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0 Views · 9 months ago

#KDISchool #TED #TEDx #conference #speech
1. 'An Essential Cure for the Pandemic' by Dr. Jong-Il You l Dean, KDI School 00:12
2. 'Political Unity, the African Story' by Abena Amponsah Biritwum l Ghanian Media Practitioner 18:19
3. 'Funny in Korea' by Danny Cho l Comedian, JDB Entertainment 34:06
4. 'What Cities Can Learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic' by Dr. Yu-Min Joo l Professor, KDI School 50:36
5. 'I am a Dad' by Hyuncheol Oh l Manager, Compensation Department, Korea Land & Housing Corporation 1:04:53
6. 'Cultural Synergies and Opportunities' by Sam Okyere l Entertainer and Actor, Tantan Entertainment 1:17:39

1. 팬데믹의 필수 해결책 l 유종일 원장, KDI국제정책대학원 00:12
2. 정치적 통합, 아프리카 이야기 l 아베나 브릿움, 가나 언론인 18:19
3. 한국의 ‘Funny’ l 대니초, 코미디언, JDB엔터테인먼트 34:06
4. 도시는 코로나19 팬데믹을 통해 무엇을 배웠는가? l 주유민 교수, KDI국제정책대학원 50:36
5. 나는 아빠다 l 오현철, 한국토지주택공사 1:04:53
6. 문화의 시너지와 기회 l 샘 오취리, 엔터테이너, 탄탄엔터테인먼트 1:17:39

0 Views · 9 months ago

Le 21 février 1987, les Renseignements Généraux et le RAID ont mené une opération "coup de poing" pour assiéger une ferme isolée dans le Loiret, mettant ainsi fin au terrorisme d'extrême-gauche en France. Cette action était le résultat de cinq années d'une traque implacable dirigée par le magistrat François MATTÉI, Procureur déterminé. Ce film raconte l'histoire des hommes qui ont mené cette guerre de l'ombre, révélant les secrets incroyables du terrorisme européen des années 80. Il met également en lumière comment des militants extrêmement motivés ont parfois été manipulés par des services de renseignements et des "intérêts étrangers" pour servir des causes qui les dépassent.

Réalisateur : Claude-Michel Rome
Cast : Jean-Hugues Anglade, Jérôme Kircher, Lionnel Astier, Maria
Schneider, Dimitri Storoge
Date de production : 2007

0 Views · 9 months ago

Mali has recently been a center point of the news, especially in Germany, after 12 German soldiers within the UN Peacekeeping mission Minusma were wounded in an attack in June. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in cooperation with CARE Germany, invites you to reflect on the current crisis in Mali. This event is the eighth in a ten-part series, which shines a light on the "ten most under-reported humanitarian crises in 2020".

1 in 3 people in Mali is in need of humanitarian assistance, 1.6 million have been forcibly displaced, 1.3 million people are on the verge of starvation and 90% of the country lived below the international poverty line. Mali has faced years of violent conflict, insecurity and poor governance. In addition, the largely agriculturally based and land-locked country has been experiencing climate shocks, natural disasters and resulting food insecurity. Children are especially affected and often recruited by armed groups. For women, opportunities in the country are limited, as Mali is considered one of the most unequal nations in the world. It is no surpise that the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions and border closures only worsened the pre-existing situation in the country.

What is the current political situation in Mali, after a new transitional government was formed? How did the conflict in this region develop? What is the role of the UN peacekeepers? How can foreign governments, including Germany, interact with this central African nation? What humanitarian situation is developing on the ground and how is civil society affected? Are there solutions how this crisis can be mitigated in the years to come? We hereby invite you to examine and ask these questions in conversation with our international experts.

0 Views · 9 months ago

During Britain’s heyday, it controlled territory in practically every corner of the planet, and throughout its history, Britain was able to invade 90% of the countries around the world. The craziest part is how they did it. Check out today's insane new video to learn all about how Britain pillaged, plundered and invaded all but a small handful of countries during the years the Empire was forming.


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0 Views · 9 months ago

The event with Strive Masiyiwa, Chairman of AGRA, Econet Group Founder and CEO is chaired by Agnes Kalibata, President of AGRA.

Strive Masiyiwa has been selected twice, in 2014 and 2017, to Fortune Magazine’s list of the “World’s 50 Greatest Leaders”. For more background on Mr Masiyiwa please follow-up further down below.

Masiyiwa serves on several international boards including UnileverPlc, and the Global Advisory boards of the Council on Foreign Relations in the US, and Stanford University. A former board member of the Rockefeller Foundation for 15 years, he also serves as Chairman of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). He has served on two key United Nations Commissions, at the invitation of the Secretary-General – one on Financing Global Education Opportunity, and another on Sustainable Energy for All.

In Africa, he has worked on reform of the African Union and enabling the Continental Free-Trade Area, as part of a Taskforce led by the current African Union Chair, President Paul Kagame. He also drives continent-wide digital transformation as the only private sector member, among a dozen Heads of State, of the SMART Africa Board also Chaired by President Kagame. The Cape-to-Cairo fiber route initiative that Masiyiwa has driven through Liquid Telecom, is under the auspices of the African Union and SMART Africa, and is recognized as one of the key enablers for continental economic integration.

As a philanthropist, Masiyiwa is a member of the Giving Pledge, and his contributions to education, health and development have been widely recognized. Masiyiwa and his wife finance the Higher Life Foundation, which has supported the education of over 250,000 African orphaned, vulnerable and gifted children across Africa over the past 20 years.

Over the last few years, Masiyiwa has devoted his time to mentoring the next generation of African entrepreneurs through his Facebook page, which has a growing followership of over 3.4-million young people from across the continent. For almost two years, Facebook has identified his platform as having the most engaged following of any business leader in the world.

Organizers of Youth Townhall Meeting with Strive Masiyiwa: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and Center for Development Research (ZEF)

Established in 2006, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is an African-led and Africa-based institution that puts smallholder farmers at the center of the continent’s growing economy by transforming agriculture from a solitary struggle to survive into farming as a business that thrives.

Video by Humboldt University

1 Views · 9 months ago

Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek break down the recent updates around the explosion of anti-colonial sentiment across Africa, as Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and more, rise up against France. Is Gabon next?


0 Views · 9 months ago

The latest round of negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Cancun established clear commitments on financing and implementing climate change adaptation. Disaster risk reduction was identified as central to this work.

0 Views · 9 months ago

While the global investment community is awakening to Africa's investment potential, CNBC Africa in collaboration with the IFC brings you a special Africa focused panel that will discuss issues related infrastructure development, growth within the agriculture industry as well as strengthening and broadening the continent's financial sector.Hosted at the 2014 Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank Group in Washington DC, CNBC Africa's Nozipho Mbanjwa sits down with a panel of international finance experts to discuss Africa's Growth Outlook for the next 12 months.

0 Views · 9 months ago

A powerful discussion on how the digital economy can be accelerated in African Leaders’ Perspectives with Eng. Peter Ulanga CEO, UCAF Hon Hodan Addou, UN Women Tanzania Representative and Eric Osiakwan Managing Partner, Chanzo Capital.

Sahara Sparks is the largest innovation and technology entrepreneurship event in Africa. The event is an avenue for discussion around technological trends and the use of technology to impact the community and drive positive changes. The event also provides a platform for African startups to pitch and showcase their products to potential partners and investors.





0 Views · 9 months ago

Join us for a last-minute review of AP World History with @AntiSocialStudies





#apworldhistory #apexams #whap

0 Views · 9 months ago

Disciplinary histories, theoretical developments and current events have all contributed to an increased attention to race and ethnicity among classicists and archaeologists. This attention has manifested itself in the classroom, with more archaeologists incorporating these perspectives into their teaching. In this webinar, panelists will discuss a variety of topics that concern teaching race and material culture in the ancient Mediterraean, from the development of class modules to the limitations of current approaches

0 Views · 9 months ago

An EU4 1.31 Ethiopia Guide focusing on your Starting Moves, explaining eu4 ethiopia early to mid game moves in detail how to manage your eu4 1.31 leviathan monuments eu4 1.31 estates, diplomacy, expansion path and missions, as well as how to manage your army and trade.

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EU4 1.31 Leviathan definitely has changed the way Ethiopia, or better yet Eu4 1.31 Ethiopia is played, with new expansion paths and an amazing new eu4 ethiopia Missions Tree that helps you conquer all of africa mamluksi and the arabian lands

More Starting Moves Guides in this playlist:

Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy games published by Paradox Interactive. All rights reserved. This is an unofficial video, not endorsed by Paradox Interactive.

The following DLC is used in this series:

Eu4 1.31 leviathan Emperor DLC, Dharma, Rule Britannia, Cradle of Civilization, Third Rome, Mandate of Heaven, Rights of Man, Mare Nostrum, The Cossacks, Common Sense, El Dorado, Art of War, Res Publica, Wealth of Nations, and Conquest of Paradise.

#eu4 #eu4ethiopia #eu4mamluks #eu4leviathan #eu4guide #eu4building #eu4playingtall

0 Views · 9 months ago

Keynote Lecture by Simon Gikandi, Robert Schirmer Professor of English at Princeton University, at the ALA 2017 Annual Conference at Yale University. The lecture was entitled:
“African Literature in the World: Imagining a Post-Colonial Public Sphere”
Chaired by Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi (President of ALA)
June 15, 2017

0 Views · 9 months ago

Dr. Natalie S. Robertson devoted 30 years of research, from Benin to Alabama, to share the story of Clotilda, the last American slave ship, and to tell the startling truth about the Clotilda smuggling crime. Her award-winning book, The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Making of AfricaTown, USA: Spirit of Our Ancestors, chronicles Clotilda’s fateful, illegal smuggling voyage from point of capture in the West African interior to point of disembarkation in Mobile, Alabama, on the eve of the Civil War.

Hear how Clotilda’s 110 West African captives survived their transatlantic ordeal, building their own Africa in America, nobly retaining the traditions and cultures of the land they left behind.

Check out NATGEO’s film “Clotilda: Last American Slave Ship,” featuring Dr. Robertson. Now on Hulu and Disney+, the film explores the vessel’s recent discovery in the Mobile River 162 years later.

If you have any comments or questions about this video, or have ideas for a lecture topic, please contact us at
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This video is for your personal use only, and no further use is permitted. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or provide access to this video to any other person or entity. All rights are reserved by The Mariners' Museum and Park. © 2022 The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Va.

0 Views · 9 months ago

In February 2012, Africa Research Institute launched "Whatever Happened to Africa's Rapid Urbanisation?" By Dr Deborah Potts. Please click here: to download the publication.

At the event there was a presentation by the author Dr Deborah Potts and a response from Dr David Cowan of Citibank. The discussion was chaired by Edward Paice

0 Views · 9 months ago

Radcliffe Institute fellow Ingrid Monson delivers a lecture about Neba Solo, Mali's superb balafonist, and the social and cultural history of Mali. Monson—the 2012--2013 Suzanne Young Murray Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute and the Quincy Jones Professor of African American Music at Harvard—is writing a book about Neba Solo titled "Kenedougou Visions."

0 Views · 9 months ago

During this webinar, we explore the sectors and technologies prioritised by African countries participating in the TNA project in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation, discuss financial and capacity-building needs, and highlight how the TNAs can contribute to NDC implementation.


- Sara Trærup, TNA Global Project Manager – UNEP DTU Partnership
- Vladimir Hecl, Programme Officer – UNFCCC
- Samba Fall, Project Officer – ENDA Énergie
- Libasse Ba, Programme Coordinator – ENDA Énergie
- Maxwell Otim, TNA Coordinator & Director Science, Research and Innovation at Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Uganda

- Moderated by Léa Jehl Le Manceau, TNA Project Assistant – UNEP DTU Partnership

Recorded on 15 April 2020.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Session 2 - Importance of Innovation in Border Management (Part 1)

Representatives from international organizations most closely involved with Identification Management will provide updates on their initiatives and projects.

The TRIP 2019 SkyLive stream is enabled by Securiport (

Moderator: Sylvain Lefoyer, Deputy Director, Aviation Security and Facilitation, ICAO

• Opportunities that Digital Identity Innovations can Unlock
Christoph Wolff, Head of Mobility, World Economic Forum (WEF)
• Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
Simon Deignan, Programme Manager, Travel Document Security
• United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
Ruth M. Kiragu, Programme Management Officer, Special Projects and Innovations Division, United
Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism
• International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Florian Forster, Head of Division, Immigration and Border Management (IBM)

Question & Answer Period

0 Views · 9 months ago

Taking place during the VOICE Vicenzaoro trade event on September 12, 2020, in Vicenza, Italy the seminar will foced on the new generation of African jewellery designers and manufacturers, who are intent on changing the paradigm by which almost all raw materials mined on the continent are exported and processed elsewhere. Internationally educated but strongly influenced by local tradition, they seek to appeal to a worldwide audience, and also to the fast-growing consumer-base closer to home.

Participating as panellists were Satta Matturi, Founder and Creative Lead, Satta Matturi Fine Jewellery, Botswana and the United Kingdom; Monica Gichuhi, Africa Gem Exhibition and Conference, Kenya; Patricia Mweene, Founder, Inonge Zita Zambian Gemstones, Zambia and Denmark; and Thomas (Labi) Kapo, CEO, Akapo Jewels, South Africa.

Moderating the seminar was Nere Teriba, Kian Smith Trade and Co., Nigeria. She was supported by Edward Johnson.

The seminar was live-streamed to a worldwide audience.

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