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0 Views · 9 months ago

On July 24, the Africa Security Initiative at the Brookings Institution hosted a panel of experts on conflict, political violence, and international law to discuss what has been happening throughout the continent during the crisis, what has and has not been effective, the many political and security implications of the crisis, as well as what the rest of the world can learn from the public health practices Sub-Saharan Africa has employed to combat the virus. (transcript available)


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1 Views · 9 months ago

A lecture on ebola with Marcel Tanner,
Professor and Director at the Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute and Blaise Genton,
Head of Travel Clinic, Lausanne University Hospital and Project Leader, Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute.

- Video editor - Tawanda Daka-Eziwhou, Communications Manager, SwissCore

0 Views · 9 months ago

Building on his inaugural event held at the Wilson Center on August 21, 2018, during which he outlined his priorities for U.S.-Africa policy,Ambassador Nagy will speak to how U.S.-Africa policy has taken shape and what has been accomplished over the past eighteen months. This event will also be an opportunity for discussion with the Africa-engaged community on key issues, interests, and concerns for the future of U.S.-Africa policy.

2 Views · 9 months ago

Learn how companies break into new markets overseas. Specifically, how do they find opportunities, promote themselves and make sure they are doing business with the right people.

Bill Burwell, Director, U.S. Export Assistance Center

Nancy Wallace, VP, Computer Frontiers

Mike Schneider, President, Far East Business

Jessica Reynolds, Regional Manager, Office of International Investment and Trade, Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development

0 Views · 9 months ago

On VICE’s weed travel show ‘BLUNT REVIEWS,’ we trek to places where weed is legal to review things a cannabis-consuming tourist can do while they’re stoned.

On this episode, VICE's Trey Smith visited Alaska, where he stayed at Cecelia's B&B, a weed-friendly bed and breakfast in Anchorage, and sampled a THC-infused buffet with folks from the local weed industry. Then he stopped by The High Expedition in Talkeetna, a dispensary that doubles as a museum to famous mountain climber Ray Genet, sampling their product before taking a bush plane to check out the surrounding mountain scenery.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

We kicked off our #LSECOVID19 online event series by asking how African countries can best respond to the collapse of global trade and supply chains.

🔴 This event was streamed live on Facebook on Wednesday 29 April:

🔴 Find out about more of our upcoming events:

🔴 Professor Paul Collier, Oxford University, IGC
🔴 Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia 🇱🇷
🔴 Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, former Nigerian Minister of Finance 🇳🇬, IGC Senior Advisor
🔴 Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE

🔴 Dr Jonathan Leape, Executive Director, IGC

ℹ️ More info:
ℹ️ IGC:

1 Views · 9 months ago

The American Anthropological Association / World Council of Anthropological Associations/ Wenner-Gren Foundation Emergency Initiative on the Ebola Outbreak, is bringing together anthropologists from around the world with expertise in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria, other Ebola-affected regions, and in infectious disease management for a workshop to address critical issues in the current Ebola outbreak. The workshop will generate a series of short briefing papers that provide actionable guidance to real-time actors in the field for how to proceed with technical, political, social, and economic management and containment of the current crisis.

0 Views · 9 months ago

J. Alieu Swaray TRC Testimony
Cash App:$MyBlackPlanet
For much of its 164-year history, Liberia has enjoyed a special status among Africa’s nations. Founded in 1847 by freed slaves from the United States and the Caribbean, it was Africa’s first independent black republic, and people across Africa considered it both an inspiration and a beacon of hope. Nevertheless, the relationship between the African-American arrivals, known as Americo-Liberians or “Congo” people, and the many ethnic groups already present in Liberia, bore many similarities to European colonialism in the rest of Africa.
#liberia #africa #monrovia

0 Views · 9 months ago

USAID’s newly launched Policy Framework aims to drive progress beyond programs through new partnerships. In support of this, USAID’s localization approach fosters locally led development that is tied to each country’s unique political, social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions, including through local systems practice and local capacity strengthening. This webinar will highlight two examples of development programming that embrace new partnerships by both advancing locally led development and deepening engagement with local communities and private sector organizations.

In Liberia, USAID and the Africa Trade and Investment (ATI) Program created the Liberia Agribusiness Incubator to support local job creation, trade and investment. To increase locally led development, USAID/ATI made an intentional effort to reach rural communities to help identify barriers for participation and ways to overcome those barriers. A subsequent outreach campaign, including road shows, radio jingles and media messages,  was designed and tailored to local community needs, thus increasing local engagement in the program. In Guatemala, the Innovative Solutions for Agricultural Value Chains Project is implemented by a local entity, Agropecuaria Popoyán, S.A. The objective of the project is to reduce poverty and chronic malnutrition in Guatemala’s Western Highlands by providing new economic opportunities that improve the livelihoods and resilience for small-scale farmers and their families to reduce irregular migration. 

Learn more about how these programs advance localization, support new linkages, and mobilize collective action across governments, the private sector, and local organizations.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Moving Liberia Forward: Energy & Electricity | Presenter: Elkanah Al-Phillips | Host: Dennis Jah | Co-host: James Nah Larsah

0 Views · 9 months ago

Led by the Harvard Global Health Institute, Outbreak Week was a Harvard University-wide effort to commemorate the 1918 influenza pandemic that killed more than 50 million people around the globe.

This flagship event, sponsored by the Petrie-Flom Center at Harvard Law School on Sept. 28, focused on Preventing Epidemics in a Connected World. A panel discussion on Understanding and Mitigating Risks, featured opening video remarks by Larry Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Faculty of Arts and Sciences; President Emeritus, Harvard University.

Panelists included: Mike T. Osterholm, Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) all at the University of Minnesota; Regents Professor; McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health; Distinguished Teaching Professor, Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health;
Professor, Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science & Engineering; Adjunct Professor of Medicine
Dennis Carroll, Director of the US Agency for International Development's (USAID) Global Health Security and Development Unit
Hillary Carter, Director for Countering Biological Threats, National Security Council
Mosoka Fallah, Deputy Director General/Technical Services, National Public Health Institute of Liberia

0 Views · 9 months ago

(This program was recorded during a live virtual Zoom lecture on 8/7/2020.)

Between 1820 and 1913, approximately 16,000 African Americans left the United States for Liberia, in the largest out-migration in U.S. history. Join us as author Susan Lindsey shares the story of Tolbert Major, an enslaved Kentuckian, who in 1836 chose to make this journey when offered the chance for freedom. Using surviving correspondence, Lindsey will illuminate the struggles and successes of Liberian settlers as they attempted to build new lives in a foreign land, and explore the attitudes and motivations of both colonization supporters in the U.S. and those who lived in the colony.

Learn more about the Kentucky Historical Society:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Despite being the world’s second-largest and second-most populous continent, there exists a perception that Africa receives minimal attention from policymakers in Washington. Yet, for many years, the United States was the primary trade partner and aid provider for many African nations. However, more recently, other actors, notably China, have stepped in and now play an outsized role in several regions. This has brought the African continent into focus as a significant geopolitical crossroads, and amplified its role in the foreign affairs of the United States. Join the NCAFP as we host a panel of distinguished former diplomats as they discuss their experiences and perspectives on U.S. Africa policy, and what the future of the region holds in store.

Featured Panelists:

Herman J. Cohen
President, Cohen and Woods International
Former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs

Harry K. Thomas, Jr.
Kissinger Senior Fellow, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, Yale University
Senior Strategic Engagement Leader, U.S. Special Operations Command
Former Ambassador to Zimbabwe, the Philippines, and Bangladesh

Bisa Williams
Co-Founder and Managing Director, Williams Strategy Advisors, LLC
Former Ambassador to Niger and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs

0 Views · 9 months ago

2a Radio/TV - African Actions network is a global internet radio station which focuses on activities of human events around the globe. The broadcast of 2a Radio is to inform, communicate, educate, and entertain.

0 Views · 9 months ago

00:00 Devastated by its economy, Nicaragua has hazardous infrastructures. During the rainy season, the tracks turn into a quagmire and make it difficult for vehicles to pass. The transport of dynamite, useful for the extraction of raw gold, is perilous there because the tremors of the road risk at any time to explode the precious detonators. Added to this danger is that of armed looters. In the center of the country, the journey is just as complicated for evangelical pastors who travel by motorbike to meet very isolated communities. Finally, on the Caribbean Sea, Miskito fishermen outdo themselves to survive.
12:13 Two Priests One mission
24:06 One error may be deadly
31:23 Nicaragua's deadly rain strikes again
41:43 Hunting, Fishing everything to survive

Directed by: Mathieu Orcel

0 Views · 9 months ago

The virtual press conference is on-the-record and it is an opportunity for you to ask questions on the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other health issues in Africa.

1 Views · 9 months ago

On December 12th, the Woodrow Wilson Center's Africa Program joined the Open Society Institute in sponsoring an event to discuss the destabilizing impact of conflict during the 90s and the early years of this decade on Liberia. Members of the UN Panel of Experts on Liberia discussed the impact of Liberia's resources on West Africa's wars, how effective sanctions were in shutting down the conflicts and whether it is time to restore control of the country's natural wealth to the newly elected national government. Panelist included Tim Hetherington, Photographer and Film Maker, Art Blundell, Timber Specialist and Chair of the UN Panel, Caspar Fithen, Diamond Specialist and UN Panel Member and Steve Radelet, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development and Economic Advisor to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Steve McDonald gave introductory remarks and served as moderator.

Environmental Change and Security Program

0 Views · 9 months ago

Global health security is the protection of the health of people and societies worldwide. With diseases a plane ride or border crossing away, the importance of global health security has never been clearer. Patterns of global travel and trade pose greater opportunities for infectious diseases to emerge and spread nearly anywhere within 24 hours. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa, which has infected more than 28,000 people across 10 countries and has caused more than 11,200 deaths, highlights the importance of ensuring that every country is prepared to prevent, detect, and respond to outbreaks and emerging health threats.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

As part of the COVID-19 Response, HOT has been supporting 24 countries through mapping and the HOT Rapid Response Microgrants. Through the Microgrants, 7 OpenStreetMap communities were provided with microgrants to support their local response to the pandemic in Liberia, Uganda, Kenya, Mongolia, Nigeria, and DRC.

The webinar featured speakers from:
iLab Liberia
OSM Senegal
Public Lab Mongolia
The COVID-19 Activation Team

Read more about the [first-]( and [second-round]( micrograntees.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Insa Nolte delivers the presidential address at the biennial conference of the African Studies Association UK, at the University of Birmingham on 13 September 2018.

A full transcript of this talk will be available soon.

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