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0 Views · 9 months ago

Originally broadcast live on 25 May 2020, the daily press briefing on coronavirus COVID-19, direct from WHO Headquarters, Geneva Switzerland with Dr Tedros WHO Director-General, Dr Micheal Ryan, Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Programme, and Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, Technical lead COVID-19, WHO Health Emergencies Programme along with special guests for Africa Day.

0 Views · 9 months ago

This video will review the major concepts from Unit 2 of AP World History Modern (1200-1450). The major focus is about trade routes, consequences of connection and the Mongolian Empire.

For a notes sheet to keep the information in order, please click here:

Unit 2 Quizlet Terms:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Attention: There were issues with the audio for this briefing, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Noon briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

- Stockholm+50
- Yemen
- Sudan
- Sudan (FAO)
- East Africa
- Mali
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Syria
- Ukraine
- Ukraine/Journalists
- Shireen Abu Akleh
- World No Tobacco Day
- Western Sahara
- Briefing Tomorrow

The Secretary-General will go to Stockholm, Sweden, this afternoon, to attend the Stockholm +50 conference, which is being hosted by Sweden with support from the Government of Kenya. He will urge countries to embrace the human right to a clean, healthy environment for all people, everywhere – especially poor communities, women and girls, indigenous peoples, young people and the generations to come. On the margins of the conference, he will meet with representatives of the Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force.  
Tomorrow, he will meet with Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and visit Dag Hammarskjöld’s gravesite. 

The Secretary-General had a phone call with H.E. Mr. Rashed Al-Alimi, the President of the Presidential Leadership Council of the Republic of Yemen, to discuss the implementation of the United Nations-brokered truce and political and security developments in Yemen.
The Secretary-General reaffirmed the close relationship between the United Nations and the Government of Yemen and stressed the need to extend and fully implement all elements of the renewable, two-month nationwide truce in Yemen. The Secretary-General also underscored the critical role of the truce in addressing some of the most immediate humanitarian and economic needs to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people, including facilitating the freedom of movement of people and goods to, from and across Yemen.
The UN Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met Mr. al-Alimi in Aden yesterday. He also met in Muscat today with Ansar Allah's chief negotiator Mohammed Abdulsalam and Omani officials. Mr. Grundberg underlined the urgency of re-opening the roads in Taiz and elsewhere in Yemen, renewing the truce and taking meaningful steps to comprehensively end the conflict in Yemen.

The UN welcome the lifting of the state of emergency in Sudan. This is an important step to create a conducive environment for direct, intra-Sudanese talks to end the political crisis in the country. 
We encourage the authorities to complete the release of political detainees.
We continue to call on them to fully respect the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.
We urge Sudanese stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue in good faith to find a way out of this crisis.
The trilateral mechanism consisting of the UN Mission in Sudan, UNITAMS, the African Union and the Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) will continue to work collaboratively to help facilitate a Sudanese owned and led solution and to find a way to end the political impasse in Sudan.

Full Highlights:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield and General David M. Rodriguez, Commander, AFRICOM participate in a LiveAtState on U.S. Foreign Policy and Security Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC on October 23, 2013. A text transcript is available at

1 Views · 9 months ago

©2011, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Additional edits provided by Daniel Toyama.

0 Views · 9 months ago

January 23rd, 2014

0 Views · 9 months ago

This week's interview will focus on cyber fraud prevention, particularly on account takeovers and how to protect yourself and businesses.

Sitsofe Elloh, a Cyber Forensic Analyst at e-Crime Bureau is our guest on the show.

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- Timestamps -

00:00 - Start
00:28 - Intro by Florence Naa Oyoe Quartey
00:40 - Background
01:19 - Intro by Mawuli Ahorlumegah
01:46 - Intro of guest, Sitsofe Elloh
02:04 - Briefly explain what account takeovers are?
03:32 - How impactful is the account takeover for businesses?
04:22 - What is the business e-mail compromise?
05:36 - Is the account takeover the same as the business e-mail compromise?
06:42 - How do people who aren't privy to this going manage their passwords?
09:08 - Break
09:47 - How does one know that their account has been compromised?
10:36 - What do you think the government should do more in terms of creating awareness?
12:34 - What do you make of account takeover in mobile money?
14:23 - what is social engineering?
16:21 - What advice do you have for businesses concerning account takeovers?
18:33 - Outro by Mawuli Ahorlumegah
19:13 - BizHeadlines
24:28 - Outro
00:00 - End


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0 Views · 9 months ago

Cardiff University's Student Race Equality Steering Group organised a series of four lectures to mark Black History Month 2020, presented by historian Abu-Bakr Madden Al-Shabbaz.

In this third lecture, Abu-Bakr discusses the fall of African cultures and the dispersing of its people into the New World.

0 Views · 9 months ago
Frontieres Africaines, de Barrierres a Passerelles (PART 2) - Programme Frontiere de l'Union Africaine (PFUA)
African Borders from Barriers to Bridge - African Union Border Programme (AUBP)

0 Views · 9 months ago

TICAD V 公式サイドイベント ハイレベル・パネル「岐路に立つ世界の感染症対策―九州沖縄サミットからの前進を明日へつなぐ―」(2013年6月2日(日)、音声:オリジナル)(日本語概要は下記英語に続きます。)

Japan Center for International Exchange and the Friends of the Global Fund, Japan joined forces with the Global Fund, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, and UNAIDS to organize a high-level panel on recent progress that has been made in the fight against communicable diseases. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and Tanzanian President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete opened the event, which featured a panel of experts in communicable diseases. (June 2, 2013) (Voice: Original)

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE) / Friends of the Global Fund, Japan (FGFJ)
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Roll Back Malaria Partnership

Ken Shibusawa
President and CEO, JCIE; Director, FGFJ

Yoshiro Mori
Former Prime Minister of Japan; Chair Emeritus, FGFJ

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete
President of Tanzania

[Panel Discussion]
Laurie Garrett
Senior Fellow for Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations

Mark Dybul
Executive Director, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Margaret McGlynn
President and CEO, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)

Fatoumata Nafo-Traoré
Executive Director, Roll Back Malaria Partnership

Jan Beagle
Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS

Shigeru Omi
President, Readjustment of Facilities for insured persons and beneficiaries Organization (RFO); Regional Director Emeritus, World Health Organization for the Western Pacific

[Closing Remarks]
Ichiro Aisawa
Member, House of Representatives; former Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs; President, Japan-AU Parliamentary Friendship League; Director, Diet Task Force of Friends of the Global Fund, Japan

日本国際交流センターおよび世界基金支援日本委員会では、世界基金、国際エイズワクチン推進構想(IAVI)、ロールバック・マラリア・パートナーシップ(RBM)、国連合同エイズ計画(UNAIDS)との共催で、アフリカの感染症対策を考えるハイ レベル・パネル「岐路に立つ世界の感染症対策―九州沖縄サミットからの前進を明日へつなぐ―」を開催しました。 感染症対策がはじめてG8の議題に上った沖縄サミット当時に首相を務められた森喜朗元首相(TICAD V共同議長)とタンザニアのキクウェテ大統領によるスピーチのほか、主催国際機関のトップおよび尾身茂名誉WHO西太平洋地域事務局長をパネリストに、グ ローバルヘルスを専門とするジャーナリストであるローリー・ギャレット米CFRシニア・フェローをモデレーターに迎えパネルディスカッションを行いました。

世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金、国際エイズワクチン推進構想(IAVI) 、

渋 澤  健

森 喜 朗


外交問題評議会シニア・フェロー (モデレーター)





尾 身  茂

逢 沢 一 郎

0 Views · 9 months ago

Economic growth, jobs, inequality climate change -- these development issues never sleep.
Want to learn more about the economics behind international development? How can we stimulate economic growth, reduce poverty and help people in developing countries? Join us for a live, 24-hour “Econothon” where experts from the World Bank Group and beyond will engage a global audience on the development challenges facing the world today.

Because development never sleeps, this unique event will travel across the globe over the course of a day. It will feature dozens of economists on multiple issues crucial to development that we have always wanted to know more about. For example: how to remove barriers that prevent women from participating in the workplace; why investing in education; health and other forms of human capital pays big dividends in the long term; how to manage debt financing; and how to build more resilient and sustainable water, food, and electricity systems in the wake of a changing climate.

Interview: Future of jobs with David Mckenzie, Lead Economist

Interview: Investing in People with Aart Kraay, Senior Adviser, World Bank Group.

Interview: Reforming the Civil Service with Dan Rogger, Economist, World Bank.

Interview: How to Help the World's Most Vulnerable States with Alexandre Marc, Chief Technical Specialist, Fragility, Conflict and Violence, World Bank.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Dr. Paruolo's talk discusses how health care providers can best advise their patients on safe preparations for travel overseas. Dr. Paruolo covers topics such as travel accidents, vaccine-preventable inrfections, traveller's diarrhea, malaria prophylaxis, and where a patient can find free resources for ansering any other travel-related questions.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

#campiflegrei #italiansupervolcano #italysupervolcano #supervolcanoinitaly #phlegreanfields #phlegraean #mountvesuvius #pompeii #supervolcano
This is the final episode in the Campi Flegrei series. We will be covering an eruption simulation of Campi Flegrei in modern times, only we will be scaling up its explosivity. (See below for more info regarding the reasoning behind why I chose the explosivity demonstrated in this video).

Alongside the simulation I will be covering the final few key questions regarding how Campi Flegrei is so powerful and is able to erupt at a frequency unlike any Volcano on Earth, and the why to go alongside this. I will also cover the new discovery documented this year about yet another mega eruption and how it has remained hidden from scientists for so long as well as the fact there are many, many other known eruptions that still require proving. I list all known eruptions up to 315,000 years ago.

I will also go into detail regarding how Campi Flegrei has literally constructed its own concrete prison, and this "prison" is actively working to prevent an eruption from taking place by reinforcing the earth above it to a very large degree. It's providing an elasticity against the unusual seismicity as well as incredibly strong reinforcement. The Romans actually modeled this unknowingly and you'll find out what I mean.

Lastly, I cover the landscape and very complex geological features at the end after the simulation.

I said in prior episodes that I would be recreating the First Phlegraean Period's eruption, however, there was a new discovery only last month that solidified my hypothesis regarding Campi Flegrei's ability to quickly conceal past major eruptions with the giant ones proceeding them. As a result, since we know Campi Flegrei has erupted since 315,000 years ago and I strongly believe Campi Flegrei erupted at a Volcanic Explosivity Index of 8 in the past, and have a hypothesis of how it might've looked due to how present day Italy actually bares the marks of a giant caldera, far larger than the one seen in the first phlegraean period, that I believe more and more could have been one of its first eruptions that could have been even larger than Toba. I might make a video on this in the future but will spent more time studying before I do.

Another reason I chose a VEI 8 demonstration is this is a great benchmark to place other known giant super volcanic eruptions against. In this video, I am recreating at a minimum the size of material released during the La Garita Super Eruption which was at a minimum a release of 5000 cubic kilometers of volcanic fall out. I have only seen yellowstone recreations and yellowstone didn't come anywhere near as close to the La Garita Eruption even though it is part of the same complex. Infact it didn't even come close to the New Zealand Super Eruption. So I put a lot of effort in a timeline documenting the most adverse effects humanity would face and I attempted to place it in a way that could be construed as most realistic. At the end of the day, modern humans haven't faced a Super volcano. So accuracy will always be skewed until we do... That is if we made it through the event.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you wish to be in the loop for more content such as this, each like, share and subscription helps the channel immensely. But either way there will be new videos covering a whole range of topics so I hope you will be there to join in the fun on this epic journey!

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0:00 - 2:38 Intro + What To Expect
2:38 - 5:10 New Eruption Discovery
4:50 All Eruptions We Know Of
5:10 - 8:55 - Self Made Prison
6:38 - How It Made It
7:20 - Prison Infographic
8:55 - 9:15 - Intro to Simulation
9:15 - 10:06 2009 & Solfatara Di Pozzuoli
10:06 - Pisciarelli 2009 & Increase In Activity
10:21 - 1950 - Present Level of Uplift
11:07 - Earthquake in 2017
11:36 - Simulation Start
12:05 - Leading Up To Eruption
12:45 - Day Before Eruption
13:22 - Morning of Eruption
15:50 - Mega Tsunamis
16:27 - First Italy, Then The World
16:55 - Ash Cloud Spread Infographic
17:14 - Fallout Release Infographic
17:41 - Detailed Look Into Ash Cloud Spread (Infographics)
20:08 - 1 Day After The Eruption
22:07 - 2 Days After The Eruption
25:35 - 3 Days After The Eruption
27:14 - 4 Days After The Eruption
31:03 - 5 Days After The Eruption
32:20 - 6 Days After The Eruption
34-45 - 7 Days After The Eruption
36:21 - 8 Days After The Eruption
37:35 - 9 Days After The Eruption
38:53 - 10 Days After The Eruption
42:00 - 11 Days After The Eruption
43:42 - 12 Days After The Eruption
44:49 - 17 Days After The Eruption
46:12 - The Aftermath: The Weeks And Months Following Following The Eruption
48:06 - The Final Impact It Has
49:28 - The Positives
50:52 - End of Simulation
50:53 - Why Is Campi Flegrei So Powerful? + Infographics On Complex Geology of Italy


0 Views · 9 months ago

The event with Strive Masiyiwa, Chairman of AGRA, Econet Group Founder and CEO is chaired by Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA.

Strive Masiyiwa has been selected twice, in 2014 and 2017, to Fortune Magazine’s list of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders”. For more background on Mr Masiyiwa please follow-up further down below.

Masiyiwa serves on several international boards including UnileverPlc, and the Global Advisory boards of the Council on Foreign Relations in the US, and Stanford University. A former board member of the Rockefeller Foundation for 15 years, he also serves as Chairman of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). He has served on two key United Nations Commissions, at the invitation of the Secretary-General – one on Financing Global Education Opportunity, and another on Sustainable Energy for All.

In Africa, he has worked on reform of the African Union and enabling the Continental Free-Trade Area, as part of a Taskforce led by the current African Union Chair, President Paul Kagame. He also drives continent-wide digital transformation as the only private sector member, among a dozen Heads of State, of the SMART Africa Board also Chaired by President Kagame. The Cape-to-Cairo fiber route initiative that Masiyiwa has driven through Liquid Telecom, is under the auspices of the African Union and SMART Africa, and is recognized as one of the key enablers for continental economic integration.

As a philanthropist, Masiyiwa is a member of the Giving Pledge, and his contributions to education, health and development have been widely recognized. Masiyiwa and his wife finance the Higher Life Foundation, which has supported the education of over 250,000 African orphaned, vulnerable and gifted children across Africa over the past 20 years.

Over the last few years, Masiyiwa has devoted his time to mentoring the next generation of African entrepreneurs through his Facebook page, which has a growing followership of over 3.4-million young people from across the continent. For almost two years, Facebook has identified his platform as having the most engaged following of any business leader in the world.

Organizers of Youth Townhall Meeting with Strive Masiyiwa: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and Center for Development Research (ZEF)

Established in 2006, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is an African-led and Africa-based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives.

Video by Humboldt University

0 Views · 9 months ago

On May 13th, IPI hosted a policy forum featuring Mr. Adama Dieng, Under Secretary-General and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, and Mr. Richard Dicker, Director, International Justice Program, Human Rights Watch, who discussed the opportunities and challenges of an improved relationship between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and Africa.

The event was moderated by IPI Senior Adviser for the Africa Program, Ambassador John Hirsch.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Assistant Secretary Phee recently traveled with Secretary Blinken to Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal on his first trip to sub-Saharan Africa as Secretary of State. The trip included a major policy speech in Nigeria, where the Secretary outlined U.S.-Africa policy under the Biden-Harris administration.

On Dec. 15, 2021 at Howard University, as a follow-up to their trip, Assistant Secretary Phee offered remarks and then participated in a Q&A with Howard faculty, students and attendees.

Co-sponsored by Howard University’s Center for African Studies and Department of African Studies.

Dr. Mohamed Camara welcomes participants and introduces Provost Wutoh
Provost Anthony Wutoh delivers opening remarks
Dr. Krista Johnson introduces Assistant Secretary Phee
Remarks by Assistant Secretary Molly Phee
Questions and discussion moderated by Dr. Krista Johnson
with students:
Tyler Smith
Alyson Haylor
Jean Claude Abeck
Malik Ngugi
Rene Odanga
Dr. Mohamed Camara provides closing remarks

Molly Phee, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister Counselor, was sworn in as the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs on September 30, 2021. She most recently served as the Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation. She was U.S. Ambassador to South Sudan from 2015-2017. She previously served as Deputy Chief of Mission of the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and as Chief of Staff in the Office of the Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan. Additionally she was the Acting Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs, as well as Deputy Security Council Coordinator at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, handling UN engagement in Africa and the Middle East for both portfolios. Earlier in her career, Phee served on the National Security Council as Director for Iraq and as the Senior Civilian Representative of the Coalition Provisional Authority to Maysan Province, Iraq. She began her career at the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan, and worked at U.S. Embassies in Cairo, Egypt and Kuwait City, Kuwait.
A native of Chicago, Ambassador Phee is a graduate of Indiana University and earned a Master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. She has received the Distinguished Honor Award, the Robert C. Frasure Memorial Award for conflict resolution and peacemaking, the Baker-Wilkins Award for Outstanding Deputy Chief of Mission, the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award, the Order of the British Empire Award, and a Presidential Rank Award. She speaks Arabic.

0 Views · 9 months ago

LIVE: Israel Hamas War: IDF Using American White Phosphorus Bombs | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Amid the Israel-Hamas war, reports have emerged accusing Israel of dropping white phosphorus on civilians in Gaza and Lebanon.

Reports say that it was used in October when Israel shelled Lebanese border towns.

These bombs were allegedly provided by the US as part of its military aid to Israel.

However, the IDF have rejected these reports.

Meanwhile, the US said it was "concerned" and would ask questions to Israel about the same.

On Vantage tonight, Palki Sharma brings you the full story.


Israel Hamas War | United States | Israel | White Phosphorus | Bomb | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

#israelhamaswar #unitedstates #israel #whitephosphorus #bomb #firstpost #vantageonfirstpost #palkisharma #worldnews

Vantage is a ground-breaking news, opinions, and current affairs show from Firstpost. Catering to a global audience, Vantage covers the biggest news stories from a 360-degree perspective, giving viewers a chance to assess the impact of world events through a uniquely Indian lens.

The show is anchored by Palki Sharma, Managing Editor, Firstpost.

By breaking stereotypes, Vantage aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. The show goes beyond the headlines to uncover the hidden stories – making Vantage a destination for thought-provoking ideas.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Will Jacob Zuma return to prison? South Africa's highest court orders the former president to be re-incarcerated after setting aside an earlier decision to release him on medical parole. Meanwhile the country records close to 27,000 new covid cases, an all-time record. And European football clubs say they may not release their African players to take part in the Africa Cup of Nations, over fears surrounding the tournament's Covid-19 health protocol.
#Zuma #South Africa #jail

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