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0 Views · 9 months ago

Sierra Leone, a country that experienced one of the most brutish civil wars between 1991 and 2002, can offer answers at least to some of the myriad of accountability questions raised in transitional justice. After the war Sierra Leone established two institutions: a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (SLTRC) and the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL). The SLTRC assembled many perpetrators of atrocities during the war and victims of the same war, as well as those who created the sociological, political and economic environment that led to the war in the first place. The SCSL is a unique hybrid tribunal of local and international law, established to indict, prosecute, and convict those who bear 'greatest responsibility for war crimes' committed within the country during the period of the Sierra Leonean civil war. This presentation will look at the political, sociological as well as legal successes and challenges of the SLTRC and SCSL, discussing the ramifications of setting up those two mechanisms simultaneously and the financial implication of setting up the court.

Following a 420 day trial, the Special Court for Sierra Leone in the Hague recently sentenced former Liberian President, Charles Taylor, to 50 years' jail for aiding and abetting crimes and atrocities that claimed 50,000 lives during the Sierra Leone civil war. He is the first head of state to be convicted by an international criminal tribunal since the Nuremberg trials.

Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai is a lawyer by profession, whose only brother was abducted and killed by rebel forces when Sierra Leone exploded into civil war. In 2003, he established The Society for Democratic Initiatives (SDI) in Sierra Leone, a non-government organization working to entrench democratic governance and to protect and promote human rights. SDI plays a critical role towards democratic development in Sierra Leone given issues arising in the wake of a one-party governing system and a decade long civil war. Although the war officially ended in February 2002, socio-economic progress remains extraordinarily difficult to achieve in a political climate of corruption, harassment, violence and intimidation. Good governance by leaders with the interests of the common people at heart is the key to progress, and SDI's unflinching commitment to this goal increases the prospect that history does not ever repeat itself.

During Sierra Leone's transition, Emmanuel worked at both the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Welcome & Introductions; Proposed policy options for Ebola virus vaccines

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Interested in learning more about Responsible Tourism and travelling sustainably? Here's a good start:

â–º Website -
â–º RT Hub - access to resources at WTM -
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â–º Amazon - Responsible Tourism 2nd Ed.

0 Views · 9 months ago

About TEDx, x=independently organized event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self- organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Economics of Sports in Liberia

1 Views · 9 months ago

Prince Yormie Johnson is a Liberian politician and the current Senior Senator from Nimba County. A former rebel leader, Johnson played a prominent role in the First Liberian Civil War in which he captured, tortured, mutilated and executed President Samuel Doe, who had himself overthrown and murdered the previous president William R. Tolbert Jr.
#liberia #politics #1980s

0 Views · 9 months ago

Liberia’s history has been punctuated by periods of profound social upheaval underscored by injustice and serious human rights violations. These dynamics in large part led to two devastating civil wars in the last 30 years. This question and answer document addresses the abuses committed during these wars and efforts to bring those responsible to justice, including through a proposed war crimes court.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Dr. Vivian Vega presents a 1-year update on the 2014 Ebola outbreak, adapted for both healthcare workers and patients. She speaks about epidemiology, clinical manifestations and the effect of the outbreak on other public health issues such as malaria and TB. She also speaks about the implications of the outbreak in the global community and the possibility of pandemic spread, and specifically four patients diagnosed with Ebola in the United States. She also discusses risk assessment for patients exposed to the virus, diagnosis, and management.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Lee Perry interviews Stephen B. Lavala, the leading member of the IDEAS For Us - Liberia branch.

0 Views · 9 months ago

The all-day conference Good News from Africa, part of the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future Africa 2060 research program, brings together leading experts on Africa to present critical assessments of the continent's current trends in social, cultural, political, and economic development in four discussion panels. The second, on economy and markets, includes a presentation on entrepreneurship based upon the books Africa Rising¬ and The 86 Percent Solution, by panelist Vijay Mahajan, the John P. Harbin Centennial Chair in Business, University of Texas, Austin, as well as discussions about local economics, how the perception of Africa has changed over time, and agricultural challenges in Burkina Faso.

Session 1; Session 3; Session 4; Keynote Address

Hosted by the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future on April 16, 2010.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Innovative Solutions to Combat Global Health Disparities
April 21, 2016, 8:30am to 5:15pm (United Stated EDT, UTC/GMT -04:00)

This year’s symposium brings together leaders in global health research from Upstate New York and around the world to promote research collaboration, provide networking opportunities and help new researchers begin a career in global health. Students, trainees, junior faculty and senior faculty are all invited!

The one-day event includes timely presentations on global health issues, a poster session, a student poster competition, and breakout sessions. Multiple networking opportunities will give participants a chance to share ideas one-on-one and connect with experts in the field.

[All times below are in United States EDT (UTC/GMT -04:00)]

8:30 am: Welcome/Overview of the Global Network/Overview of UNYTE & Introduction of Speakers (Tim Dye, PhD and Nana Bennett, MD, MS; University of Rochester)

8:50am: Highlight Topic 1: Global Health Policy (Neal Palafox, MD, MPH; University of Hawai’i)

9:10am: Highlight Topic 2: Global Cancer Prevention and Control (Jennifer Smith, PhD; University of North Carolina)

9:30am: Highlight Topic 3: Zika Virus and Health Diplomacy (Mehran Massoudi, PhD, MPH; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

9:50am: Highlight Topic 4: Mobilizing food systems for Improved Health and Nutrition (Per Pinstrup-Andersen, PhD, MS; Cornell University)

10:10am: Highlight Topic 5: Global Health and Technology: New Solutions for Development (Saurabh Mehta, MBBS, ScD; Cornell University)

10:30am: Q&A for Highlight Topic Speakers

10:40am: Networking Break

11:15am: Rapid Fire Sessions
- Connections Between Prematurity and Toxic Substances in Puerto Rico: From Genomic Research to Community Engagement,
Carmen Vélez-Vega, University of Puerto Rico
- Health Care System in Costa Rica, Esteban Avendaño MD MPH, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas
- Mercury exposure from fish consumption: A global public health concern, Edwin VanWijngaarden PhD, University of Rochester
- Capacity Building in Zimbabwe: Linking Patient Support Groups with HIV Clinical Pharmacology Research Initiatives,
Samantha Sithole PharmD, University at Buffalo
- HIV, HPV, and Cervical Dysplasia in South Africa, David Adler MD, University of Rochester

12:15pm: Poster Session - join us for a stroll through the poster session to meet presenters and learn about their research.

Zika/Mosquito-Borne Illness Symposium – Moderator: Mehran Massoudi PhD
1:45pm: Zika in pregnancy/planned cohort studies - José Cordero , MD MPH
2:05pm: TBD
2:25pm: Mobile surveillance technology - Solomon Abiola/José Pérez-Ramos
2:45pm: Q&A

3:50pm: Policy, System, and Environmental Interventions in Global Cancer Control
– Angela Sy PhD, Neal Palafox MD, Karen Peters DrPH

4:00pm: Panel Discussion – Building partnerships in global health research/Careers in global health
– Tim Dye PhD, Mehran Massoudi PhD, Karen Peters DrPH, Haq Nawaz MD, Esteban Avendaño MD, Deborah Ossip PhD
5:00 pm: Announcement of poster session awards; closing – Tim Dye PhD

0 Views · 9 months ago

Join the discussion as we delve into corruption and its impact on the rise of Liberia.

0 Views · 9 months ago

CNBC Africa brings you the Road to Cape Town, as we build-up to the World Economic Forum on Africa that will take place between the 4thand 6thof September. CNBC Africa’s Kenneth Igbomor discusses this year’s theme which is; Shaping Inclusive Growth and Shared Futures in the 4thIndustrial Revolution with Teju Abisoye; Acting Executive Secretary at the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund, Frank Aigbogun, is the Publisher and CEO of Businessday media and Abayomi Awobokun, CEO of ENYO Retail and Supply.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Join the discussion as we delve into corruption and its impact on the rise of Liberia.

0 Views · 9 months ago

CNBC Africa brings you the Road to Cape Town, as we build-up to the World Economic Forum on Africa that will take place between the 4thand 6thof September. CNBC Africa’s Kenneth Igbomor discusses this year’s theme which is; Shaping Inclusive Growth and Shared Futures in the 4thIndustrial Revolution with Teju Abisoye; Acting Executive Secretary at the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund, Frank Aigbogun, is the Publisher and CEO of Businessday media and Abayomi Awobokun, CEO of ENYO Retail and Supply.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Africa is changing. Formidable challenges in security and governance remain, with population growth, rapid urbanization, and now the pandemic straining resources and capacity, but the continent is still moving forward at a remarkable pace. Many recognize the new reality, growth potential, better governance, and dramatic increase in foreign investment.

But what of the United States and its approach to the complexities of a diverse continent that offers both opportunities and serious challenges? Is Washington willing and able to devote the resources and time to the enterprise? What of the role of non-governmental and pan-African organizations? And what is it that Americans get wrong about Africa and urgently need to get right?

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Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was the first female President of Liberia and is a Nobel Peace Laureate, recognized for promoting peace and social and economic development in Liberia following the nation’s decades-long civil wars. She most recently founded the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Presidential Center for Women and Development to be a catalyst for change across Africa.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs and currently, the senior vice president at Albright Stonebridge Group, Africa Practice.

Nima Elbagir is a multi-award winning senior international correspondent for CNN based in London.

Aaron David Miller is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, focusing on U.S. foreign policy.

The Carnegie Endowment advances international peace by leveraging its global network to shape debates and provide decisionmakers with independent insights and innovative ideas on the most consequential global threats and opportunities.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Current Issues in Liberia with Randolph Glee, Nancy Reeves, and David Karpilee

0 Views · 9 months ago

Please join the CSIS Global Food Security Project for a discussion with a panel of experts on the relationship between climate change, political instability, and food security using current events on the African continent as a lens. The emerging consensus is that climate change poses significant national security threats. However, specific linkages between climate change and political instability are still opaque. As climate change reshapes the agricultural landscape across Africa, there is concern that higher food prices and falling yields will lead to widespread urban unrest and catalyze participation in armed extremist movements.

Preceded by a keynote from Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), the discussion will examine how climate change is interacting with demographic trends in Africa to both heighten risks associated with agriculture in rural areas and those associated with dependence on global markets in urban areas. Our panelists will explore several issues such as how averting crisis in the face of climate change and food insecurity will require:

Better incorporation of agricultural production and food prices—both global and local—into risk assessments.
Reinvestment in agricultural and transport infrastructure to reform global agricultural trade to make it more climate-resilient for consumers and producers in the developing world.
Opportunities to work with regional governments to develop more inclusive responses to manage political and economic instability.
This event was made possible through general support to CSIS.


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0 Views · 9 months ago

April 20th, 2012

A special presentation by Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president of the Republic of Liberia marks the inauguration of the Chevron Excellence in Leadership Energy Lecture Series, a Baker Institute Energy Forum program highlighting the role of bold leadership in meeting today's energy challenges.

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