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0 Views · 9 months ago

Location: Hearing will be held virtually via Cisco WebEx

Subcommittee: Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights


Aloysius Ordu, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow and Director
Brookings Institution

Ms. Aude Darnal
Associate Director
Atlantic Council

Mr. Dickson Omondi
Regional Director
National Democratic Institute

Mr. Mvemba Dizolele
Senior Advisor
International Republican Institute

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is responsible for oversight and legislation relating to:

- Foreign assistance - including development assistance, Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Millennium Challenge Account, HIV/AIDS in foreign countries, security assistance, and Public Law 480 programs abroad

- National security developments affecting foreign policy

- Strategic planning and agreements

- War powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces

- Peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions

- Arms control and disarmament issues

- The International Development Finance Corporation, the United States Agency for International Development

- Activities and policies of the State, Commerce, and Defense Departments and other agencies related to the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign assistance Act, including export and licensing policy for munitions items and technology and dual-use equipment and technology

- International law

- Promotion of democracy

- International law enforcement issues, including narcotics control programs and activities

- International cyber issues

- U.S. Agency for Global Media

- Embassy security; international broadcasting

- Public diplomacy, including international communication and information policy, and international education and exchange programs; and all other matters not specifically assigned to a subcommittee.

- The Export Administration Act, including the export and licensing of dual-use equipment and technology and other matters related to international economic policy and trade not otherwise assigned to a subcommittee, and with respect to the United Nations, its affiliated agencies, and other international organizations, including assessed and voluntary contributions to such organizations.

0 Views · 9 months ago

A PATS webinar, sponsored by GSK, held on 28 May 2020. Panelists: Dr. Joseph Aluoch; Prof. Gregory Erhabor; Dr. Tola Bayissa; Dr. Christine Karanja Chege

0 Views · 9 months ago

In a world of shifting global power relations and growing anti-multilateralism, the EU is increasingly challenged to innovate its international role and define its added value. In the past years, the EU has produced ambitious policies and strategies relating to Africa, and an increasing number of EU member states are also taking initiatives to boost investment and development. What seems to be lacking at this stage is a more long-term and integrated vision on the partnership between Europe and Africa.

Beyond the immediate concerns, there is a need to better anticipate the long-term effects of the demographic development in Africa, the environmental and climate change impacts and the governance challenges. Furthermore, there is a worrying reverse trend of shrinking space for civil society and youth and increasing restrictive policies. Similar trends are also visible in other parts of the world, including in some European countries.

What could the role of the EU be in a rapidly changing global order with increasing trends towards anti-multilateralism? How to build a stronger political Europe-Africa partnership beyond the North-South aid relationship of the past? How to stimulate more inclusive policies that can tackle the growing inequalities and frustrations of the younger generations?

Keynote speaker:
Geert Laporte, Deputy Director of the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) in Brussels

Robert Backlund, Special Advisor at the Africa Department, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Malin Brenk, Regional Manager for Africa at Kvinna till Kvinna

Lennart Wohlgemuth, Board Member of the Swedish Development Forum (FUF)

The seminar is held in English.

0 Views · 9 months ago

This is the 5th webinar of “Farming meets solar power in Africa: food and energy security for sustainable African communities towards post COVID-19 society."

(1) Presentation
"Agrivoltaics for arid climatic zones: Technology transfer and lessons learned from Japan and Germany"
by Max Trommsdorff, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), Germany

(2) Discussion
• Concrete examples, a way to reduce water consumption, appropriate crops, and yield.
• Constraints on technical transfer to West Africa

See full description at
For more information, visit the following URLs:
• June 2020 webinar:
• December 2021webinar:
• March 2021 webinar:
• April 2021 webinar:

*You can download presentation materials in English and French (for some webinars) from these sites as well.

0 Views · 9 months ago

A New Era of China-Africa Cooperation documentary; FOCAC2018

1 Views · 9 months ago

About this event:

Marie-Laurence Flahaux presents her paper ‘The influence of migration policies in Europe on return migration to Senegal' in Session 2 of the Determinants of International Migration – DEMIG Conference, held at the University of Oxford from 23–25 September 2014.

Download the presentation (PDF) for this presentation:

Over the past decade, return migration has generated increasing policy and public attention. It is often believed that African migrants travel to destination countries and generally do not return home. Policy makers in European countries have adopted policies designed to encourage or force African migrants to return. European countries have also designed policies intended to control access and stay of migrants in their territory. These policies have become increasingly restrictive over time towards most categories of African migrants, and they are sometimes invoked to explain the reluctance of migrants to return, since they prevent circulation.
Due to the lack of data however, the influence of the different migration policies on return migration remains poorly understood. This paper aims to fill this gap by analysing transnational and biographical data of the Migration between Africa and Europe (MAFE) surveys as well as data of the DEMIG POLICY and DEMIG VISA databases[1], which cover major changes in migration policies across a large range of destination countries. I implement event history logistic regressions to study the effect of migration policies on the return of Senegalese who migrated to France, Italy and Spain between 1960 and 2008. The results reveal that the policies aiming at controlling the stay and encouraging or forcing the return of migrants do not significantly affect return, but that Senegalese migrants are less likely to return when the entry restrictions have become important. This suggests that barriers intended to reduce the flow of African migrants actually prevent those who are already in Europe from returning. The results show that the preoccupation of migrants is not only the return, but also the possibility of a new migration after the return.

0 Views · 9 months ago

For more information visit:

0 Views · 9 months ago

Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights
Chair Karen Bass

Mr. Robert Jenkins
Assistant to the Administrator
Bureau of Conflict Prevention and Stabilization
U.S. Agency for International Development

Ms. Alicia Phillips Mandaville
Vice President for Policy and Evaluation
Millennium Challenge Corporation

Mr. Andrew Herscowitz
Chief Development Officer
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Mr. Travis Adkins
President and CEO
U.S. African Development Foundation

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is responsible for oversight and legislation relating to:

- Foreign Assistance - including development assistance, Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Millennium Challenge Account, HIV/AIDS in foreign countries, security assistance, and Public Law 480 programs abroad

- National security developments affecting foreign policy

- Strategic planning and agreements

- War powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces

- Peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions

- Arms control and disarmament issues

- The International Development Finance Corporation, the United States Agency for International Development

- Activities and policies of the State, Commerce, and Defense Departments and other agencies related to the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign assistance Act, including export and licensing policy for munitions items and technology and dual-use equipment and technology

- International law

- Promotion of democracy

- International law enforcement issues, including narcotics control programs and activities

- International cyber issues

- U.S. Agency for Global Media

- Embassy security; international broadcasting

- Public diplomacy, including international communication and information policy, and international education and exchange programs; and all other matters not specifically assigned to a subcommittee.

- The Export Administration Act, including the export and licensing of dual-use equipment and technology and other matters related to international economic policy and trade not otherwise assigned to a subcommittee, and with respect to the United Nations, its affiliated agencies, and other international organizations, including assessed and voluntary contributions to such organizations.

0 Views · 9 months ago

7 May, 2020

Africa during the pandemic

David Rasquinha, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Export-Import Bank of India
Amb. Mahesh Sachdev, President, Eco-Diplomacy & Strategies, Delhi and Former High Commissioner to Algeria & Nigeria
Pramit Pal Chaudhuri, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, Ananta Aspen Centre, India

Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, Senior Assistant Editor, The Economic Times, Delhi

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Juneteenth Celebration was held in Railroad Square in Keene, NH on June 19, 2021.

0 Views · 9 months ago


Organised by African Network of Data Protection Authorities (RAPDP)

Chair: Lahoussine Aniss, DPA of Marocco (MA)
Moderator: Patricia Adusei-Poku, DPC of Ghana (GH)
Speakers: Omar Seghrouchni, CNDP of Morocco (MA); Sophie Kwasny, Council of Europe (INT); Boris Wojtan, GSM Association (UK); Estelle Massé, Access Now (BE)

Many African countries have enacted or are in the process of enacting privacy and data protection laws, in addiction to pan African privacy regulations.
The aim of this panel is to examine the reasons behind these developments, how African privacy laws are really enforced and how they are perceived by different privacy stakeholders: do privacy laws in Africa come in response to a real need from African citizens, or it is only a trend and an imitation to countries in other parts of the world, without adaptation to local contexts.

• Are privacy and data protection a priority to African citizens? / Enacting privacy laws in Africa: a real need or a simple following of a global trend?
• What challenges must be addressed to ensure real and adequate privacy protection in Africa?
• What do we expect form privacy stakeholders in Africa (governments, regulators, the private sector, NGOs, the media)?
• What future for privacy and data protection in Africa?

0 Views · 9 months ago

Documentary produced by Global Television about Equatorial Guinea’s recent economic and social growth and the development achieved thanks to the plan Horizon 2020, which allows the country to become the gateway to Africa. / Documental producido por Global Television sobre crecimiento económico y social de Guinea Ecuatorial durante los últimos años y los avances alcanzados con el plan de desarrollo Horizonte 2020, que permitirá al país convertirse en la puerta de entrada a África.

0 Views · 9 months ago

For more African News, Lists, Entertainment and Pop Culture Visit

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0 Views · 9 months ago

AAU Talks host, Kwesi Acquah Sam discusses the topic 'Paradigm Shift in Post-Secondary Education Delivery in Africa' with the new Vice Chancellor of International Open University, Dr. Cherno Omar Barry.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Digitisation is key to the global banking agenda to bridge the gap between traditional banking and the demands of the digital generation of consumers. On this episode we look specifically at how Standard Chartered Bank is prioritising digital services and products to help transition clients to digital banking during and post-COVID-19. Kariuki Ngari, CEO of Standard Chartered Kenya and East Africa, as well as Acting Head of Retail Banking Africa and Middle East speaks to CNBC Africa's Godfrey Mutizwa.

0 Views · 9 months ago

Ignacio Packer, the Secretary General of the Terres Des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF), a network that works to promote the rights of children and their equitable development, spoke next about patterns of migration across Europe and how they relate to human security, especially children. “Which of you is not a migrant?” asked Packer, explaining that migrant rights is a human rights issue. Globally, 60 million people were displaced in 2015, and 1 in 2 was a child. Migration is not a security problem, explained Packer. Instead, the problem is the exclusion of people from accessible migration. TDHIF works to renew public understanding about migration and advocate for a safe and dignified international migration system. “We have choices to make as a society,” explained Packer. “We are at a tipping point. We can build bridges, or we can build fences, prisons and walls.”

Ignacio Packer is the Secretary General of the Terres Des Hommes International Federation (TDHIF). TDHIF is a network of ten organizations working to promote the rights of children and their equitable development, regardless of racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination. The federation implements aid projects to improve quality of life for disadvantaged children, their families and their communities. Packer is responsible for facilitating collaboration between the ten organizations that comprise TDHIF, ensuring cohesive corporate culture and effectiveness of the federation’s activities at a global level. Packer’s work helps children to realize their full potential in an ever-changing and insecure world.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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