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0 Views · 9 months ago


-- Richard Kozul-Wright, Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD.

Author presentation:
-- Léonce Ndikumana, Distinguished Professor & Director, African Development Policy Program, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
-- Nicholas Shaxson, Writer, Journalist, and Investigator, Tax Justice Network, Berlin, Germany
-- James K. Boyce, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Senior Fellow at the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

-- H.E. Margarida Rosa da Silva Izata, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Republic of Angola to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
-- Rob Davies, Ex-Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of South Africa
-- Janvier Désiré Nkurunziza, Chief, Commodities Branch and Chief of Research and Analysis Section, Division on International Trade and Commodities, UNCTAD.

Closing remarks:
-- Attiya Waris, Professor of Law, and Director of Research and Enterprise at the University of Nairobi, and UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights

0 Views · 9 months ago

The keynote address by Senator Inhofe was pre-recorded on October 5, 2021.

The CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development (PPD) invites you to join a virtual public event to discuss Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and blended finance in sub-Saharan Africa.

SMEs are the backbone of the African economy, but many SMEs lack access to affordable financing or credit lines, preventing them from expanding their operations and businesses. Through blended finance, development finance institutions and other development actors can help SMEs gain access to financing and increase private investment in sub-Saharan Africa. As climate change intensifies, many African SMEs have already begun to adopt sustainable, climate-smart practices, and blended finance can assist SMEs with these adaptation measures. Additionally, China’s role in the sub-Saharan African economy has grown over the last two decades, but there is still very little Chinese investment into African SMEs. U.S. development actors and private investors have a critical opportunity to fill this void.

This event was made possible by the generous support of the U.S. African Development Foundation and CS Consulting.
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0 Views · 9 months ago

IFSW Africa Webinar Covid-19 Africa: Social Work Practice during Pandemic in now online at IFSW website

IFSW President Silvana Martinez and Secretary-General Rory Truell have expressed "“We know social workers in the African region have an immense challenge, on top of the lack of state resources you now have the added extreme stresses of the virus and its economic consequences. IFSW at the regional and global levels stands with you and will continue to do so. Together we are learning from one another, sharing our knowledge and strengthening the social work response. IFSW globally wants to thank and acknowledge all social workers in the African region, your approach of build community capacity to fight this virus is saving many millions of lives"

0 Views · 9 months ago

This is a REPLAY of a all new LIVE Session by Dr. Harnet how to prepare a quick and smart PLAN B during turbulent global times.

Join the PRE-LAUNCH of Dr. Harnet's Africa Real Estate Network:

Join the Africa Business Academy here:

How to start a Knowledge-based or service-based business in Africa:

0 Views · 9 months ago

The best countries to do business in Africa right now!

Learn how to start an African based business.


0 Views · 9 months ago


-- Richard Kozul-Wright, Director, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, UNCTAD.

Author presentation:
-- Léonce Ndikumana, Distinguished Professor & Director, African Development Policy Program, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
-- Nicholas Shaxson, Writer, Journalist, and Investigator, Tax Justice Network, Berlin, Germany
-- James K. Boyce, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Senior Fellow at the Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

-- H.E. Margarida Rosa da Silva Izata, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative of Republic of Angola to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
-- Rob Davies, Ex-Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of South Africa
-- Janvier Désiré Nkurunziza, Chief, Commodities Branch and Chief of Research and Analysis Section, Division on International Trade and Commodities, UNCTAD.

Closing remarks:
-- Attiya Waris, Professor of Law, and Director of Research and Enterprise at the University of Nairobi, and UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights

0 Views · 9 months ago

Interested in learning more about Responsible Tourism and travelling sustainably? Here's a good start:

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► Amazon - Responsible Tourism 2nd Ed.

0 Views · 9 months ago

How has U.S. policy in Africa has evolved over the years? That is the subject of Ambassador Herman J. Cohen’ new book, U.S. Policy Toward Africa: Eight Decades of Realpolitik. In this BookTalk, join Cohen and FPRI Trustee Charles A. Ray for a discussion about the debates that have taken place at the highest levels of government and the evolution of US diplomatic relations in Africa. Cohen and Ray will discuss how policy toward Africa has been affected not only by evolving US relations with Europe, the Soviet Union, the Middle East, and China, but also by the circumstance, ideology, and personality of individual U.S. Presidents. They will also consider the increasing reliance of Western economic interests on Africa’s natural resources and how this impacts policy under recent administrations.

Amb. Cohen's book can be found here:

0 Views · 9 months ago

The communities who have lived on West Africa’s coastal areas for centuries are at the greatest risk of climate change. As sea levels rise, and severe weather events increase in frequency due to climate change, the safety and wellbeing of coastal communities is at peril, with poor and marginalized populations proving most vulnerable. Without concrete measures to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change, West Africa’s development achievements, as well as hopes for continued growth and poverty reduction, will be severely compromised.

0 Views · 9 months ago

The keynote address by Senator Inhofe was pre-recorded on October 5, 2021.

The CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development (PPD) invites you to join a virtual public event to discuss Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and blended finance in sub-Saharan Africa.

SMEs are the backbone of the African economy, but many SMEs lack access to affordable financing or credit lines, preventing them from expanding their operations and businesses. Through blended finance, development finance institutions and other development actors can help SMEs gain access to financing and increase private investment in sub-Saharan Africa. As climate change intensifies, many African SMEs have already begun to adopt sustainable, climate-smart practices, and blended finance can assist SMEs with these adaptation measures. Additionally, China’s role in the sub-Saharan African economy has grown over the last two decades, but there is still very little Chinese investment into African SMEs. U.S. development actors and private investors have a critical opportunity to fill this void.

This event was made possible by the generous support of the U.S. African Development Foundation and CS Consulting.
A nonpartisan institution, CSIS is the top national security think tank in the world.
Visit to find more of our work as we bring bipartisan solutions to the world's greatest challenges.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Hey family,
it's been such a while! im making a slow come-back.
This video is basically to answer hopefully all the questions that ive been asked regarding #ghanaindecember, please note that the COVID section literally changes every day, so please still do your research beforehand.

I really hope this video helps.

love for the love always!

insta: mariskaapiah
hair: cheveuxconnoisseur.

- Health declaration form:
- COVID test in ghana payment:

- COVID day 2 PCR Test:
- Passenger locator form:

- NHS covid pass:
#Apartments #COVID #Travel #MariskaAppiah #GhanaInDecember
#ghana #accra #ghanaindecember #apartmentsinghana #travellingtoghana

0 Views · 9 months ago

IFSW Africa Webinar Covid-19 Africa: Social Work Practice during Pandemic in now online at IFSW website

IFSW President Silvana Martinez and Secretary-General Rory Truell have expressed "“We know social workers in the African region have an immense challenge, on top of the lack of state resources you now have the added extreme stresses of the virus and its economic consequences. IFSW at the regional and global levels stands with you and will continue to do so. Together we are learning from one another, sharing our knowledge and strengthening the social work response. IFSW globally wants to thank and acknowledge all social workers in the African region, your approach of build community capacity to fight this virus is saving many millions of lives"

0 Views · 9 months ago

In 2019, Atatürk Olympic Stadium won the bid to host to 2020 UEFA Champions League final with the promise of upgrading the existing pitch. Following thorough research and deliberations, UEFA has decided to use HATKO Hybrid Grass for the final match.

After the pitch was intsalled, the pitch received 5 star from UEFA consultants that tested the field. However, due to Covid19, the final was relocated to another destination.

In four years since its original installation Atatürk Olympic Stadium hosted many football games as well as other events.

On June 2023, the stadium finally hosted 2023 UEFA Champions League. Thanks to regular and diligent maintenance, 4 years after installation, the pitch received another 5 star rating on the match day.


0 Views · 9 months ago

Noon briefing by Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General.

- Secretary-General's Travels,
- Senior Official Travels,
- Haiti,
- Security Council,
- Libya,
- Democratic Republic of the Congo,
- Ethiopia,
- El Salvador,
- Olympics,
- Financial Contribution

The Secretary-General tomorrow will take part in a ceremony in Lisbon to kick off that city’s designation as European Green Capital. The title, awarded by the European Commission, aims to honor cities that are leading the way towards environmentally friendly urban living.
The ceremony will also mark the beginning of a decade of climate action to achieve the goals set by the Paris Agreement. In another event linked to Lisbon’s designation as 2020 European Green Capital, the Secretary-General will attend the inauguration of an interactive installation titled “One” and taking place at the Lisbon Oceanarium. It is worth noting that the 2020 UN Ocean Conference will also be held in Lisbon in early June.
The President and Prime Minister of Portugal, the Mayor of Lisbon, the European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, the Vice-President of the European Commission and others will also take part in the events.
Then, on Monday, 13 January, the Secretary-General will travel to Pau in France to attend a working dinner hosted by President Emmanuel Macron as part of a summit with the leaders of Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger, otherwise known as the G5 Sahel countries. Josep Borrell of the European Union, Charles Michel of the European Council, the African Union’s Moussa Faki, and Louise Mushikiwabo from the International Organization of the Francophonie are also expected to attend the dinner. The dinner aims to address the crisis in the Sahel by strengthening international engagement and collaboration on security, humanitarian and development issues.
The Secretary-General will be back in New York on Tuesday.

Rosemary DiCarlo, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, will arrive in Dakar in Sengal on Sunday, ahead of a week-long visit that will take her, not only to Senegal, but also to Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Nigeria and Burkina Faso.
In meetings with national and regional leaders, Ms. DiCarlo will discuss the security, political and humanitarian situation in the region and explore ways on how the UN can enhance its support to tackle challenges to peace, security and stability, including the fight against terrorism.

Ten years ago, on Sunday, at 4:53, about 35 seconds of violent tremor changed the face of Haiti.
In a video message released today, the Secretary-General paid tribute to the hundreds of thousands of Haitians who lost their lives and to the millions more who lost their homes, family members and so much more in the devastating earthquake. He also honoured the memories of our 102 UN colleagues who lost their lives that day and renewed the UN’s commitment to help Haiti and its people build a brighter future.
In Port-au-Prince, on Sunday, all UN staff have been invited to attend a commemorative ceremony to be held at the site of the Christopher Hotel, which, as you will recall, was the hotel that housed the UN peacekeeping mission’s headquarters and that hotel collapsed during the earthquake. Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča will be the senior official from New York representing the UN at this ceremony and other commemorative events organized by the Haitian Government.
Next week, there will be a number of other events to mark the anniversary. On Monday, in Tunis, the UN will inaugurate the Hedi Annabi hall, honoring the memory of the head of the UN peacekeeping mission, Hedi Annabi, who died in the collapse of the Christopher Hotel. As you will recall, Mr. Annabi was also a longtime Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations here in New York.
And in Geneva, on Wednesday, there will be another commemoration at the Palais des Nations, with, among other participants, Haiti’s Minister of Foreign Affairs.
And lastly, on Friday next week, 17 January, the Secretary-General will take part in a ceremony here which will include representatives of the countries who lost [citizens] their lives in the earthquake. Those wishing to pay their respects will also be able to visit the memorial relocated from Haiti to the North Lawn to honour the memory of all of our colleagues who died that day 10 years ago.

Full Highlights:

1 Views · 9 months ago

From the continent to households, malaria parasite clans, interconnectivity, and survival strategies.

By Dr Alfred AmambuaNgwa

Malaria parasites infected over 220 million individuals in Africa, killing 602000 in 2021 alone. This persistent survival of the main malaria parasite is thanks to its successful arms race with its hosts and deployment of a vast genetic diversity to adapt across variable transmission ecologies and interventions. Understanding the history, genomic variation, population structure and connectivity of malaria parasite across Africa, within regions and down to the households is essential for stratification of interventions and sustaining malaria control and elimination. Coordinating genomic collaboration across 15 African countries, the Plasmodium Diversity Network Africa (PDNA) identified major Western, Central and Eastern African sub-populations, and a highly divergent Ethiopian population. All populations were significantly admixed except for Ethiopia. There is gene flow of indigenous West African drug resistance haplotypes to the East and East African haplotypes from Kenya to West Africa. In West Africa, parasite populations are dwindling from Senegal and The Gambia, risking increased divergence and adaptation to interventions. Drug resistance markers and invasion/antigenic loci are most differentiated between populations, with signatures of balancing selection dominant on surface and host-parasite interaction genes. These genetic signatures are common across country populations, where geneflow and recombination determine the dynamics of clusters of infections that can be targeted for elimination. Infection clusters persist within villages spreading mostly from within households evident from identity-by-descent between parasite isolates. Genomic approaches have defined structure of malaria parasites in Africa, with the basic infection unit being the household, which should be the focus of new intervention approaches such as reactive household chemotherapy.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Hyena charts the epic levels of corruption undertaken by the Yahya Jammeh regime in The Gambia, which is estimated to have stolen almost US$1 billion of public funds from the smallest country in mainland Africa.

This short documentary was planned, filmed and directed by a group of 11 Gambian citizens - drawn from communities across the country - during a Participatory Video project in July 2019.

Hyena was premiered in Banjul and Berlin in September 2019 and is due for nationwide broadcast in the coming months. It will also be submitted to the ongoing Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission in The Gambia, which is currently investigating the human rights abuses of the Jammeh regime.

This short documentary was facilitated and edited by Gareth Benest ( on behalf of the Global Anti-Corruption Consortium at Transparency International, in partnership with Gambia Participates.

#Gambia #TransparencyInternational #Documentary

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Cross Cultural Health Immersion to Ghana, Africa integrates western health practices with folk medicine that is integral in providing culturally competent health care to all groups. Cross cultural health immersion is an important mechanism that can increase one's awareness with respect to cultural competence.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Sex Slaves is a gripping documentary expose inside the global sex trade in women from the former Soviet Bloc. The film takes viewers into the shadowy, multi-billion dollar world of sex trafficking.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

-Hey Mandinka Fam, Welcome back to our channel!✊🏾🧡🇬🇲🇬🇲🧡✊🏿
This is is a continuation of the conversation surrounding mental health in The Gambia. There is only 1 clinical psychologist in The Gambia as of 2022 and she's non-African. We need diasporans to come who have an Afrocentric mindset to help create effective trainings to bring more effective practices when it comes to dealing with mental health. Thank you to Basiru Sanneh for inviting us.

-You can reach Basiru Sanneh at +220 724 0648 or +220 397 9615 through Peace of Mind (POM) organization for anyone seeking assistance and/or struggling with mental health issues.

-Additionally visit Network Against Gended Based Violence organization in The Gambia at

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Cameroonian artist singing is MC Zogho, IG@mc_zogho

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Showing 162 out of 163