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0 Views · 9 months ago

In this episode, Zeinab Badawi travels to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia to find out about the powerful kingdoms of southern Africa and their rulers from 10th to 19th century, like the Mutapa kingdom that stretched across portions of eight modern-day southern African countries.

We hear about one military ruler who repeatedly saw off Portuguese invaders, and we admire the incredible ruins of Great Zimbabwe, the largest stone settlement in Africa south of the Sahara.

Foreign visitors could not believe that this towering civilisation dating from the 1100s was built by Africans. The reality is that Great Zimbabwe is the most striking example of the kingdoms that flourished in southern Africa.


0 Views · 9 months ago

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Please join us for the launch of the Broadband for All report (“A Digital Infrastructure Moonshot for Africa”). The report, one of the first to quantify the cost of bridging the broadband gap in North and Sub-Saharan Africa, calls for urgent action to close the internet access gap while providing a roadmap and action plan for reaching universal broadband connectivity in Africa by 2030. To achieve universal access, Africa will need to bring about 1.1 billion more people online. This will require exceptional and coordinated efforts from governments, the private sector, development partners and civil society but the investment is worth it.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Worn in dances during agricultural and funerary ceremonies and performances for tourists, the surreal and colorful masks of Dogon peoples in the Bandiagara region of Mali are globally renowned cultural icons. Curator of Collections Paul R. Davis presents film excerpts of these dances and talks with scholars Polly Richards and Isaïe Dougnon on the visual history of Dogon masks and their contemporary signi cance within a changing social landscape. Films in French and Dogon languages with English subtitles.

Public Program of the Menil Collection, Houston, TX. April 27 2017.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Dane F. Smith, Jr., President of the National Peace Corps Association had a career of over 30 years in the United States Foreign Service. His talk examines main trends in U.S. foreign policy toward Africa since the end of the Cold War. In addition, it notes the impact of 1) the Peace Corps on Africa and other developing countries, 2) Returned Peace Corps movement on the implementation of U.S. foreign policy toward Africa and the developing world, and 3) Returned Peace Corps Volunteers on overseas development in Africa and elsewhere through NGO's and the private sector. Series: "Voices" [5/2001] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 5719]

0 Views · 9 months ago

Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, is director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), our nation’s health protection agency. Since 2009, he has worked to control health threats from infectious diseases, respond to emergencies, and battle the leading causes of death in our nation and around the world. Prior to leading CDC, Dr. Frieden served as New York City Health Commissioner (2002-2009), where he helped reduce smoking, eliminate trans fats from restaurants, and initiate the country’s largest community-based electronic health records project. From 1992-1996, he led NYC’s tuberculosis control program that reduced multidrug-resistant cases by 80 percent. Learn more at and follow Dr. Frieden on Twitter: @DrFriedenCDC.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Global Problems of Population Growth (MCDB 150)

In addition to cultural controls acting to maximize fertility, there are important, and often competing, interests of individual families to limit fertility. Unwanted births are dealt with by infanticide in many cultures. Additionally, fertility is regularly controlled by limiting marriage within a culture. Another very important factor in population growth, especially in the tropics, is food availability. Heavy rains in the tropics wash nutrients away, leaving deficient soils. Much of Africa is either too dry or too wet. Africa was, until recently, not densely populated. Since land was available and because more children meant more security and power, a culture evolved that emphasized high fertility, justified by the need for descendants to pacify ancestors. Sub-Saharan (tropical) Africa has the highest birth rates in the world. As an example, Niger, just south of the Sahara desert has a fertility rate of almost eight children per woman while, in the Mediterranean zone, Morocco, just north of the Sahara, but also a Sunni Muslim country, has a rate of only 3.3 children per woman.

00:00 - Chapter 1. Review and More on Cultural Controls on Fertility
09:53 - Chapter 2. Individual Level Controls on Fertility
23:28 - Chapter 3. Fertility Control by Controlling Child Bearers
27:53 - Chapter 4. Underpopulation in Africa
36:28 - Chapter 5. Agricultural Productivity in African Tropics
50:43 - Chapter 6. World Agricultural Comparisons
53:34 - Chapter 7. Diseases in Africa and Underpopulation

Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website:

This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Speakers: Bienvenu Azehoungbo, Stephen Esquith, Marcy Hessling O’Neil, Welore Tamboura

Building Bridges between Youth in the Community and at University in Mali and Benin

: What do photography, folktales, peacebuilding, and animated videos have in common? Find out when our West African colleagues Drs. Bienvenu Azehoungbo and Welore Tamboura, and MSU faculty members Drs. Stephen Esquith and Marcy Hessling O’Neil discuss “Parole aux Jeunes!/Youth Speak!”, a community engagement project happening in Benin Republic, Mali, and Michigan. The project aims to build bridges between communities and universities to develop the capacity of youth to make social change, and is one of the Alliance for African Partnership’s PIRA Grant Awardees. Join us for an interactive session (and maybe even hear a story or two)!

0 Views · 9 months ago

In a global context marked by slowing economic growth, high inflation, and rising interest rates, what is the outlook for the Africa region? How will African countries rebuild robust economic growth, create jobs, and reclaim the development gains lost during the COVID-19 pandemic? What opportunities can African leaders find in this particularly turbulent time? The State of the Africa Region event will take stock of global headwinds affecting the region and provide a timely overview of macro-economic trends, given the slowing GDP, high debt, and historically high food and energy prices. The discussion will specifically focus on measures that can deliver big wins for food security on the continent, such as better targeted public spending, investments in food transformation and resilient food systems, and stronger intra-regional trade. Learn more:

- Vera Esperança dos Santos Daves De Sousa, Finance Minister, Angola
- Ahmat Jidoud, Minister of Finance, Niger
- Uzziel Ndagijimana, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
- Mamadou Moustapha Bâ, Minister of Finance and Budget, Senegal
- Jeanine Cooper, Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Liberia
- Harifidy Janset Ramilison, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Madagascar
- Monica Musonda, Chief Executive Officer, Java Foods
- Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, Director, West Africa Center of Excellence for Crop Improvement (WACCI), Ghana
- Ousmane Diagana, Vice President, Western and Central Africa, World Bank
- Victoria Kwakwa Vice President, Eastern and Southern Africa, World Bank
- Andrew Dabalen, Chief Economist, Africa, World Bank
- Performer: Connell Thompson, Musician
- Moderator: Lerato Mbele, International broadcaster

00:00 Opening remarks
08:17 Perspective of Africa and the world
34:30 Prospects of economic recovery
1:08:41 Food security, resilience, and innovation in Côte d'Ivoire
1:11:20 Transforming food systems for prosperous Africa
1:38:56 Closing remarks

ABOUT THE #WBGIMFmeetings: The 2022 World Bank Group - IMF Annual Meetings will convene leaders, experts, and activists to discuss how best to respond to the multiple overlapping crises facing developing countries and how to work together to build a resilient future. Join our top-level discussions focusing on investing in education, accelerating climate finance, promoting inclusive growth & responding to the food & fuel crises.

ABOUT THE WORLD BANK GROUP The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for low-income countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Visit for downloads, transcript, and more.

This documentary presents how recent changes in the composition and quantities of African dust transported to the Caribbean and the Americas might provide clues to why Caribbean coral reef ecosystems are deteriorating and human health may be impacted.

Additional information can be found at:

0 Views · 9 months ago

A powerful discussion on how the digital economy can be accelerated in African Leaders’ Perspectives with Eng. Peter Ulanga CEO, UCAF Hon Hodan Addou, UN Women Tanzania Representative and Eric Osiakwan Managing Partner, Chanzo Capital.

Sahara Sparks is the largest innovation and technology entrepreneurship event in Africa. The event is an avenue for discussion around technological trends and the use of technology to impact the community and drive positive changes. The event also provides a platform for African startups to pitch and showcase their products to potential partners and investors.





0 Views · 9 months ago

UCLA History Ph.D. Candidate Madina Thiam presented a Walter Rodney Seminar on November 15, 2021.

0 Views · 9 months ago

It truly is bananas what the DJI Air 3 is capable of!

#dji #air3 #drone

0 Views · 9 months ago

This video teaches the history of Ghana from the time of colonialism to the attainment of Ghana's independence. It also tells how the name Ghana was derived.

0 Views · 9 months ago

A New Era of China-Africa Cooperation documentary; FOCAC2018

0 Views · 9 months ago

In this video, I interview Mamadou Ndiaye who talks about his journey from Senegal to France and then to Malaysia as he embarks on a journey from student to professional in a major French company, then on towards his entrepreneurial journeys that led him to found his current company, Wasabih. Wasabih is poised to change the way people in the global Halal industry do business. Mamadou is an inspiration to anyone with a dream and a vision to pivot towards those dreams, even when the risk of doing so seems like the rocking a very comfortable boat.

Connect and do business on Wasabih:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Start your Warframe journey now and prepare to face your personal nemesis, the Kuva Lich — an enemy that only grows stronger with every defeat. Take down this deadly foe, then get ready to take flight in Empyrean! Coming soon!

As the Renaissance breathes new life into Europe, Copernicus develops mathematical proofs for the sun resting in the center of the universe. And from his works, a new world is born. The scientific world gets faster and faster. Revolutions of all kinds begin to set off chains of events that reshape human history. And as science improves, so do the tools of war. Both will be necessary to propel humanity to the stars. Join us on this race through the scientific works between the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution.

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