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0 Views · 9 months ago

Walking into Coco Ocean Resort & Spa, whether you are a guest or attending an event, the first thing that strikes you as you get past the tall Moroccan-styled gate is the flora, the greenery, the trees, birds, and monkeys, and you wonder if you’re in a forest park. The neatly clad staff, greeting you as you walk past, tells you that you are in a place that understands hospitality. And this is one of the main reasons why Coco Ocean remains a top choice for event and wedding organizers, business people, state advisers, couples, and families looking for royal service.

If you are looking to host or attend a mega concert with 3,000 other guests or a private party with 10 to 50 guests, there is only one venue in The Gambia that can make every sized event feel exclusive. The scale of luxury, with the ability to not just bring those many guests in, but to make each one of them feel like a private guest – The Coco Ocean wins hands down as easily being the best venue of all venues.

Click here to know more

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0 Views · 9 months ago

In this episode I am crossing the Saloum Delta in Senegal, on my way to The Gambia. Another border crossing yes! The border crossing is fine - but the chaos truly begins when I board the ferry to cross the river Gambia! There are many, many, police and army checkpoints in The Gambia and they all ask me tonnes of questions. They don't get to see women on motorcycles here often..

Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out:

Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!

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Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM

#itchyboots #adventure #crf300rally

0 Views · 9 months ago

This podcast is a comprehensive overview of Gambia, a small country located in West Africa. It covers a wide range of topics including the country's geography, population, culture, economy, and current events. Listeners will learn about Gambia's rich cultural heritage, including traditional customs, art, music and cuisine. They will also gain an understanding of the country's economy, including major industries, GDP, and economic challenges. The podcast also covers the current political situation in Gambia, including the government structure, major political parties, and any ongoing political controversies or issues. Additionally, the podcast explores the current state of infrastructure development, tourism and social developments such as education, health, and human rights. This podcast is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about Gambia and its people.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

Ecoturismo di qualità: è questa la sfida vinta dal Gambia, un piccolo gioiello naturalistico...

Euronews, il canale all news più seguito in Europa.
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Ecoturismo di qualità: è questa la sfida vinta dal Gambia, un piccolo gioiello naturalistico dell'Africa occidentale. L'intero continente africano è famoso per la fauna e la flora, ma in Gambia basta alzare gli occhi, guardare gli alberi, per rendersi conto che il Paese è una gigantesca voliera a cielo aperto. Oltre 500 specie di uccelli, anche molto rare, sono state repertoriate. Questo Stato quasi si perde, tanto è minuscolo, nella cartina dell'Africa. Una striscia di territorio inclusa nel Senegal dove l'osservazione di 500 specie di uccelli, anche rari, non è riservata ai soli ornitologi. Un luogo unico per avvistare innumerevoli e splendide varietà di volatili.

Il nostro viaggio inizia nel Parco Nazionale chiamato "Riserva di Tanji." Qui l'ornitologo Solomon Jallow ci spiega quanto è facile avvistare uccelli delle specie più diverse: "Gli uccelli qui sono socievoli, ci si può avvicinare tanto vicino quasi fino a toccarli. Sulla lista di quelli visti in questa regione del mondo ci sono specie dai mille colori, alcune sono molto importanti. In alcuni periodi dell'anno è possibile vedere insieme tantissime specie tra quelle presenti in tutta l'Africa."

Ci addentriamo, poi, nella foresta Makasutu, che significa "sacra" nel dialetto locale, ai bordi del fiume Gambia. Qui sorge uno dei migliori siti ecologici al mondo, secondo il "Sunday Times". Si tratta di un eco-resort esclusivo alimentato a energia solare e voluto dai britannici James English e Lawrence Williams. La popolazione locale è stata coinvolta in attività turistiche, come guide, ad esempio, per accompagnare i visitatori lungo gli itinerari naturalistici."Tutto il personale impiegato qui proviene dai villaggi circostanti. Il nostro impegno " - spiega Lawrence Williams - "è quello di preservare l'ambiente e non solo quello a noi circostante. Proteggiamo la foresta, con le sue mangrovie, nel suo insieme."

L'ultima tappa è sull'isola Baboon dove negli ultimi decenni è stato avviato un importante progetto di salvaguardia degli scimpanzé, una specie in estinzione in tutta l'Africa. Anche questa iniziativa coinvolge le persone del posto, impegnate in prima linea nella protezione dell'ecosistema. L'accesso sull'isola, che è un'area protetta, non è permesso: è possibile ammirare gli scimpanzé esclusivamente dalla barca.


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0 Views · 9 months ago

The Gambia, officially the Republic of the Gambia, and often called Gambia, is a country in West Africa mostly surrounded by Senegal with a short strip of its coastline bordered with the Atlantic Ocean at its western end.

It is the smallest country on mainland Africa and situated on either side of the Gambia River, the nation's namesake, which flows through the center of the Gambia and empties into the Atlantic Ocean.

Its capital is Banjul and the largest cities are Serekunda and Brikama.

Ever Elevating is found at

DISCLAIMER: Utilizing the Creative Commons under in the Travel & Events category, this original programming or intellectual property belongs to the source video of the attribution party, Michiel Besseling, and the weblink to the video can be found at and

In the Education category, this original programming or intellectual property belongs to the source video of the attribution party, tangogambia, and the weblink to the video can be found at and

In the Travel & Events category, this original programming or intellectual property belongs to the source video of the attribution party, Alexander Nechanitzky, and the weblink to the video can be found at and

The remaining footage comes from the following Youtube videos: and

2 Views · 9 months ago

Each Wednesday, Tamala invites you to African BBQ Night, an authentic experience directly on the beach where the combination of food, music and dance will take you to another dimension. The warm lighting from the bonfire and the fantastic skills of ethnic performances and wrestlers will not leave you senseless. Add to it Gambian, International, Lebanese or Indian BBQ prepared by the best chefs and make your dinner one to remember.

Every Wednesday, from 7 pm
D1.500pp, Adults only, 16+
Drinks are not included

Do you want to know more about The Gambia, its people, places, culture, food and much more?
If yes, subscribe to our online monthly magazine created in The Gambia for all travellers looking to make the holiday more exciting and meaningful. It will help you to explore and make a list of where to stay, what to do & see and where to eat from your living room.

How much does it cost? Absolutely NOTHING.
Subscribe now.
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0 Views · 9 months ago

Hey extended family!

African Diaries loves business ideas.
In this video, we are talking about 5 profitable business ideas in you can start in The Gambia.
I also go into detail about these different ideas and give concrete examples of what the business ideas could be.

As always, I hope you learn a thing or two from the video. Feel free to comment down below if you've got any other ideas that you think I should have mentioned.

It's all about employing local Gambians, supporting them and their families and keep the economy circulating in the country!

- Hope we get to travel to our motherland very soon!! -



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I am a 26 year old young woman who was born in Sweden, but has a heart and roots in The Gambia - hoping to return where my heart belongs.
I am a nurse and a mother of a 2 year old!

💡 Intergrated Service Solutions
- Phone number: 002203691737
- Instagram: @Issgambia
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▶️ 00:00 Intro
▶️ 01:08 Transportation
▶️ 03:35 FARMING
▶️. 08:25 CLOTHING

► Credit:
- Taxi picture:,

- Minibus picture:

0 Views · 9 months ago

It was such a pleasurable experience seeing how the Africans welcome a new baby into the world. I didn't get to show all parts of the event, because I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest without recording the entire time. I hope that you enjoy the video.

Thank you for watching!! Remember to subscribe, so that you don't miss the next one🥰.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

In this edition of Focus euronews' Francois Chignac reports on ecotourism in The Gambia.

"The African continent is known for its wildlife and flora. But in The Gambia you have to look up to the sky. Watch the trees and you will see the country is one giant open-air aviary. Here there are more than 500 species of birds, some of them very rare," explained Francois who visited Tanji Bird Reserve in The Gambia's National Park.

"Behind the reserve you have the Atlantic Ocean where birds come from d…

euronews discover is a window into the diversity of life around the globe, bringing you reports about nature, animals, travel and amazing events - every video is a destination.

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0 Views · 9 months ago

hey y’all! thank you for tuning into another video of mine! Here are all my redcommended travel essentials when travelling to The Gambia!

If you enjoyed, please be sure to give this video a like & leave a comment! if you’re not subscribed to my channel yet, please be sure to do so! I’m really trying to reach 60k soon & I think you should definitely be apart of this beautiful growing family! 🥺🤍

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Music by frumhere, kevatta - warm feeling -

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Gambia was recently awarded the 2019 tourism destination of the year award, the award which is organisedby is a yearly event held in Germany

0 Views · 9 months ago

If you are looking for an outstanding experience, you want to do something meaningful with your time on your holiday, really enjoy, relax and at the same time give back to community then you need look no further.
The Gambia has unique qualities over many other destinations in the world. In addition to its accessibility – it is only a couple of hours away from the main European airports, the tiny, beautiful country offers much more than just paradise beaches and luxury hotels! Breath-taking nature, varied landscapes, diverse animal life, the mighty River Gambia with its river trips, vibrant markets, flourishing festivals, arts & crafts, colourful villages, delicious food, over 560 bird species, extensive variety of fish species and fishing activities, eco & bush lodges, rich history, a fascinating mix of cultures, cycling trips and much more.

It is also important to know that Gambia is a very stable, peaceful and affordable country of very friendly people. And it is destination where you get more for your travel money!

It is suitable for all ages and every type of vacation, whether it is a summer vacation for the entire family, an adventurous and active trip for students and young people, long winter holidays for retirees, a romantic getaway for honeymooners or an educational group volunteering experience.

Visitors arriving to the Gambia are of extreme importance to the country since they play an integral part in international trade and exchange rate. These two factors are among means to overcome poverty.

MyGambia number one goal is to present all kind of available tourist activities and providers, especially those creating an improved life standard for the people of The Gambia.

There is a wide choice of hotels in The Gambia. But if you want to experience the country through the eyes of locals and have a direct impact on family-owned businesses and communities, you can choose among a wide choice of small guesthouses, self-catering apartments and lodges. You can choose among a wide choice of local guides, restaurants, shops, craft markets, fruit and vegetable sellers, etc. Your presence alone will make a very positive impact on the lives of the local people. It is not all about giving. It is about making a change while having an amazing experience, learn about daily life, know more about the culture, taste a traditional food, attend ceremonies, enjoy nature and wildlife, meet local people, experience local transport and listen drums or kora playing.

Your visit will have an indirect influence on daily earnings of a taxi driver, baker, fruit saleswoman, owner of a juice stall at the beach, staff on the local boats, salesmen at the craft market, staff at the place of your accommodation, etc. Even if you prefer to stay in a hotel, you can still support local activities and have a significant impact on jobs of locals by paying entrance fees to different places, visiting a traditional concert or a local, cultural festival, eating in a local restaurant, staying in remote lodges for a couple of days, traveling to the places where most of travel agencies will never take you and more. Without even realizing, you can have a very positive effect on many people, families and communities.

While experiencing the country beyond the tourist strip, you will see another side of the country. When traveling to explore the interior of The Gambia, you will find yourself deep in classic West African landscapes scattered with traditional villages and crisscrossed by red-earth roads, rich in eco-tourism opportunities, wilderness, wildlife and birdwatching. In addition, you will experience West African music and rural culture as there are always vibrant festivals, events full of traditional drumming, energetic dancing as well as customary wrestling matches, going on.

So, if you are thinking about a short or long holiday, want to visit a new destination, meet people, know their culture and traditions, experience something new and give back on your journey then Gambia is the best choice!

Check our directory and book your holiday now

Music: Gambia, Djeli Moussa Conde, Womama

0 Views · 9 months ago

Cheapest Hotels To Stay In Gambia -
Cheap Airline Tickets -
Here are top 15 things to do in Gambia
All photos belong to their rightful owners. Credit next to name.
1. Brufut Beach -
2. Bijilo Forest Park -
3. Sanyang Village and Beach -
4. Abuko Nature Reserve -
5. The Albert Market -
6. Banjul -
7. Janjangbureh -
8. Old Town -
9. National Museum of Gambia -
10. The Kachikally Crocodile Pool -
11. Wassu Stone Circles -
12. The Gambia River -
13. Makasutu Culture Forest -
14. Tanji -
15. Serrekunda -

For business inquiries contact us at:

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0 Views · 9 months ago

The Gambia.. the smiling coast of West Africa!! What a beautiful country with very friendly people. We had a ball in The Gambia! And we're definitely returning. Initially EVERYONE was in shock after entering Terminal 2, it was being renovated but there weren’t any under construction signs displayed, and it looked like a war zone! One by one as we entered the terminal our jaws dropped as we were all stunned by its appearance & condition, myself included! But we quickly found out what was going on. As I mentioned before, we are returning, there was just too much to see and do for us not too, plus its a very relaxing place to spend a few weeks (possibly relocate). We tried to experience ALL of The Gambia: Fathala Wildlife Reserve, The Monkey Park, Makasutu at Coral Beach and The Kairaba Beach Hotel, and a visit to every adult beverage dispenser in the area including The Calypso Bar & Restaurant 😁. Enjoyyyyyyy 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

"(FULL TOUR) Labranda Coral Beach Resort ..." -

"Monkey Park" Bijilo Ecotourism Forest Park and Nature Trails -

Our Visit to Kachikally Crocodile Pool & Calypso Bar -

(FULL TOUR) Kairaba Beach Hotel / Kololi Beach, The Gambia -

Our Welcome to The Gambia -

Our Visit to Makasutu Culture Forest/The Gambia -

Traveling to Fathala Wildlife Reserve/Senegal -

The Lion Walk at Fathala Wildlife Reserve/Senegal -


We are a Germerican couple sharing diving excursions, vacation tips, travel reviews, and event highlights.

TRAVEL & DIVING is our focus!🐙

0 Views · 9 months ago

By far, this was the most informative tour/adventure that we received in The Gambia! If you are truly into learning about Gambian culture and ecology take this tour. At 3+ hours the half day portion of this tour is quite sufficient, just eat before you arrive. Be ready for nature: wear closed-toe shoes (I made it with rubber sandals) insect repellent and bring sunscreen. Along with the plethora of information from our guides we saw an amazing amount of wildlife, animals & plants. Also don’t forget to bring a bottle or two of water with you, you’ll need it.

We are a Germerican couple sharing diving excursions, vacation tips, travel reviews, and event highlights.

TRAVEL & DIVING is our focus!🐙

0 Views · 9 months ago

Motorcycle road trip Europe - Morocco - Western Sahara - Mauritania - Senegal (incl. Dakar) - The Gambia.

In June 2023 I left the Netherlands to ride my BMW G650GS into Africa. I completed the ride to The Gambia, The Smiling Coast of Africa. I will continue the tour to Ghana in December 2023, eventually leading to Cape Town.

00:00 Intro
00:11 Morocco
08:15 Western Sahara
10:39 Mauritania
16:21 Senegal
19:47 The Gambia

Here where to find me:

0 Views · 9 months ago

The Gambia, it's the African mainland's smallest country and has a border unlike any other. It's long and skinny - just 30 miles across at its widest points - and nearly splits another country (Senegal) in half. The Gambia, in fact, is surrounded by Senegal on three sides. The only bit of the country that doesn’t border Senegal is the very short Gambian coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. Somewhat frustratingly for Dakar, this geographical arrangement has isolated a part of southern Senegal, known as the Casamance region, and given rise to separatism.

All this begs an obvious question: Why does The Gambia exist in the first place?

That's exactly what we'll be exploring: from Portuguese influence to British and French colonialism, independence, and the short-lived Senegambia Confederation.

#history #africa #thegambia #senegal #geography #ghostcountries


00:00 Intro + Why does The Gambia exist?
00:52 It's all in THE name
01:51 Possible origins of THE name
03:01 Triangular Trade + British and French Colonialism
04:23 Gambia Colony and Protectorate and Establishing Bathurst
05:14 Proposed Cession of Gambia to France
06:52 Were cannonballs used to shape Gambia's border?
08:10 Independence, 1981 Gambian Coup, and the Senegambia Confederation
09:59 Casamance Conflict

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🎥 Mussolini, Gaddafi, and the Forgotten History of Africa's Sarra Triangle (

🎥 Sagallo: Russia's African Colony (

🎥 The Battle of Sagallo: Downfall of Russia's African Colony (

🎥 Colonial Borders | GHANA and WESTERN TOGOLAND (


🎥 Cabinda & the Ongoing Struggle for Africa's Kuwait (

🎥 Africa's Lost Kingdom: Makuria (

🎥 Rise of the Mamluks and Downfall of Makuria (

Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC by 3.0)

Intro Animation + Character Design: Emily Clearwater (

Background Music:

Arid Foothills - The Dark Contenent by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Big Drumming by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



0 Views · 9 months ago During my recent visit to World Travel Market in London I met with the Gambia tourism board. It was a success, if everything goes well I will be in the Gambia in fall 2013.

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About Me:
My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.

I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.

Gambia Tourism Board at World Travel Market 2012


0 Views · 9 months ago

Driving in AFRICA | Driving to my Destination in Lusaka | Zambia 🇿🇲 #driving #town #zambia #africa

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