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0 Views · 10 months ago

It is increasingly important for researchers to understand academic (viz. scholarly) metrics since they often play a critical role in recruitment, performance evaluation, promotion and grant applications. The aim of this session will be to explain different types of research metrics; where to find it; how they are calculated; how they can be applied and what they mean.

During the session, attendees will learn about publication counts, citations, h-index, CiteScore, Impact Factor, Field-weighted Citation Impact, collaboration metrics and top journal and citation percentiles, as well as metrics related to news media, social media and other online platforms. A practical demonstration will be based on Scopus and SciVal, Elsevier research intelligence tools.

Best practice for applying academic metrics responsibly will also be addressed in reference to Elsevier guidelines and international standards such as the Dora Declaration and the Leiden Manifesto."

0 Views · 10 months ago

Recorded September 27, 2019

The suburbs are ground zero for many challenges facing communities, from social and economic equity to climate change. The suburbs also hold a lot of promise, but only if we can reimagine them.

The Smart Growth Network and the Congress for the New Urbanism held this webinar to identify the keys to making suburbs more affordable, walkable, bikeable, and transit-friendly, adding up to a more sustainable future for our regions.

Panelists included June Williamson, Chair of the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at The City College of New York, and Dan Reed, a planner at Toole Design.

1 Views · 10 months ago

ETTG, with the support of the UNDP Regional Bureau of Africa and in cooperation with the Swedish Permanent Representation to the EU, hosted an event to assess the implications of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine
for Africa and Europe-Africa relations.


Welcome by Mikael Lindvall, Swedish Representative to the Political and Security Committee

Camilla Brückner, Director of the UN/UNDP Office in Brussels and Representative of the UN System in the EU

Panel discussion

● Oleksandr Khrebet, Journalist Kyiv Independent (video recording)
● Irina Schoulgin-Nyoni Deputy Director General and Head of Africa Department, Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
● Baye Moctar Diop, Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal to the EU and the Kingdom of Belgium
● Birgitte Nygaard Markussen, Ambassador and Head of the European Union Delegation to the African Union
● Paul-Simon Handy, Regional Director East Africa and Representative to the African Union, South African Institute for Security Studies

Moderator: Geert Laporte, Director, European Think Tanks Group

0 Views · 10 months ago

Held on October 27 - 28, 2021 and hosted by OJJDP, Understanding and Preventing Youth Hate Crimes and Identity-Based Bullying was a national symposium on preventing and combating identity-based bullying and criminal extremist hate groups as they impact our nation’s youth.

This virtual symposium addressed important topics such as current trends and research on identity-based bullying, cyberbullying, youth-related hate crimes, and how hate groups use social media and technology to reach, recruit, and radicalize youth. Panel discussions provided programs, best practices, and evidence-based strategies on how schools, families, law enforcement, and communities can work together to build protective factors in youth and help youth resist and disengage from extremist hate groups.

To obtain handouts and documents for this video, please contact the OJJDP NTTAC Help Desk at or by phone at 1-833-647-0513.

0 Views · 10 months ago

In this webinar recording, the FinDev team shares ways in which you can stay up-to-date on how the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting the financial inclusion community, and contribute to the ongoing discussion. We share our new resource hub which serves as a collective space for our community to share experiences, ideas and lessons learned as we all strive to manage this unprecedented global crisis.

0 Views · 10 months ago

AMS-certified meteorologist Greg Fishel interviews Dr. John Christy, climate scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), as part of the Exploring Climate Change documentary.

0 Views · 10 months ago

NALLYWOOD is a film and entertainment production company that mostly focuses on educating learners, to improve their inborn skills and talents that can in future enhance and increase their chance of becoming entrepreneurs, self-employees and earn a living regardless of their academic performance. In addition, the project also aims at giving hope to the hopeless and have them redirected in realizing that there is a lot they can accomplish parallel to their academics as addressed by Dr. Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence.

Thus, I have initiated a Namibian talent development project (Namibia's Greatest Show) that we have introduced to all Namibian schools and the general public with the youth as our main target. The goal and mission are to be able to enhance skills in acting, dancing, singing, and not limited to a variety of other talents as supported extra-curricular framework. I believe this will be beneficial to the education system. The future generation as well as the community as a whole. This will also contribute to the expansion of the arts, music and film industry in Namibia.

The NALLYWOOD team, therefore, host auditions at different schools then we choose the best learner students to perform on well-known local halls centers where all schools will be a part of and they will all compete for prizes that will also benefit the winner's school and the community at large.

Unlock your mind to develop Africa.

Managing Director & Founder
Mr. Simon F. Sindano
Contact NO: +264 813106446
Email address:
People and Blogs

0 Views · 10 months ago

A conversation between opinion leaders about how to increase the uptake of HIV testing in England, in order to diagnose HIV before the infection becomes symptomatic, reduce HIV transmission by decreasing the number of people living with an undiagnosed HIV infection and help eliminate AIDS-related deaths. Health Matters collection page:

0 Views · 10 months ago

People with diverse backgrounds, especially those who have faced challenges in their lives bring resilience to Scrum Teams. When team members come from a variety of backgrounds, they can apply what they have experienced and are likely to bring a fresh perspective when teams face adversity or complexity. It is these resilient, diverse team members who have overcome serious challenges in life, who rise up to the occasion. Through their actions, they will change the character of the entire team by teaching their team that they can stand their ground, fight and win without compromising on Professionalism, Ethics, Excellence or Business Value.

In this webinar, moderated by Ravi Verma, our panelists Uta Kapp and Dave Dame will discuss 7 strengths that agile teams can gain when they embrace diversity.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Dr. John M. Poindexter: "National Security and the Islamic State, Foreign and Domestic"
Dr. John Poindexter spoke at the Westminster Institute on 3 February 2016. He most recently served as Director of the Information Awareness Office (IAO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Dr. Poindexter served as National Security Advisor and Deputy National Security Advisor for President Ronald Reagan from 1983 to 1986, and as Military Assistant in the White House prior to that.

#ISIS #Syria #defense

0:00:00 Lecture
0:53:49 Q&A

0 Views · 10 months ago

LinkedIn is no longer just for job hunting. For leaders who want to build influential thought leadership and maximize their brands, it’s increasingly becoming one of the most powerful tools in their arsenal. In this installment of Leadership Today, Social Driver CSO and Co-Founder Anthony Shop (‘22) will provide a crash course on using LinkedIn to build your professional – and personal – brand. From strategic network building to employee engagement, Shop provides a blueprint for professionals looking to grow their reputation as industry thought leaders.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Crystal Washington was rated one of Forbes' Leading 50 Female Futurists in 2020. She is a technology strategist and futurist who works with organizations that want to leverage technology to increase profits and productivity.

For more information or to book Crystal today, visit

Crystal shares insights with sales, marketing, and human resources professionals on how to strategically use technologies like social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and more), the internet, apps, smartphones, virtual and augmented reality, beacons, the Internet of Things, and much more.

Crystal delivers programs across industries and has special programs for clients in financial services (banks, credit unions, financial planners, financial advisors), real estate (Realtors, mortgage lenders), and travel and tourism professionals.

Hired by companies including Google, Microsoft and GE, companies in the North America, Africa and Europe book Crystal Washington when they want their teams to take action online!

Crystal has appeared in The Huffington Post, Associated Press, Entrepreneur Magazine, Glamour Magazine, Bloomberg Business Week, and the Associated Press. She has been interviewed by ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, Associated Press, and numerous radio stations and magazines around the globe as a social media expert.

Crystal is the author of the book, The Social Media Why: A Busy Professional’s Practical Guide to Using Social Media Including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+ and Blogs for Business.

As an African American/Black woman who happens to be a professional speaker, Crystal draws on her experiences to share unique insights.

For more information or to book Crystal today, visit

0 Views · 10 months ago

0:13 - Opening remarks
1:58 - Can we eradicate HPV by 2030?
3:14 - Introduction of speakers
5:14 - Sylvia de Sanjose - Eradicating Cervical Cancer by 2030: What Will it Take?
6:58 - Learning objectives
7:35 - Considerations for elimination of cervical cancer
12:40 - Trends in different countries over time
17:42 - Impact of HPV vaccines and screening
23:46 - Work to be done/Conclusion
25:54 - Blake Murdoch - Dealing With Public Opinion, Misinformation & Policy
26:47 - Outline
27:34 - Vaccination attitudes in Canada
29:30 - Media representations and false balance
33:13 - Claims of alternative practitioners and anti-vaxxers
34:45 -Social media, viral fake news and filter bubbles
36:38 - How do we mitigate the negative discourse?
44:23 - Conclusion
45:44 - Questions

0 Views · 10 months ago

Harvard Kennedy School's Joseph Nye is university distinguished service professor and Sultan of Oman professor of international relations. He is the author of many books and articles on international relations, including his most recent book, "The Powers to Lead."

Nye, who coined the term soft power to describe the power of attraction as opposed to coercion in international relations theory, was interviewed Feb. 12 by Philadelphia Inquirer foreign policy columnist Trudy Rubin as part of an initiative sponsored by the American Academy of Political and Social Science in conjunction with their journal The Annals.

0 Views · 10 months ago

This lecture discusses the problems with secondary & popular (non-peer-reviewed) sources as illustrated by a case study in news transmission. In 2010, an article in Wired Magazine introduced research into the effects of stress on health. An article in The Daily Mail summarized the 6800 word Wired Magazine article in just 400 words and substantially misrepresented its contents. The Internet conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones, then used the Daily Mail article as evidence that a global conspiracy was genetically engineering brain-eating viruses to turn humans into zombies.

0 Views · 10 months ago

Today’s discussion starts, or in many cases, continues a dialog around questions many are asking in boardrooms and among community leaders today-

Why should organizations empower diverse leaders?
What do they get out of it?
How do they measure this success? Is it a straightforward financial measure? Productive? A hiring value?
How are diverse leaders cultivated? How are they empowered to build up future leadership?
And, of course, what are the pitfalls to avoid and key criteria to success?
Join the Women Empowerment, Leadership & Diversity Chapter as we take a deep dive into inclusive practices that strengthen at a leadership level.

0 Views · 10 months ago

As African American men and women, we know how important our community is. We're tight knit. We're powerful. And we want what's best for each other. That includes our children, our grandbabies and our younger brothers and sisters.

0 Views · 10 months ago

When thinking about the use of digital technology and social media in resistance we are often overwhelmed by anecdote. Look at a dozen cases and you will see three dozen examples of how activists are using digital technology in their work. This endless variety can be confusing not only to observers, but to activists themselves. There are few guidelines for what tech can and cannot do or strategic frameworks to use in planning whether and how to use digital technology in a campaign. In this webinar Mary Joyce, Founder of the Meta-Activism Project, will present a framework that divides digital technology into seven activist functions: documenting, co-creating, mobilizing, broadcasting, synthesizing, protecting and transferring resources. She will use the recent case of the Egyptian Revolution to explore these functions.

Mary is an expert in the field of digital activism and travels the world training, speaking, and consulting on the topic. In 2007 she founded, an all-volunteer organization dedicated to helping grassroots activists around the world use digital technology to increase their impact, and in 2008 she was New Media Operations Manager for Barack Obama's national presidential campaign. She is also the editor of Digital Activism Decoded, the first book explicitly devoted to the topic of digital activism, to be published in the spring of 2010.

1 Views · 10 months ago

According to the 2018 World Youth Report, 1.2 billion people are aged between 15-24 years and it is predicted that this number will grow by 7% by 2030. Youth are hardly ‘the future’: they are ‘the now’. Meanwhile, their ideas are rarely taken into account in the current responses to health crises.

The Global Surgery Foundation, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with Slalom and the University of Cape Town and with the support of the Rali & Makentse Mampeule Foundation developed a Pandemic Self-Diagnostic Application & Predictive Modeling Dashboard. The developers are partnering with 1M2030 to engage the next generation to increase the impact of this tool.

Join us in a conversation with influential youth to discuss how the tech-savvy next generation can drive health initiatives forward - in South Africa and beyond.

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