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0 Views · 7 months ago

(14 Jun 2000) English/Nat

Eritrea's Foreign Minister said on Tuesday that the draft peace agreement between his government and Ethiopia will eventually be implemented.

But renewed fighting on Tuesday highlighted the fragile nature of the agreement.

Ethiopia said it had retaken towns on the volatile western front between the two countries.

The Eritrean Foreign Minister Haile Woldenpensae, said on Tuesday that he was hopeful that Ethiopia would agree in principal to a peace plan to end fighting in the Horn of Africa war.

But he fears that they may stall implementation of the plan.

Speaking in the Eritrean capital Asmara on Tuesday, Woldenpensae said that the framework for peace was in place.

The Organization of African Unity has given Ethiopia until this weekend to accept or reject the peace plan, which
Eritrea accepted May 9.

The proposal calls for a ceasefire, outside demarcation of the disputed border and U-N peacekeepers to monitor it.

His government, he said, had accepted the plan put forward during talks in Algiers.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We challenged the Ethiopians by accepting that they can stay their troops where they are until the peace keeping mission is deployed and we accepted the mediators' request for a separation zone of twenty five kilometres. So that was what the OAU tabled as a proposal for a cessation of hostilities agreement. And it was on Friday that the OAU gave a time frame of twenty four hours so by Saturday the Ethiopians were supposed to respond, either positively or negatively. We on Friday automatically accepted the proposal."
SUPER CAPTION: Haile Woldenpensae, Eritrean Foreign Minister

He said that the Ethiopians had asked for a week-long period of consultation for the plan rather than the twenty-four hours first set out.

But despite the delay he seemed hopeful that Ethiopia would finally accept the plan.

SOUNDBITE: (English)
"Most probably it will be very difficult for the Ethiopians to reject this proposal but as you have said they could create all kinds of excuses to not commit themselves but at the same time stall the negotiations."
SUPER CAPTION: Haile Woldenpensae, Eritrean Foreign Minister

He said he would only be certain of Ethiopian agreement to the plan when the official documents had been signed.

Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin said on Wednesday he expected a 'positive' response to the O-A-U plan within the next few days.

Despite these hopeful signs Ethiopia said on Wednesday its army had retaken a key western Eritrean town.

Ethiopian forces stormed Eritrean positions near Teseney late Tuesday and seized the town hours later after
inflicting 'heavy human and material losses,' spokeswoman Selome Tadesse said.

The Ethiopian offensive was spurred by Eritrean 'provocations', Selome said.

Ethiopia's claims could not be independently verified and Eritrean officials were not immediately available for comment.

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About 585,000 registered voters will be called to choose 59 members of the lower house of parliament, which plays only an advisory role to the monarch - on Friday

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The EFF Swaziland has called on the high commission of Eswatini to ensure that their demands are met. They picketed outside the diplomatic mission in Pretoria as part of pushing for democratic reforms in the kingdom. The pro-democracy activists have called on the SADC Bloc to prioritise their concerns.

SABC reporter Khayelihle Khumalo updates.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Economic Freedom Fighters President Julius Malema says parliamentary elections that took place yesterday in the Kingdom of Eswatini were a derision of democracy.

The party previously called for the country's monarchy to implement democratic reforms.

Political parties were banned from participating in the elections, with only individual candidates allowed to run for seats in the House of the Assembly. Malema says they want a democratic Eswatini.

He spoke to the SABC on the sidelines of an event to celebrate his party's victory in the ward by-elections in Wolmaranstad, North West.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Africa's last absolute monarchy celebrated Wednesday 55 years of independence from Britain. King Mswati III of Eswatini paraded to cheering crowds gathered at the Somhlolo National Stadium in Lobamba.

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SADC organ on politics defence and security convened a one-day meeting in Namibia today. The summit discussed amongst other issues the political and security challenges in Eswatini.
Last week Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko was assassinated at his house. There are unconfirmed reports that the SADF soldiers have been hired as mercenaries by King Mswati III. Eswatini has experienced violent protests since activists and Human Rights lawyers have called for political reforms in that country.
For more on this, we are joined by Mlungisi Makhanya, PUDEMO president.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

At least 21 people have been allegedly killed by Eswatini's security forces during pro-democracy protests, the Swaziland Youth Congress (Swayoco) said on Wednesday. Mduduzi Gawzela Simelane shares more.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Civil society groups in the Kingdom of Eswatini are calling for more protests this week, to push for political reforms on King Mswati III's 30 year-long absolute monarchy.

The country which remains under curfew has recently been rocked by a series of protests that turned violent. Dozens of people were killed and millions of dollars' worth of property damaged.

The BBC has been speaking to people across the country who told stories of excessive violence by security forces. Shingai Nyoka reports from Johannesburg.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Africa's last absolute monarchy is facing criticism over its human rights record.

Earlier this year, a prominent lawyer was killed in Eswatini - some say by the government.

On Friday, people voted in a parliamentary election - but MPs only have an advisory role.

Al Jazeera’s Fahmida Miller reports from the capital, Mbabane.

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#Eswatini #EswatiniMonarchy #HumanRights

0 Views · 7 months ago

Unrest in Eswatini has left dozens of people dead or wounded in the past few months.
Protesters are demanding democracy in Africa's last absolute monarchy. But it is affecting the economy, with more than $68m in losses.
Al Jazeera's Natasha Ghoneim reports from Mbabane, Eswatini.

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#AlJazeeraEnglish #Eswatini #Poverty

0 Views · 7 months ago

Hundreds of thousands of voters had been expected at polling stations across Eswatini, but some pro-democracy activists are staying away.
The elections follow protests in 2021 and 2022, calling for democratic reform and the government says that the elections are an opportunity for peoples' voices to be heard.

Al Jazeera's Fahmida Miller reports from the capital, Mbabane.

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#Eswatini #EswatiniElections #EswatiniParliamentaryElections

0 Views · 7 months ago

The funeral of slain pro-democracy activist Thulani Maseko in the southern African nation of Eswatini - one of the world’s few remaining absolute monarchies - was held on Sunday (Jan.29) at his home in Bhunya, Kaluhleko, in the Manzini region.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Voters are called to choose 59 members of the lower house of parliament, which plays only an advisory role to the monarch, King Mswati III, who wields absolute power.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Eswatini is Africa's last absolute monarchy, but the pro-democracy protestors who've been taking to the streets there want King Mswati III to change that, and soon.
Protesters have clashed with police for days, demanding democratic reforms in the kingdom formerly known as Swaziland. Eswatini is a small mountainous state between South Africa and Mozambique.
Though the government and the opposition give differing figures, they both agree that dozens died at the hands of security forces in the ensuing crackdown.
The turmoil prompted the government to impose tight restrictions on the population, partly justified on the grounds of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. But the measures, including school closures and a curfew, only seemed to heighten tensions.
Shops and businesses set on fire, chaos on the streets, roads blocked, and stores looted. These were the scenes as anger boiled over among protestors calling for democracy in Eswatini.
King Mswati III has ruled Eswatini for more than three decades as an absolute monarchy - appointing the prime minister and retaining ultimate power. The king is known for his lavish lifestyle and 15 wives. He's also been accused of repressing any opposition. But there's growing demand for change.
Many of the businesses targeted in the latest wave of protests have links to the royal family. Eswatini's government imposed a curfew - and called for calm.
Security forces were sent in to deal with the unrest, and opposition groups say several dozen protestors were killed.
The UN has called the crackdown deeply concerning. Amid a tense calm, there are fears there could be more bloodshed to come.


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#Eswatini #Swaziland #KingMswati

0 Views · 7 months ago

This year marks 55 years since Eswatini gained independence on the 6th of September 1968. But are Swazis free?

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0 Views · 7 months ago

The people of eSwatini go to the polls today to elect a new parliament.
Political parties are banned from the election in the former Swaziland, which is ruled by one of the world' s last absolute monarchs, King Mswati the third.
Without warning or consultation, he changed the country's name from Swaziland to eSwatini earlier this year.
Winners from the 59 constituency ballots will take their seats in parliament, along with 10 lawmakers that the king appoints directly.
He also appoints the prime minister and cabinet, and is constitutionally above the law.
To gauge the mood of the people, we cross now to Siphephile Kunene in Mbabane.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

The two members of Parliament arrested in Eswatini, say they want free and fair elections by 2023. Bacede Mabuza and Mthandenbi Dube were arrested on Sunday. They are facing charges of terrorism and contravention of the COVID-19 regulations. They are two of the three MPs who have been calling for democratic reform in that country. Eswatini is the only absolute monarchy in Africa.

For more news, visit and also #SABCNews #Coronavirus #COVID19News on Social Media.

0 Views · 7 months ago

So SADC is scrambling to deal with the crisis unfolding in eSwatini. Do the critics of the king feel that they will have a voice in the region?

To discuss this, we're joined by a member of parliament from the Siphofaneni party in eSwatini, Mduduzi Simelane.

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0 Views · 7 months ago

Pro-democracy groupings in the kingdom of Eswatini have boycotted the national dialogue called by King Mswati the third. The national dialogue - Sibaya - was called following weeks of civil unrest in the kingdom. Instead, the groups organised a march in Manzini. They are demanding political reforms among others. Security forces swiftly dispersed the protesters.

For more news, visit and also #SABCNews #Coronavirus #COVID19News on Social Media.

0 Views · 7 months ago

The southern African Kingdom of Eswatini has been gripped by pro-democracy demonstrations in recent months.
But the government of the former Swaziland - the continent's last absolute monarchy - says there can be no dialogue until the unrest stops.
Al Jazeera's Natasha Ghoneim has more from the capital, Mbabane.

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