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0 Views · 9 months ago

In the Sahel states of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, a nearly decade-long insurgency undermines regional security and continues to cause widespread humanitarian need. Despite significant international support, the Sahel crisis continues to intensify leaving 15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Response capabilities are limited by state-level instabilities which have worsened civilian access to essential services, restricted humanitarian access, and undermined the capabilities of long-standing strategic military partnerships. The Sahel has also become an experimental arena for the implementation of the ‘Triple Nexus’ approach to address humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding needs simultaneously. As a theoretical framework, this approach has inspired optimism for offering new solutions to old challenges by enhancing sectoral collaboration. Yet, implementation in the Sahel has been challenged by the complexity of the security situation and a disconnect between the ambitions of the triple nexus concept and the operational environment for humanitarian actors.

Please join the CSIS Humanitarian Agenda, and the CSIS Africa Program for the launch of the report, Finding a Path Through Quagmire - Humanitarian Access and Coordination in the Sahel. The event will be introduced by Jacob Kurtzer, Director and Senior Fellow of the CSIS Humanitarian Agenda, and moderated by Mvemba Phezo Dizolele, Director and Senior Fellow of the CSIS Africa Program. The panel discussion will reflect on the challenges to and opportunities for improving humanitarian outcomes in the Sahel.
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0 Views · 9 months ago

The World Report is a semiannual report of news events around the world pertaining to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

Daily Press Briefing:
- Secretary-General's Travels
- Venezuela
- Mali
- Syria
- Darfur
- Afghanistan
- Malawi/Zimbabwe
- Honour Roll

The Secretary-General this morning spoke at the 40th session of the Human Rights Council today and said that the human rights agenda is losing ground in many parts of the globe – but he is not losing hope. Although we see troubling trends, he said, we also see powerful movements for human rights and social justice. The Secretary-General warned that we are also seeing a groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance – including rising anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. Hate speech is a menace to democratic values, social stability and peace, he added.
The Secretary-General also spoke at the Conference on Disarmament, saying that key components of the international arms control architecture are collapsing.  The Secretary-General added that the demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, should it be allowed to happen, would make the world a more insecure and unstable place. He calls on the parties to the INF Treaty to use the time remaining to engage in sincere dialogue on the various issues that have been raised. It is very important that this treaty is preserved, he said.
The Secretary-General just spoke at an event with Peter Maurer, the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), also joined by Julienne Lusenge, the Director of the Fund for Congolese Women and President of Women’s Solidarity for Peace and Integrated Development.  This is on gender-based violence.
Tomorrow, he will speak at the pledging conference on Yemen; and as you will recall the United Nations is asking for US$4.2 billion in a humanitarian appeal this year.
Tonight, he will speak at an event organized by the UN Correspondents in Geneva on press freedom.

As you saw over the weekend we issued a statement in which the Secretary-General said he was following with increasing concern the escalating tensions in Venezuela. He said he had been shocked and saddened to learn that a number of civilians lost their lives after the events on Saturday.
The Secretary-General appealed for violence to be avoided at any cost and for lethal force not to be used in any circumstances. He also appealed for calm and urged all actors to lower tensions and pursue every effort to prevent further escalation.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights also issued a statement on the situation in Venezuela.

Turning to Mali, following an attack on a camp of the Malian armed forces in Koulikoro, 55 km north-east of Bamako, yesterday, the UN Mission in the country (MINUSMA) calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and expresses its solidarity with the Malian and European partners and salutes their effective response to the attack.
UN Police is monitoring the situation. The UN Mission and the UN Mine Action Service stand ready to support the Malian authorities in investigating the attack.
And over the weekend, you will have also seen that we issued a statement condemning the attack against members of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the area of Siby that resulted in the death of three peacekeepers from Guinea and a number of injured.
That took place on Saturday.
The Secretary-General reiterated the determination of the Mission in Mali to continue implementing its mandate in support of the people and Government of Mali in their quest for peace.

Read More:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Hello Commanders!
in this video you will find my ranking of the best 10 nations to play with after the big update that changed a lot of things.

Join our Discord Server :

if you want to learn how to start a game with INDIA :

if you want to watch a full series with Germany :

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Authors@Google program welcomed Scott Kilman and Roger Thurow to Google's New York office to discuss their book, "Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty"

"For more than thirty years, humankind has known how to grow enough food to end chronic hunger worldwide. Yet while the "Green Revolution" succeeded in South America and Asia, it never got to Africa. More than 9 million people every year die of hunger, malnutrition, and related diseases every year—most of them in Africa and most of them children. More die of hunger in Africa than from AIDS and malaria combined. Now, an impending global food crisis threatens to make things worse.

In the west we think of famine as a natural disaster, brought about by drought; or as the legacy of brutal dictators. But in this powerful investigative narrative, Thurow & Kilman show exactly how, in the past few decades, American, British, and European policies conspired to keep Africa hungry and unable to feed itself. As a new generation of activists work to keep famine from spreading, Enough is essential reading on a humanitarian issue of utmost urgency. "

Roger Thurow has been a Wall Street Journal foreign correspondent for twenty years, and has reported from more than sixty countries, including two dozen in Africa.
Scott Kilman has been the Journal's leading agriculture reporter. Thurow and Kilman have teamed up to produce a stream of page-one stories in the Journal that have broken new ground in our understanding of famine and food aid. Their stories on three 2003 famines were a finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize in international reporting.

This event took place on June 25, 2009.

0 Views · 9 months ago

An introduction to the diplomatic tools available to states as they pursue their foreign policy objectives. These tools include diplomatic recognition and negotiations, cultural and scientific exchanges, and public diplomacy, among others.

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Queen of Sheba’s Mines: African Solomonic Discourse and the European Geographical Imagination

Abstract: In the wake of the Age of Discovery, Europeans strove to square their ever-widening understanding of the world with a lingering belief in the historicity of the Bible. Two of the holy grails of sacred geography were the location of Ophir (the city from which Solomon acquired the materials to build his temple) and the location of Sheba (whose most famous Queen visited Solomon to test him on his wisdom, accompanied by a caravan of hundreds of camels loaded with precious gifts). These weren’t merely esoteric academic quandaries. Cartographers to propagandists to poets who sought to glorify and legitimize European expansionist agendas harnessed their allegorical potential: Solomon was the first great navigator and the first lawful global power because he relied on trade rather than conquest to enrich his kingdom and build his temple. Whichever monarch succeeded in locating and establishing their own trade with his ancient partners would shine as Solomon’s spiritual successor on the world stage. Through the early modern period and into the eighteenth century, the notions that Ophir had been in Mozambique and Sheba in Abyssinia gained increasing traction in the European geographical imagination for a unique reason: the Africans who inhabited these regions instigated and perpetuated them. Swahili traders told travelers stories about how Solomon’s djinn built the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, a local Bantu group claimed to be descended from the sailors who had crewed Solomon’s ships, and Ethiopian Christians long held that Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were the father and mother of their imperial dynasty. This presentation unpacks how representations of east Africa as they appear on maps by Abraham Ortelius and Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d’Anville, in travel writing by James Bruce, and in cartographic poetry by John Milton, Thomas Heyrick, and John Dyer were produced at the intersection between these African Solomonic discourses and the European desire to usher in a new Christian order of global commerce.

0 Views · 9 months ago

This is part 2 in a series on the Richat hypothesis about Atlantis. For part 1, see here:

One of the more popular theories about the true location of Atlantis is that it was in Mauretania at the site of the Richat Structure, known also as the Eye of the Sahara. In three videos on the subject, Youtuber Bright Insight presented the evidence from Plato and archaeology that the remains of Atlantis are to be found there. In this video, Dr. Miano examines Bright’s argument to see if it holds up to scrutiny.

►DOWNLOAD Professor Miano's free e-booklet: "Why Ancient History Matters":

►SUBSCRIBE to the World of Antiquity YouTube Channel for new videos that debunk unsubstantiated claims about ancient history.

Supporters get access to behind-the-scenes videos, early-release videos, course discounts and more!

We hope you enjoyed watching this #mythsofancienthistory episode about #atlantis.

References and recommended reading:

Bright Insight’s Atlantis videos:

George S. Alexander’s Website:

On the rising of Antarctica:

My own article on euhemerism:

On the Dogon people:

On the location of the whale bones found in Mauritania:

On the beginnings of the trans-Saharan copper trade:

Articles detailing climate change in north Africa:

►Professor Miano's handy guide for learning, "How to Know Stuff," is available here:

Follow Professor Miano on social media:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Mali has recently been a center point of the news, especially in Germany, after 12 German soldiers within the UN Peacekeeping mission Minusma were wounded in an attack in June. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in cooperation with CARE Germany, invites you to reflect on the current crisis in Mali. This event is the eighth in a ten-part series, which shines a light on the "ten most under-reported humanitarian crises in 2020".

1 in 3 people in Mali is in need of humanitarian assistance, 1.6 million have been forcibly displaced, 1.3 million people are on the verge of starvation and 90% of the country lived below the international poverty line. Mali has faced years of violent conflict, insecurity and poor governance. In addition, the largely agriculturally based and land-locked country has been experiencing climate shocks, natural disasters and resulting food insecurity. Children are especially affected and often recruited by armed groups. For women, opportunities in the country are limited, as Mali is considered one of the most unequal nations in the world. It is no surpise that the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions and border closures only worsened the pre-existing situation in the country.

What is the current political situation in Mali, after a new transitional government was formed? How did the conflict in this region develop? What is the role of the UN peacekeepers? How can foreign governments, including Germany, interact with this central African nation? What humanitarian situation is developing on the ground and how is civil society affected? Are there solutions how this crisis can be mitigated in the years to come? We hereby invite you to examine and ask these questions in conversation with our international experts.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Russia looking for new friends in Africa spells new trouble for a turbulent region.

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The Central African Republic has in recent years become one of Moscow’s main hubs of influence operations on the continent. What drew the Kremlin-linked mercenary group Wagner to this resource rich country that was never part of the Soviet sphere of influence?

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Producers: Anne Dixey, Kriszta Satori
Presenter: Krassi Twigg
Editor: Judy King
Twitter handle of contributors: @BeverlyOchieng @VitalyBBC @aisha_afrah @clementdiroma
Original music: Pete Cunningham
Sound engineer: Martin Appleby
Video producer: Suniti Singh

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0 Views · 9 months ago

While the global investment community is awakening to Africa's investment potential, CNBC Africa in collaboration with the IFC brings you a special Africa focused panel that will discuss issues related infrastructure development, growth within the agriculture industry as well as strengthening and broadening the continent's financial sector.Hosted at the 2014 Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group in Washington DC, CNBC Africa's Nozipho Mbanjwa sits down with a panel of international finance experts to discuss Africa's Growth Outlook for the next 12 months.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Ce film retrace son parcours, de sa naissance en 1890 à son enterrement à Colombey-les-Deux-Églises en 1970. Cette épopée raconte la force visionnaire et le destin rectiligne de cet homme qui a changé le cours de l’Histoire et qui influence encore la vie des Français. Certains dirigeants politiques revendiquent encore aujourd’hui une partie de son héritage. Charles De Gaulle reste l’Homme providentiel dans l’imaginaire collectif des Français, même 50 ans après sa mort.

Charles de Gaulle est un totem, un héros d’ombres et de lumières, porteur de valeurs positives. Chaque instant de sa vie, chacune de ses réactions démontrent qu’il est impossible d’influencer le cours de l’Histoire, sans une lucidité, une énergie, une ténacité, voire un entêtement hors normes.

00:00 Introduction
02:30 La jeunesse d’un futur homme d’état
15:57 Le Général De Gaulle, chef de la France libre et Résistante
45:00 Un homme qui dérange les puissants
50:20 La 4e République
55:21 La Guerre d’Algérie
01:07:30 Président de la 5e République
01:10:57 L'attentat du Petit-Clamart (22 août 1962)
01:27:37 La sortie de l’OTAN
01:31:26 Les conflits de mai 68
01:44:40 La fin d’un géant

Réalisateur Jean-Pierre Cottet
Auteurs Jean-Pierre Cottet, Patrice Duhamel, Eric Roussel
Monologues écrits par Yves De Gaulle

0 Views · 9 months ago

Will Jacob Zuma return to prison? South Africa's highest court orders the former president to be re-incarcerated after setting aside an earlier decision to release him on medical parole. Meanwhile the country records close to 27,000 new covid cases, an all-time record. And European football clubs say they may not release their African players to take part in the Africa Cup of Nations, over fears surrounding the tournament's Covid-19 health protocol.
#Zuma #South Africa #jail

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0 Views · 9 months ago

In the Sahel states of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, a nearly decade-long insurgency undermines regional security and continues to cause widespread humanitarian need. Despite significant international support, the Sahel crisis continues to intensify leaving 15 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. Response capabilities are limited by state-level instabilities which have worsened civilian access to essential services, restricted humanitarian access, and undermined the capabilities of long-standing strategic military partnerships. The Sahel has also become an experimental arena for the implementation of the ‘Triple Nexus’ approach to address humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding needs simultaneously. As a theoretical framework, this approach has inspired optimism for offering new solutions to old challenges by enhancing sectoral collaboration. Yet, implementation in the Sahel has been challenged by the complexity of the security situation and a disconnect between the ambitions of the triple nexus concept and the operational environment for humanitarian actors.

Please join the CSIS Humanitarian Agenda, and the CSIS Africa Program for the launch of the report, Finding a Path Through Quagmire - Humanitarian Access and Coordination in the Sahel. The event will be introduced by Jacob Kurtzer, Director and Senior Fellow of the CSIS Humanitarian Agenda, and moderated by Mvemba Phezo Dizolele, Director and Senior Fellow of the CSIS Africa Program. The panel discussion will reflect on the challenges to and opportunities for improving humanitarian outcomes in the Sahel.
A nonpartisan institution, CSIS is the top national security think tank in the world.
Visit to find more of our work as we bring bipartisan solutions to the world's greatest challenges.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

The World Report is a semiannual report of news events around the world pertaining to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Briefing by Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesperson for the Secretary-General.

Daily Press Briefing:
- Secretary-General's Travels
- Venezuela
- Mali
- Syria
- Darfur
- Afghanistan
- Malawi/Zimbabwe
- Honour Roll

The Secretary-General this morning spoke at the 40th session of the Human Rights Council today and said that the human rights agenda is losing ground in many parts of the globe – but he is not losing hope. Although we see troubling trends, he said, we also see powerful movements for human rights and social justice. The Secretary-General warned that we are also seeing a groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance – including rising anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred. Hate speech is a menace to democratic values, social stability and peace, he added.
The Secretary-General also spoke at the Conference on Disarmament, saying that key components of the international arms control architecture are collapsing.  The Secretary-General added that the demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, should it be allowed to happen, would make the world a more insecure and unstable place. He calls on the parties to the INF Treaty to use the time remaining to engage in sincere dialogue on the various issues that have been raised. It is very important that this treaty is preserved, he said.
The Secretary-General just spoke at an event with Peter Maurer, the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), also joined by Julienne Lusenge, the Director of the Fund for Congolese Women and President of Women’s Solidarity for Peace and Integrated Development.  This is on gender-based violence.
Tomorrow, he will speak at the pledging conference on Yemen; and as you will recall the United Nations is asking for US$4.2 billion in a humanitarian appeal this year.
Tonight, he will speak at an event organized by the UN Correspondents in Geneva on press freedom.

As you saw over the weekend we issued a statement in which the Secretary-General said he was following with increasing concern the escalating tensions in Venezuela. He said he had been shocked and saddened to learn that a number of civilians lost their lives after the events on Saturday.
The Secretary-General appealed for violence to be avoided at any cost and for lethal force not to be used in any circumstances. He also appealed for calm and urged all actors to lower tensions and pursue every effort to prevent further escalation.
The High Commissioner for Human Rights also issued a statement on the situation in Venezuela.

Turning to Mali, following an attack on a camp of the Malian armed forces in Koulikoro, 55 km north-east of Bamako, yesterday, the UN Mission in the country (MINUSMA) calls for the perpetrators to be brought to justice and expresses its solidarity with the Malian and European partners and salutes their effective response to the attack.
UN Police is monitoring the situation. The UN Mission and the UN Mine Action Service stand ready to support the Malian authorities in investigating the attack.
And over the weekend, you will have also seen that we issued a statement condemning the attack against members of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali (MINUSMA) in the area of Siby that resulted in the death of three peacekeepers from Guinea and a number of injured.
That took place on Saturday.
The Secretary-General reiterated the determination of the Mission in Mali to continue implementing its mandate in support of the people and Government of Mali in their quest for peace.

Read More:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Hello Commanders!
in this video you will find my ranking of the best 10 nations to play with after the big update that changed a lot of things.

Join our Discord Server :

if you want to learn how to start a game with INDIA :

if you want to watch a full series with Germany :

0 Views · 9 months ago

This is part 2 in a series on the Richat hypothesis about Atlantis. For part 1, see here:

One of the more popular theories about the true location of Atlantis is that it was in Mauretania at the site of the Richat Structure, known also as the Eye of the Sahara. In three videos on the subject, Youtuber Bright Insight presented the evidence from Plato and archaeology that the remains of Atlantis are to be found there. In this video, Dr. Miano examines Bright’s argument to see if it holds up to scrutiny.

►DOWNLOAD Professor Miano's free e-booklet: "Why Ancient History Matters":

►SUBSCRIBE to the World of Antiquity YouTube Channel for new videos that debunk unsubstantiated claims about ancient history.

Supporters get access to behind-the-scenes videos, early-release videos, course discounts and more!

We hope you enjoyed watching this #mythsofancienthistory episode about #atlantis.

References and recommended reading:

Bright Insight’s Atlantis videos:

George S. Alexander’s Website:

On the rising of Antarctica:

My own article on euhemerism:

On the Dogon people:

On the location of the whale bones found in Mauritania:

On the beginnings of the trans-Saharan copper trade:

Articles detailing climate change in north Africa:

►Professor Miano's handy guide for learning, "How to Know Stuff," is available here:

Follow Professor Miano on social media:

Showing 179 out of 180