.0091 habitantes de los 3.630.000 habitantes (estimación 2018) de toda la región de Dakar. Es uno de los cuatro municipios históricos de Senegal y la antigua capital del África Occidental Francesa (AOF).
Bajo la doble acción de la migración desde el campo y el aumento natural, la región de Dakar ha crecido muy rápidamente. Ha pasado de 400.000 habitantes en 1970 a 3,6 millones en 2018, un aumento de casi el 5% anual. Metrópolis macrocefálica, alberga la mitad de la población urbana del país.
La región de Dakar, que sólo ocupa el 0,28% del territorio nacional, se extiende a lo largo de 550 km y concentra el 25% de la población del país y el 80% de sus actividades económicas.
De Wikipedia

# أفريقيا # القيادة # الاسترخاء # داكار # السنغال # السفر # الاسترخاء # موسيقى #عمل # دراسة # HDR # الترا اتش دي # جميل # مدينة# جولة # العائلة # ودية # الطبيعة # الهندسة المعمارية # البحر # العالم # الأعمال #الأخبار # مشاهدة المعالم # الذكريات
مدينة داكار هي عاصمة جمهورية السنغال ومنطقة داكار.يبلغ عدد سكانها 1056،0091 نسمة من بين 3،630،000 نسمة (تقديرات 2018) من منطقة داكار بأكملها. وهي واحدة من أربع بلديات تاريخية في السنغال والعاصمة السابقة لغرب إفريقيا الفرنسية (AOF).
في ظل العمل المزدوج للهجرة من الريف والنمو الطبيعي ، نمت منطقة داكار بسرعة كبيرة. فقد نما من 400 ألف نسمة في عام 1970 إلى 3.6 مليون في عام 2018 ، بزيادة تقارب 5٪ سنويًا. إنها مدينة كبيرة الرأس ، وهي موطن لنصف سكان المدن في البلاد.
تحتل منطقة داكار 0.28٪ فقط من التراب الوطني ، وتغطي مساحة 550 كم وتشكل 25٪ من السكان و 80٪ من الأنشطة الاقتصادية للبلاد.
من ويكيبيديا

0 Views · 11 months ago

In this special edition of Palisades Tom details his recent visit to Africa where he met up with Francis Hunt of "The Market Sniper" for a motorbike adventure across three countries.

Francis, who was born in South Africa and has lived in the UK for 20 years, shares his insights on the history of diamond and gold industries in the region.

*Palisade Radio Links:*
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They also discuss the role of Cecil John Rhodes, a well-renowned national hero of South Africa who was funded by powerful financiers and used this power to establish a monopoly on the diamond and commodities industry in the region. They also touch upon the historical context of how the British empire had a continual need due to their nursery banking lending system and the coming of an American era.

The interviewee's experience in Zimbabwe highlights a struggling infrastructure and the effects of devaluation on the population. They discuss the rapid devaluation of the Zimbabwean currency

The lack of maintenance and investment is derelicting the organization and infrastructure in many African nations. The two then explore the economy of Zimbabwe where others said infrastructure had been broken and stolen. The country's inflation created a notorious bank note of $100 trillion symbolizing its depreciated currency and the challenges faced by the people due to this.

They discuss the controversal interplay between gold, long-term US treasury rates, and national debts. Francis discusses and the potential for a demand-destroying event in the future.

They also discuss the importance of taking a break from the markets and appreciating the beauty of nature.

Although the trip may not have been comfortable, they discuss the importance of being prepared and self-reliant in any crisis.

Time Stamp References:
0:00 - Introduction
2:36 - Francis's Background
4:30 - Cecil Rhodes Impact
12:10 - Derivative Beginnings
15:50 - African Contrasts
19:14 - Infrastructure Failings
26:05 - Levies & Fiat Trillions
33:45 - Dollar & Bond Yields
42:13 - Private Debt Hoarders
50:50 - Yields & Inflation
56:45 - Japan & Rate Peg
59:50 - Bitcoin & Malfeasance
1:05:30 - Commodities & Ratios
1:08:12 - Africa Trip Details

Talking Points From This Episode
- Tom and Francis traveled 1,200 miles through South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe to record an special edition of Palisades Gold Radio.
- They discussed Cecil John Rhodes and his role in bringing Southern Africa under the City of London cartels.
- They highlighted the current low interest rate environment and how it is driving people up the risk curve to find yield.

Guest Links

Francis is a trader, first and foremost. Unlike most educators in the trading space, Francis walks the walk and talks the talk, with 30 years of experience trading his personal capital on various markets and instruments. Through this passion for trading and his relentless study of markets and economic theory, he uses the Hunt Volatility Funnel trading methodology, a systemized approach, to answer the critical question: What is the next most profitable trade?

He believes the actual price of an asset is the most accurate reflection of all the factors that influence it. Practical technical analysis, the study of price action over time, is needed to formulate profitable trade ideas. Indeed, with all the market manipulation and high-frequency trading operations currently in play, technical analysis is all that can be relied upon when it comes to formulating future price trends. A trained eye can often spot such manipulative practices, as is the case with HVF traders. Therefore, the HVF methodology is based purely on technical analysis.

Francis is passionate about sharing his knowledge and understanding of markets by utilizing his HVF trading methodology. With entertaining anecdotes and the careful guidance of his students, he has already trained a large community of hundreds of traders and helped them transform from complete newbies to seasoned trading professionals.

He genuinely loves sharing his knowledge and strategies with others who are committed to finding freedom through trading. Plus, teaching strengthens his trading abilities while helping to build a vibrant community of successful traders.

#FrancisHunt #CecilRhodes #Africa #DiamondMines #Zimbabwae #Fiat #Dollar #Gold #Yields #Bonds #Taxes #FinancialCrisis #Japan #Rates #BTC #Commodities #Oil #Adventure #Safari

0 Views · 11 months ago

In this video i will show you how to back up any Nigeria or Africa song on the guitar

0 Views · 11 months ago

After Rhodesia.... Zimbabwe: 1980-2009. Part 2 of the history behind the population flight. Is Zimbabwe's experience a template for South Africa’s future? (01:48:05)
00:00:00 Lancaster House
00:19:41 Years of Hope
00:26:50 Gukurahundi
00:47:44 New Economic Policy
01:06:25 Seizure of White-Owned Farms
01:34:19 Collapse and Population Flight
01:46:53 Credits:

0 Views · 11 months ago

🎵 Hear the ancestral rhythm of African drums to transcend or concentrate. All tracks are royalty free, so you can freely use this compilation for your private or professional use.

⭐ Subscribe to encourage my editing work and increase the quality and frequency of publications.

#drum #africandrum #acrifanmusic #afric #ancestralmusic #ancestralrythm #music #nocopyright

0 Views · 11 months ago

Just close your Eyes and see Results , u feel refresh and very positive.

Best Relaxing Music - African Drums [djembe, dunumba, instrumental] SHAMANIC DRUMS Meditation.
Positive Vibes is the leader in Sleep Music, Relaxing Music, Study Music, Meditation Music (including Tibetan Music and Shamanic Music), Healing Music, Reiki Music, Zen Music, Spa and Massage Music, and Yoga Music.

We compose instrumental music that is specially designed to encourage and enhance relaxation, meditation, brain function and concentration, spa and massage therapy, and healing music therapy. In addition, we use binaural beats (Delta Waves, Alpha Waves and Theta Waves) to naturally encourage a state of relaxation which is perfect for concentration, meditation or deep sleep. Our long music playlists are perfect for your daily meditation and relaxation. Our music videos use light, beautiful, calming sounds (some with nature sounds) that leave you feeling refreshed.

#positivevibes #BestPositivemusic #bestmusicforsleep #SPA

0 Views · 11 months ago

Seeds of Africa --- Annual Benefit to help build communities in Ethiopia


Seeds of Africa is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to educate and nurture children and their families by providing quality education and community development programs. We move beyond the traditional aid model by shifting from mere relief efforts, to providing students, families, and communities with the resources and skills they need to support themselves and find local solutions to fight poverty, increase civic participation, and enhance community re-investment.

We began in 2008 as an after-school program, and have since grown into a full-time school that serves pre-k to 6th grade students, and a community development program that serves their mothers and other female guardians.
Seeds Programs

Seeds of Africa operates two major programs: Seeding Education and Sowing Community. Seeding Education offers high-quality education to students, in addition to school meals, uniforms, school supplies and medical support. Sowing Community works with families to increase their household incomes and improve their quality of life through health education seminars, adult literacy and entrepreneurship courses, and access to credit.

Nutrition Program

Nutrition plays a significant role on physical and brain development. Today, more than 2 out of every 5 children in Ethiopia suffer from stunting as a result of malnutrition; 76% of malnourished children have problems in cognitive language, and behavioral development. Studies show that malnutrition in school aged children has a negative impact on their cognitive, academic and psychosocial development. Therefore, children who suffer from malnutrition struggle at school; they have lower arithmetic scores, they repeat grades and could have difficulty socializing with their peers. Many of the students we serve live at or below the poverty line and don’t have access to a consistent and dependable food supply, which makes them more susceptible to physical and mental underdevelopment. Our goal is to transition from our current snack program to a full breakfast and lunch program in order to combat malnutrition.


I am a Seed. You are a Seed. Together, We are Seeds of Africa.

I AM A SEED is a program that allows everyone to be involved in Seeds of Africa and build intentional relationships with our students in Ethiopia.

0 Views · 11 months ago

One good video about the African drum music. This free video was created for you by , and it can be re-used for free, under the creative commons license, with the attribution of as the original creator of this video about the African drum music.

Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!

Music can be a good stimulation for the brain. The different people like the different type of music, because we all need a different type of the stimulation in our mind. The different type of music can have a different effect on our mind. The relaxing music can make us more calm. The energetic music can make us more excited. The romantic or the sad music an make us more emotional. The African music with drums can make us more active and more happy to dance. The melody of the drums is perfect for the dancing.

The African people are very happy about their music. The African people can be very emotional and they love to express their emotions in the form of the dance. The African music with drums is very common in Africa, because this type of music is connected to the style of the African dance. The people get together. They stand in the circle in front of the drums. Then the dancers go into the circle and perform their version of the dance that they want to create with their body. The African drummers connect with the dancer in the circle. The drummers can increase the speed of the style of the melody. The drummers do follow the dancer, so that the movements and the music are connected. is very happy about this kind of social activity, when the people are cheerful and the music is very natural.

The Africa is large. There are many different countries and many different cultures. The music of Africa is diverse. The drums are one essential part of the African music. There are many other musical instruments, which are exotic and special. The drums form the basis of the African music. The traditional African dance is connected to the sound of the drum. The dancers move their feet to the beat of the drum. The speed of the heart is faster or slower, when the drums change the speed of the music. The African dancers can fall into the state of trance, when they dance for a long time. The drummers can also fall into the state of the trance. It is an interesting state of mind, when the people are completely immersed into the sound of the music, and forget about the world around them. The African drums have this special magic in them, and we can be very happy about that.

Emotions can change our actions. We can do incredible things, when we have the correct emotions. We can be very motivated, if the emotions are strong. The African drums can create the emotions that help us to dance and to move our body in the sound of the African music. This music can give us more energy. The legs do get tired. The body is tired, but the sound of the African drums can help us to get new emotional energy that can help us to do more than we thought that was possible. The wave of the sound can increase the potential of the body, if our mind can fall into the deep trance of the African music with drums. This state is more common among the dancers who feel more emotional.

On our beautiful planet we have many different cultures. The drums are a popular musical instrument in all parts of the world. We do not know if the different cultures did invent the musical drum without any help from the outside. It is possible, of maybe the African drum was the original idea that did travel the world. Maybe the people in India did invent the drum. It is difficult to know, but we can know one thing for sure. The African drum is very popular among the people in Africa, and we can be very happy about that.

0 Views · 11 months ago

Nothing like a vacation to make some memories...Use our affirmations to attract a memorable holiday...because you deserve it.

-Change beliefs that are holding you back.


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Next step: Listen to these affirmations everyday for 21 consecutive days, to develop your positive mindset and increase your overall abundance and prosperity to change your life

Wishing you Peace and Blessings always.


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0 Views · 11 months ago

Welcome to Experience Africa. This video presents a summary of the project, which is explained in more detail on 5 additional videos.

Experience Africa wishes to become a 'not for profit' organisation that operates like a tour operator, but donates at least half, and often more than half of its income to conservation projects in Africa.

The business plan for Experience Africa started in 2011, and can be seen at & The strategy is to create a superior website framework and make many websites.

The first phase is a content and inbound marketing strategy, including SEO, followed by Google Ads, Print Media and Broadcast media strategies, alongside creating a next generation WordPress theme, that contains on line booking options, financial and CRM software, which we desire individual safaris to use.

0 Views · 11 months ago

The Krahn are an ethnic group of Liberia and Ivory Coast. This group belongs to the Kru language family and its people are sometimes referred to as the Wee, Guéré, Sapo, or Wobe. It is likely that Western contact with the Kru language is the primary reason for the development of these different names.
The Krahn arrived in an area of Liberia previously known as the "Grain Coast" as part of early 16th-century migrations from the northeast and what is now Ivory Coast. This migration occurred due to pressure on local populations resulting from the emigration of ethnic groups from western Sudan after the decline of medieval empires, as well as an increase in regional wars.
At the time, the African slave trade was becoming more prominent within Liberia. Although some Kru subgroups faced capture by Westerners, it was more common for the Krahn and other coastal peoples in Liberia to serve as local traders, brokering deals within the Western slave market. Many Kru committed suicide rather than face enslavement.
#liberia #africa #1980s
Cash App:$MyBlackPlanet

0 Views · 11 months ago

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Free for non profit use only - Must always credit (Mr Yohan)
( Read below for full conditions )


This beat is available for subscribers for non-profit. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. This beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music.

If you want to make profit with your music (upload your song to streaming services for example), you must purchase a license that is suitable for yourself before releasing your song.

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All Rights Reserved © - Mr Yohan

African Lo-fi Type Beat
Music in this video:
«Paradise» by Mr Yohan

Tags for view increase potential.
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afro house
#AfricanMusic #Afrobeatlofi #africanlofi

0 Views · 11 months ago

Ram Sugulla, regional manager for mobile content provider Spice VAS Africa, explains the significant size and scope of Nigeria's content market. He talks about: the $20 million a month ringtone market; Spice's music on demand service; the range of artists available, including from labels such as EMI, Universal, Indian label Saregema, and exclusive deals with Nigerian artists such as 2face, 9ice and Nusa, In Ghana, for example, they offer artists such as Kwabena Kwabena and Florence; the changing split between basic and smartphones; and how apps are the next big growth area.
Key quote: 'We're expecting the 30pc who use our content on smartphones will rise to 50pc by 2015'

0 Views · 11 months ago

Presented by Tamar Smithers. The museum begins with the indigenous African American religious music, and then on to its influence on country music, blues, jazz, rhythm and blues, and rap/hip-hop.

0 Views · 11 months ago

This is my personal favourite house mix for when I am in complete study mode, hope you enjoy don't forget to like and subscribe.

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